The Night They Came for Our Children – BBC Africa Eye documentary

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The Night They Came for Our Children – BBC Africa Eye documentary

Could anti-slavery efforts in Ghana be doing more harm than good to local communities? #BBCAfricaEye goes undercover to investigate one of the world’s leading anti-slavery organisations and their West African operations.

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On 6 September 2022, in northern Ghana,…



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  1. Can you imagine they gave them money to fight children trafficking but they use the money to arrest innocent souls? If there is non crime like that, why not use the money in the village for schools, hospitals, and more? It is very sad that slavery is still going on in our own country

  2. M soo against child labor, I still don't understand how people can justify child labor, that's child abuse, children have the right to education and to enjoy their childhood. Y would anyone bring a child into the world just to make them suffer 😢

  3. They are using these kids to get more money into their own pockets and after getting the money they allow these kids to go back to their old life to suffer in poverty. They are not doing this for the kids but for their own greed. They don't care about those kids one single bit. #HEARTBREAKENING😢😢😢

  4. Why cant IJM helps the kids in America that are being trafficked and abused every second, minutes and hours of the day? Africans all around Africa please unite and stand up to stop this kind of abuse by these people who are still trying to oppress you guys in your own countries especially with the help of some corrupt politicians

    VERY SAD😢😢😢

  5. My question is, why Ijim don't support families with children grant who they claim are doing child labour? It's so sad that this big churches use the name of the Lord for their own benefits.

  6. My toddler does chores around the house. I hope these missionaries don't take him in the middle of the night.

    Oh wait, but I'm not poor and helpless. Phew. My child is safe.

  7. Thanks to investigate the conditions of the children and their lives thereafter. This could compliment the effort of the organization rather tagged such as evil in the eyes of the entire world. in as much i might not want to support their mode of operation. However, one should not overlook their positive impacts on those rescued kids.

  8. IJM Ghana and the American company should compensate the lady who was in jail unlawfully. Also the children and their families for traumatizing them. In fact the whole village on Lake Volta should be compensated for their major mistake. Outrageous. Those children and families will never be able to live in peace ever again. The Chief who died needlessly should be also compensated. This is always the case when Americans have their finger in another country's business. Just to make themselves look good in the eyes of the UN and other entities. Despicable..They deserve justice regardless. It's always the poor and innocent that suffer. When my father took my brother fishing for crabs he was 13-14 years old. He took him to assist him. That is not child exploitation. My brother wanted to know how my father caught the crabs, so one day he could teach his children. My heart goes out to the poor people, who always have to pay the price. BBC AfricaEye, you are doing a brilliant job. I hope you expose companies like these and if it need be Government corruption as well., in the future. God Bless you all and please stay safe.

  9. Another way that European colonialism continues to exploit and abuse Africans. And yes, I said European because the United States is a European settler state that has been illegally occupying native land for hundreds of years while simultaneously enacting violent Eurocentric colonialism worldwide. #USoutofAfrica #EuropeoutofAfrica

  10. This is absolutely scary, when you think about who needs to be resched versus what is happening!

    How do you take children helping at home, or with extended fmaily and seperate them?

    Why not those in Child Sex Slavery like in the Philippines and even in the US with child abuse recorded? Id like an update. This is quite evil.

    Calling children targets and talking of grabbing? Why set "high targets" to rescue chidlren from their families? This is crazy. Or is it about conversion?

  11. I'm so mad at this madness and it's American perpetrators, I'm also mad at the presently useless govt of Ghana under who's watch these atrocities are taking.
    Wait a minute why doesn't IJM go to Akyem and raid the under age galamsay children?
    They should return the children their communities, where are definitely safer than than their present so called shelters

  12. From the children’s names to what they wear and then extra profit with these organizations, Africa is plagued by foreign culture and its original cultures barely exists anymore. Now it’s doomed in the same type of ignorance it was brought to it. And who knows if these organizations aren’t actually facilitating trafficking, selling these children… we know very well the lengths people got for profit.
    May Africa stay resilient and that its new offsprings start to wake up and reclaim what belongs to them.

  13. This story is proof that foreigners need to keep off local issues unless there is a local implementor who understands the intricacies of local culture. African philanthropists should take the place of foreign philanthropists. Really, really sad. They say the debtor is slave to the lender. Africa should stop this culture of relying on foreign donations.

  14. They need to stop allowing all these foreign missionaries because a lot of them are the traffickers they kidnap these children and send them to different countries “for adoption”

  15. Some of it may be trafficking, but they need to rethink/investigate deeper…Africans (and other societies round the world, including the West), do something called apprenticeship which is usually a training ground for poverty stricken people to receive training for some forms of "resettlements" etc. Is that slavery?

    In most cases, ALL organisations involved…police, courts, international charities/organisations and the governments are at fault.

    These are the same organisations/people consuming huge amounts of products and services produced via slavery and heavy child labour in Asia, India, Arab world, Africa and other parts of the world. This shows that there are so many wrongs being done on ALL SIDES.

    More regulations need to be put into place to help all parties gain rather than lose

  16. Wow IJM is disgusting problematic unscrupulous organization.

    Scumbags tbh. As a recent graduate I was gonna apply for an internship thru them thank god I saw this documentary am boycotting them god bless bbc africa eye for exposing 🔍🔍🔦

  17. Save. Save from what, Children growing up with their families and people, from their language, culture, rightful heritage, family bond, family trade?? This is not rescue this is child kidnapping. The only trafficking and exploitation of the babies and children has ever been the governments of the world and NGO. In the USA the part of the government responsible for targeting the indigenous families is the DHHS CPS working with the hositals and schools who to also have a hand in business of kidnapping calling it child protection. Government are the main entities crafty in laws along with their advocated to kidnap children worldwide. kidnapping is an epidemic in USA and It is most usually the Indigenous children. Their is great money to be made in foster and adoption of children! The money is supports the distruction of the families some monies are channeled into the foster homes and adoption services where the children are placed. Monies would or should be channeled into supporting the stability of families to remain together within their communities. All this leads to are traumatization and destroys the children and families from their rightful unity as a family and future. Nothing good comes of these shannaigans. Ask the children themselves, they want to return to their families who truly love and cherish them. I dont believe this is rescuing. I am so sorry for the innocent families of the world who are facing this evil.

  18. Will Lathrop….sure looks good to have IGM on your resume as you came back, to run for Attorney General, in Oregon. This is some sketchy stuff going on in this company. You were just smart to bow out. But as that saying goes “ What happens I’m the dark, comes to the light.” Now if you win AG, you are in another power professional. Think they not going to come over for dinner, with a favor?

  19. Thank you for this program. It's very disturbing. We must all realize different cultures have different norms. I am very careful with donations to "charities" because I have seen how the money gets wasted, or in this case, actually causes harm to innocent people

    I know a woman who travels from the US to Africa every summer with her family to dig water wells. None of them have a background or education in water well develpment, so I don't understand why she just doesn't give the money to a local African to dig the wells. The amount they spend on air fare alone could support a family for a year!

    My father worked as a child taking care of the family's cows and crops, milk was sold and produce was sold. He, his brothers and sisters all completed college, some became doctors, all the children were financially successful. The work didn't harm them, and probably gave them their work ethic. Today, he and his siblings might have been taken away from their parents, and who knows what dreadful lives they would have led. As a child, I did not have to work to support the family (I shined my father's shoes for 10 cents, and later mowed the lawn..oh the horror!) but today someone might decide this is despicable and take a child away. This is insanity.

    This organization has figured out they need to have some good stories to sell to the US government to keep the gravy train flowing to them. This needs to be stopped. The workers in this company might be motivated more by greed than they are willing to admit to themselves.