How Hard is it to Beat the Original X-COM on Superhuman?

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How Hard is it to Beat the Original X-COM on Superhuman?

In this video, I recount my playthrough of the original X-COM game (X-COM: UFO defense or UFO: Enemy Unknown) from 1994. Technically this was a playthrough on OpenXcom, not the actual original game, but I’m sure you can understand my decision behind that. While I didn’t enjoy editing this down, I would certainly do it again if this video gains…



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    edit: this will be pinned once youtube lets me (fixed it)

  2. Great video.

    I've seen a video some years ago about someone beating UFO 1 on superhuman, but they checked soldier stats and hidden psi stat in some config file, and restarted until they rolled soldiers with high reaction and high psi.

    My comments are (from the perspective of someone who never played superhuman, I may have tried it can't remember):
    1. Not caring about the soldiers is missing out on some great connections, celebrations and heartbreak.
    2. Always using autofire misses out on some legendary feats of marksmanship to celebrate and have the bards sing about.
    3. No mind control training? Perhaps that's for the best because:

    I remember to this day my legendary soldier/commander/leader by the name of Marcel Marcel. He ended up with completely broken stats (may have been a bug), with a huge amount of action points coupled with eventually unstoppable psi which completely trivialized the end game missions where Marcel Marcel would just mind control everyone from the comfort of the ship. Good times.

    Currently I'm attempting to relieve those times by trying really hard to love the second generation/modern XCOM 2. I'm not there yet.

  3. I’m loving that I’ve been playing this game and have been discounting tools like the motion scanner for not being straight up damage and durability upgrades and it’s made me completely inflexible which is why I keep losing runs

  4. The best thing of this game is the ability to manufacture armour and laser weapons, then sell them on the black market.
    This way you can finance your operation without having to worry about the funding countries.

  5. So interesting, I never used heavy plasma in my soldiers. I love to shoot autofire with all my soldiers, one or two tanks discover the aliens, then the soldiers shoot from too far. one of them always hit the alien, that almost always dies.

  6. this was an incredible game, with good depth and several game aspects, research, base building, ufo interception and tactical missions. very polished for the time.

  7. I had no idea the original X-COM I played throughout the 1990s had a bug that set the game difficulty to Beginner difficulty no matter which difficulty you selected. In my ignorance, I played the game a lot on what I thought was the Superhuman difficulty, and therefore thought I was pretty darn good at the game. Years later, along comes OpenXcom with all its patched goodness and I intentionally played it on Superhuman knowing that I had never actually played at that level before. I figured it would be harder, but I had played a lot, like, I mean, A LOT. Years of playing X-COM in DOS and then DOSBox. That first terror mission told me I had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't even get my soldiers out of the Skyranger without dying.
    I had to develop new strategies from scratch. Smoke Grenades to cover soldiers exiting the Skyranger. Exiting the Skyranger in small groups so a single Alien Grenade can't take out the whole squad. Two-person teams of crappy-accuracy-scout and high-accuracy-sharpshooter. Motion Detectors so I don't waste time clearing empty houses. NEVER GO ON A NIGHT MISSION, EVER. I don't even go on missions until I research and build Laser Rifles because the starting firearms are GARBAGE (this takes about a month).
    By the time I have the Avenger, I run a team of four Plasma Hovertanks and ten soldiers in Power Armor or Flying Armor with Heavy Plasmas. The Hovertanks provide all the scouting/overwatch flying high around the map at Ludicrous Speed while the soldiers take Aimed Shots at anything the Hovertanks see. If I'm breaching a UFO, the Hovertanks literally block the doors so no aliens can suddenly pop out and take shots at my soldiers while they're setting up to breach.
    Base defense means building the base so there's a choke point and a long hallway where soldiers can hide in little rooms (to avoid being nuked by Blaster Bombs) and pop out to shoot at aliens coming down the hall.
    Crysalids, Ethereals, and Sectopods are still terrifying.