What Trump's victory means for the world – The Global Story podcast, BBC World Service
What Trump's victory means for the world – The Global Story podcast, BBC World Service
After his stunning victory in the US presidential election, President-elect Donald Trump returns to the global stage in the context of multiple ongoing conflicts, and economic uncertainty for major players.
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So as international governments adjust to his seismic comeback,…
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BBC may be growing up and dealing with reality.They have lying about Trump since 2016.And also everything else for decades.Left wing woke drivel.
globalization has destroyed earth and people. a lot of waste being produced. people live like zombie, earth become inhabitable
Understanding and empathy not power should govern the minds of the populace
He is so self opinionated, dreadful man
He’s going to launch us into a global depression
We’re all screwed
I live in the least corrupt nation on earth and the nation with least trump sympathizers that should be saying something.
So glad Trump won, we were being censored, pushing the UN 2030 plan, Freedom! Financial security! National Security! My daughter doesn't have to share a bathroom with an intact man. Thank God we have a Constitutional Republic.
The wold is so fortunate to have Donald Trump, they just don't know if yet .
This is a scary man.
American gave middle finger to the Face of Fake News ,Biased ,lied 🤥 BBC
D tump could do food deal with nothern ireland
Trump ushers in an era of global domination
Who does he think he is
Trump is a criminal with no principles, morals or decency. Whoever is willing to pay his price can have anything he wants from Trump. He would sell you the White House with no qualms. Putin and all US enemies are celebrating.
Trumps victory will free the west from this tyranny we've had pushed onto us
BBC is a lair now.
He'll bully other countries who will then turn to BRICS…. And the USA will loose influence over the world.
Saving the president of the United States,.. 🫡
Time to look at China, James, and we know That relations between the two countries, they’re not as bad as they were a couple of years ago.
Қазақша аударма:
Қытайға назар аудару уақыты келді, Джеймс, біз білеміз,
Бұл екі ел арасындағы қарым-қатынас бірнеше жыл бұрынғыдай қатты нашар емес.
• They are still pretty icy though, and they could be set to change in a big way because of Donald Trump’s approach to China, particularly when it comes to what he considers to be the unfair trade relationship.
Қазақша аударма:
• Дегенмен, қарым-қатынастар әлі де салқын күйінде қалып отыр, бірақ бұл жағдай Дональд Трамптың Қытайға қатысты ұстанымының әсерінен айтарлықтай өзгеруі мүмкін, әсіресе ол әділетсіз сауда қатынастары деп санайтын мәселелерге байланысты.
• What do you think that could mean in terms of the US and its relationship with China?
Қазақша аударма:
• Бұл жағдай Америка мен Қытай арасындағы қарым-қатынасқа қалай әсер етуі мүмкін деп ойлайсыз?
• The first point is that there are already trade frictions between China and the United States, and there would have been trade frictions too, that would get deeper if Kamala Harris had been elected.
Қазақша аударма:
• Бірінші маңызды мәселе – Қытай мен АҚШ арасында қазірдің өзінде сауда шиеленістері бар. Егер Камала Харрис сайланған болса, бұл шиеленістер одан әрі ушығып, тереңдей түсер еді.
• So this is a bipartisan thing. So whatever Trump does would be a continuation of existing policy, but with rocket boosters underneath it.
Қазақша аударма:
• Демек, бұл мәселе тек бір партияның ғана емес, жалпы қос партияның да мәселесі. Сондықтан Трамптың әрекеттері бұрынғы саясатты жалғастырады, бірақ оған үлкен серпін беріп, тездетеді.
By that Primarily is his threat to impose 60% tariffs on Chinese goods entering the US market.
Қазақша аударма:
Оның басты жоспары – Қытайдан Америка нарығына келетін тауарларға 60% мөлшерінде баж салығын енгіземін деген қатері.
• If that’s what he does, the potential there is for a trade war and then the potential for a trade war that engulfs the global economy.
Қазақша аударма:
• Егер ол шынымен солай жасайтын болса, бұл сауда соғысына әкеліп соғуы мүмкін, ал одан әрі бұл соғыс бүкіл әлемдік экономиканы шарпуы ықтимал.
• Many countries around the world, if this happens, are going to have to make choices. Do they go with the Chinese or do they go with the Americans on this?
Қазақша аударма:
• Егер бұл жағдай орын алса, әлемдегі көптеген елдер таңдау жасауға мәжбүр болады: олар Қытаймен бірге ме, әлде бұл мәселеде АҚШ-ты қолдай ма?
• Because the Americans will put a huge amount of pressure on all its allies,
Say say, "We're doing this. You've got to do likewise." In many ways, a lot of America's allies sort of had a holiday from this, because of the, you know, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East,
the run-ups of this election,
those pressures are sort of, you know,
the electoral pressure is now gone, and I think it's going to make some tough
Қазақша аударма:
Өйткені америкалықтар барлық одақтастарына үлкен қысым көрсетіп:
«Біз мұны істеп жатырмыз. Сіздер де дәл солай істеулеріңіз керек», – деп мәжбүрлейді.
Көптеген тұрғыдан алғанда, Америка одақтастарының көбісі, білесіздер ғой, Украина мен Таяу Шығыстағы соғыстардың және сайлауалды науқандардың кесірінен бұл қысымнан біраз «демалып» жүргендей болды.
Енді бұл сайлауалды қысым жойылғандықтан, оларды қиын таңдау күтіп тұрған сияқты.
Thanks for honoring free speech.
No matter what Donald decides about the problems in the Middle East … being that he insinuates that he is a Protestant Christian … his desire will be to defend Judaism … because new age Protestant Christians of the "Jews for Jesus movement" believe that the Jews must go back to Israel and convert to Protestant Christianity before Jesus will choose to materialize for the final time on earth before Armageddon … to in turn take the souls of the newly converted Jews and the "real" Christians to Protestant Christian heaven.
Meanwhile … in the Middle East … religion IS the problem … as Jews … Christians … and Muslims … all want to be perceived as being “the chosen few” … that are privileged to live on GOD’S HOLY LAND.
When it pertains to nature … branches of the tree all work together to protect and preserve the tree and the tree's roots … and nature does not designate any land as being holy.
Mythical divisive branches of religion caused and still cause humans to fight against each other … unto death.
Those who say they are spiritual and have souls that they hope go "back" to GOD … never did and still do not believe that their doctrines stem from the same tree.
Each personalized group wants to send out the message that they OWN the one and only tree … that stems from the one and only HOLY GOD … roots and ALL.
Maybe someday we will all become "enlightened" to the realization that religion was imagined into seeming reality by divisive man-created myths … and that myths do not have any roots.
“We are all hallucinating all the time, including right now. It’s just that when we agree about our hallucinations, we call that reality.” Anil Seth … neuroscientist.
Great Britain will be just Britain when Trump is inaugurated. People in Western Europe better show Trump some respect otherwise he will let Putin take all of Western Europe and everyone will have to learn Russian.
Trump can't rule the world much as he wants to assert power and gain recognition but the imprint of his criminal record is universal news. And the Lord never sleeps either.
Trump threatens to impose '100%' tariffs on BRICS countries if they do not abandon dedollarization plan.
But this is tremendously irrational. Those who go for de-dollarization are wanting to free themselves from the clutches of the USA, so saying this reinforces their desire.
Trump plan is a desaster 😂😂😂😂