Zimbabwe's Codeine Cough Syrup Epidemic

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Zimbabwe's Codeine Cough Syrup Epidemic

Zimbabwe is at risk of losing its youth to codeine cough syrup, as the addiction epidemic has already engulfed what the experts estimate could be over half the country’s young people. Despite the growing problem, Zimbabwe’s government has not yet opened rehabilitation clinics, meaning addicts are often sent to prison or psychiatric wards….



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    1. Realize you are a sinner. Romans 3 :23.

    2. Realize you deserve punishment for your sin ( that's Hell) Romans 6:23.

    3. Realize there is nothing you can do to save yourself.
    *That's your good works cannot take you to Heaven. Ephesians 2 :8-9

    * your righteousness cannot take you to Heaven. Titus 3 :5, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3 :10.

    * keeping the law cannot take you to Heaven, James 2:10, Galatians 2 :16. ,Galatians 3:10-13

    # the fact is salvation or going to Heaven is not what you do to go. There is no way you can earn salvation by your works.

    4. Realize that Jesus Christ died to pay for your sins. Romans 5:8.

    * Jesus Christ died in our place so that we can escape Hell fire. And if your good works or your righteousness can take you to Heaven, would Jesus have died for you?? Galatians 2 :21.

    5. The only truth and simple way, you can go to Heaven is to believe or trust in Jesus Christ alone as your Saviour. John 3 :16,18,36, Acts 16:30-31, Galatians 2:16 etc.

    Jesus Christ, died, buried and rose again, and that's the way a man can be saved and go to Heaven.. 1 Corinthians 15 :1-4.

    Please if you were thinking that, your good works or your righteousness can take you to Heaven, then please change your mind mind about that and trust or believe in Jesus Christ alone as your Saviour and your only hope to Heaven.

    6. And once you believe in Jesus Christ alone as your Saviour, you are forever saved. (Once saved forever saved in Christ).
    * According to John 3 :16, if you believe in Jesus Christ what does God give you??
    The answer is eternal life, and how long does eternal life end? It’s forever and no end ,meaning our salvation has no end .
    And there is no way you can lose your salvation when believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
    Because the moment you believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation,He will give you eternal life and He will also seal you with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 1:13.
    In John 10:27-28 tell the fact that our salvation is secured in the Hands of Christ and His Father and no one can pluck our salvation out of His hands not even our sins. And also our salvation is kept by the power of God 1Peter 1:5,
    So if it’s possible that our sin can let us lose our salvation,then it means sin is so powerful than God to the extend that our sin can go straight to God and take our salvation.God forbid!!.read Romans 5:20.

    When we sin after we believed in Jesus Christ for salvation, He will just deal with us and punish us as His dear Children..read Hebrews 12:6 ,Psalm 89:30-34, 1Corinthians 5:1-5 etc.

    That’s why God wants us to do good works to glorify Him Matthew 5:16, and also He wants us to do good works to earn rewards in Heaven. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15.
    But remember our good works cannot save us nor is part of our salvation Romans 11:6 .Salvation is wholly and totally free gift from God not of works Ephesians 2:8-9.

    Salvation is so so so simple, because Christ Jesus paid it all for us.

    And if you trust your good works to take you to Heaven, then remember, you end up in Hell. Because salvation is found only in Believing in Jesus Christ alone.

    ** your good works, will give you blessings on this earth and also give you reward in Heaven.. Romans 2:10, 1 Corinthians 3 :13-15.

    Wherever you are, bow your head and close your eyes and ask Jesus Christ to be your Saviour and take you to Heaven when you die.
    And thank Him for saving you today.

    Just believe in Jesus Christ alone and you shall be saved… Simple as A. B. C.🙏🙏🙏🙏

    If any questions.
    Thank you.

  2. In Atlanta and big rap areas this stuff sells for damn near 1000 a bottle when split up. These guys must be getting it for free. It’s more of a status symbol to me in the rap/ gang community to show you’re a baller. Corine is one of the worst opiates recreationally. But rap music made it popular so dudes gotta have it to impress their buddies and women

  3. When the dude said "It makes us feel better, when we take it we don't stress, we don't think alot. damn i do relate to this so much, When i was only 15 i tried codeine, xanax, oxycodone, tramadol and other opioids and was addicted to them for more than 2 years because it was my only way to fight my anxiety disorder. i would have to be high 24/7 in order to "stop thinking and stressing". back then being high meant being normal for me