What I learned from parents who don't vaccinate their kids | Jennifer Reich | TEDxMileHigh

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What I learned from parents who don't vaccinate their kids | Jennifer Reich | TEDxMileHigh

Why do some parents reject vaccines, despite evidence that they’ve helped generations of children stay healthy? When sociologist Jennifer Reich started interviewing parents about this growing trend, she realized it wasn’t as simple as being ignorant or anti-science. In this fascinating talk, she explains why this movement is the symptom of a…



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  1. You wouldn't know it by reading these comments, but vaccines have saved more lives than any other medical innovation in human history. It's tempting to view vaccination as an individual choice that's no one else's business, but there's something called "heard immunity" that is the only way to make these viruses truly extinct. There are also individuals who can't get vaccinated or don't respond to vaccines (due to immunodeficiency syndromes), so these people count on others to get vaccinated to be protected. Here are some of my thoughts on common anti-vax concerns:

    Pharmaceutical companies and doctors are motivated by profit to push vaccines: Childhood vaccines make up less than 2% of pharmaceutical company profits and doctors do not receive payment for recommending vaccines.

    The US requires more childhood vaccines than any other country: This simply isn't true; the vaccine schedule in the US is very similar to most other countries.

    Vaccines haven't been adequately tested and contain harmful ingredients: All vaccines have been rigorously tested and reviewed for safety and efficacy. Please Google "Vaccine Safety: Examine the Evidence"

    The government hasn't published the true data on the number of children harmed by vaccines: There are rare cases of children being harmed by vaccines, but the number is tiny compared to the number of lives saved. If you think otherwise, you must assume there is a massive cover-up by physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and the government to prevent this data from getting out. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything anyone can say to convince you otherwise if this is what you believe.

  2. Because there's as much evidence they do more harm than good, and there are plenty of ways to prevent or treat diseases that are respectful of the intelligence of the human body (or animal) without having the need to take this risk. If there's a risk, there must be a choice, very simple.

  3. Love it when she makes arguments about other parents being judgemental about mothers not making "perfect choices" all their lives…. and yet her whole vaccine argument is the height of judgemental. "You're just selfish" is her message…. "lets stopping blaming everyone for what they might of done wrong, lets not wonder what the mother did wrong during pregnancy"… Unless of course she didnt vaxx her kids in which case shes a massive selfish b**ch (mental someone can write that speech, rehearse that speech, and not realise how toxic they are and stand by that speech)

  4. Government is not the answer either! It has to start with individuals picking themselves up and realizing, there are opportunities for everyone. You can help other people by being strong yourself

  5. In Australia they punish you if you don't vaccinate your kids. They refuse you the right of entry to child care and government subsidies. They will also suppress a portion of money 💰 if you are on the government help. Options are : you get private baby sitters for about $25 an hour.
    Morality is : freedom of health and choice cost a lot and you better have cash cause if you don't you just go along with insanity and follow… what is the worse is that we think we live in 2024 in a democratic and free society? You are dreaming and I am not even talking about subjects than kids vaccines.
    Like she mentioned, single mothers and colours mothers are targeted and Society is brainwashed . Sad society we live in .

  6. This my friend is what American propaganda looks like that's right it's not just North Korea with the brainwashing we got it here too you just don't know it because your brainwashed

  7. People today – Modernity is killing us with excessive medical interventions, pollutants, toxins and micro plastics. We must do something, we must embrace natural processes and return to nature.
    Also people today – But vaccines are perfectly safe, effective and couldn't possibly have a negative impact… despite being a product of modernity. 🙄

  8. The old "vaccines work best if everyone takes it" fable. 👌
    Honest scientific research to support that? None.
    Yes, vaccines ARE a product and it is your INALIENABLE RIGHT to refuse to consume a product. It IS your responsibility to protect your children from a deeply dishonest and inhumane industry.

  9. What a crock! Makes me want to puke! Pro-shot propaganda enriching pharma billionaires has all the legitimacy of a My Pillow commercial. If the shots are so wonderful, pay out of pocket and not via tax dollars.

  10. When I meet someone with a disabled child, I defintely want to know how it happened and if they know what might have gone wrong, so that I can learn from their experience and hopefully avoid the same scenario. I won't judge them, so many people are lacking the knowledge to make good choices in regard to health. That said, it is our responsibilty to educate ourselves, so we can avoid hurting our children.

  11. "We act like if we make all the right decisions we can stay healthy."
    The fact is that in today's society there are so many toxins in our environment (air, water, soil, food) that we must do everything in our power to make as many "right" decisions as we can, if we want any chance at all at being healthy.

    Greedy, thoughtless, and sometimes even deliberately dangerous practices in the food, drug, and health industries have put everyone at risk for serious health issues: overuse and misuse of pharmaceuticals, synthetic hormones, hormone-disrupting plastics and forever chemicals, pesticides on our food, in our soil, and in the water, as well as carcinogenic additives to food and body products – all these set us up for obstacles and challenges when in comes to achieving health.

    These moms who are breastfeeding, making homemade babyfood, and saying "no thank you" to chemical cocktail injections for their tiny, developing babies are doing what caring, responsible parents should do: educating themselves and making a real effort to care for their family's health in the most foundational ways possible.

    We most certainly should not dismantle "individualistic parenting"!
    Each child is an individual and requires unique parenting to attune to their needs.
    Individualistic education is more successful in facilitating learning.
    A lack of individualistic healthcare is one of our main problems with the USA healthcare model.

  12. Just because I'm thankful my children have access to good schools, good nutrition, etc. doesn't mean I'm not concerned about children in another area not having access to such. That was a false dichotomy. That also doesn't mean I have to vaxx my kids to make others' children safe. Build your children's immune system so they will be resilient. If everyone took those steps, you would have group immunity. I don't WANT you invested in my children. That's not your business. UNvaxxed children are HEALTHIER than vaxxed.

  13. I’ve been struggling with how to balance technology and faith in our home, and ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’ provided some amazing insights that we’ve already started using