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  1. Doctor- he is not going to make it
    Mom- "cries"
    Me- "dies"
    Doctor- saves me
    Mom- thank you for saving my daughter
    Me- hi
    Mom- what are you going to do now?
    Me- I am going to follow Gohar
    Mom- huh?

    This is what he is literally saying to do

  2. Fiber blocking sugar intake is almost certainly impossible.
    Sugar combined with carbohydrates from flour sums up to a lot of sugar kinda fast .
    Sugar is healthy , that's what makes the apple and the donut healthy thereby pleasant.
    However they differ in the amount of provided Antioxidants. Substances preventing the apple to spoil are of high value. They protect the consumer the same as they did the apple . Donuts are made of flour which doesn't spoil if stored dry. Besides that donuts contain fat which is rich in Antioxidants and may contain added preservatives.

  3. I think it is because apples and every fruit has natural sugar that is easier to destroy and create energy than the sugar from sweets that have processed sugars that are harder for your metabolism to destroy and create the needed energy and the fiber helps but if you have a metabolism like me you can do everything and won't need to worry about weight because I eat a lot of non healthy stuff and healthy stuff and after a good night sleep I lose a kilo or just chilling I lose about 500 grams of weight or more I weight about 75 kilos and after a half summer of chilling and relaxing i lost 10 kilos of weight