The Biggest Skill Men Need In Today's World

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The Biggest Skill Men Need In Today's World

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00:00 – Introduction
01:21 – Men rely on women
04:48 – Compartmentalisation
07:57 – A different kind of language
12:00 – Turn anger into accountability
15:16 – Thinking in black and…



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  1. It's pretty confusing when you preach about stimulation overload and adhd plaguing all of us but 2 minutes in you have a ad that totally breaks the flow of what your preaching that I can't even get back to what you were saying in the first place..

  2. Sustained gym over months DOES help a lot though.
    For me, it is the difference between having no suicidal thoughts throughout the day 90% of the time, vs 99% of the time.

  3. Emotions of men are treated as invalid by anyone outside of a relationship. It’s not men can’t do it, it’s that men don’t have people willing to care

  4. when i was 18, i used to feel so empty, i was always thinking about how much meaningless our life, me and everybody that i know, i like is gonna die. I was very close to hanging myself . and i talked with so many people about nihilsm and that inner emptyness. any man wouldnt help me but my girlfriend were hug me for hours and she was always asking me while huggin '' how do u feel now?'' i dont let to any man hugging me, but hugging by a girl that i love is makes me feel good. and i dont love anyone nowdays, how can i fix this problem without havin a girlfriend? – i fixed that problem and im 21 by the way-

  5. May be it's the society in the US.
    In Vietnam men can share what emotional problems they're having with their friends (preferably close friends) and receive advices or solutions.

  6. when people see someone crying in Happiness, does it negatively affect the way they perceive that person as well? like is it positive or negative, as opposed to crying from sadness and depression?

    this is a genuine question of mine.

  7. The part about accepting instead of transforming intrigued me a lot. Do you have other videos about shifting from transforming to accepting? If not, could you consider making a video discussing that in more detail at some point in the future?

  8. It's a lot worse than that. When you say Hey man i needs some help thinking through…. He will yes, oh wait a second and turn and run away! Chances are you will never see that 'friend' again because that friends was only looking to get something from you the entire time.

  9. Hey Dr k we men's are actually know how to talk to a men but problem is we don't interest to talk to men that is problem not we men are talk availed to talk to men no

  10. Cannot "like" due to ongoing harassment and targeting by Zionists who don't like my language skills in opposing them.
    They want my taxes, not my opinion.
    Nonetheless i do "like" this video. This channel.
    I do also like freedom, fairness, human rights, and respecting others, unless they are violent criminals committing genocide.
    If i don't stand against wrongdoing, then i might get depressed.
    So i speak out, but without taking on negative effects, which is a benefit of "compartmentalising".
    Thank You.
    (i certainly respect this channel and do not want to breach any of its guidelines. If you do think i am out of line, then you can delete my comment with no hard feelings). ☺️☺️🙋🤍🙋

  11. That's just beautiful, man… Taking control of your own life. I'm really struggling to accept my addictions and controlling them.Saying it out loud is part of that acceptance? I've read The Power of Habit, which talks about AA and the powerful changes that it makes, but I feel I might be lacking some knowledge to do so. Should I go to a meeting to get to know it better?

  12. 17:37 I think this is a fundamental problem with society as a whole, and it’s never going to stop until we can become a self sustaining species, or you move to a log cabin in the middle of nowhere and create that yourself.

    For example, there is nothing “wrong” with wanting to play video games all day, it’s your life, that’s totally acceptable, but you won’t ever be happy because you live in a society that demands progress. Playing video games all day contributes nothing to that progress, and no matter how hard you “accept” that this is who you are, people need the approval of others, we need a tribe, and your tribe is going to be extremely difficult to find if society labels you as a “loser”, unless you find someone who also rejects the rules of society. People transform because it makes it easier to find a tribe (even if the tribe is shit), as the alternative is to live a self centered life, alone, waiting for someone to align with your niche.

    We are a social species, and If you want to maximize happiness while living in that society, you need to play by their rules.

  13. The funny thing about super heroes is like Superman, he's superman but has to put on a mask of mild mannered Clark Kent to fit into society. That really resonates with me. I'm not super hero but I have to put mask to fit in society due ASD. Interesting thing here. When I'm with my ND friends I don' t have any of these issues. But with NT person they just squirm and escape or get angry.

  14. Initially I was quite angry about the whole "it's men's problem, men need to solve it alone" perspective, since there's a lot of betrayed trust when you turn to your romantic partner and their response boils down to "git gud". But over time as I listened and thought about what Dr K was saying, it dawned on me that by trusting our romantic partners exclusively with our more private, emotional problems, we are setting ourselves up for a hostage situation that we can only lose. In a very real sense, we all need backup emotional filters, and when you look at women, you can see that they do that all the time, which to us seems superficial, insincere, without depth. However, if we can find a way to balance the practical need of backups and safeties with the personal need for sincerity and depth, we can combine the best of both worlds.

  15. I’m confused, if we don’t take responsibility and change we will repeat the same mistake, but if we change for the circumstance we lose control of our live. So we change and don’t change?

  16. That goes not only your Ex, or Ex-wife but to your mother as well. Specially Single-parent. You have to learn not to rely on your mother, even after you got a stable job, all grown up. If you keep sticking with your parent. Man will never fully grown up. And you will be vulnerable to your own life.

  17. I think the issue with todays world is a lack of understanding or care. If there is a lack of deep intimacy and emotional support from someone you trust… its ok to not deal with someone’s problem but a total lack of empathy or sympathy is what leads to men losing faith in this current way of how things are. People used to talk and now they are psychologically and morally bankrupting each other with lots of emotional and oher types of blackmail to use against each others. People hurt people and no one really cares. The issue is everyone is so disconnected and maybe even stuck on the individual self and ego…. I think we need to detach from the individual self and ego and see that we are a part of a larger world. See that life is beautiful and just live it already…

  18. I remeber to this day a scene from Naruto after one of character's death, there was a dialog of Shikamaru and his father.
    Father: "[spoiler] was a good guy"
    Shikamaru: "Yeah"
    F: "But he sucked at shogi"
    S: "Yeah"
    F: "[spoiler] is dead"
    Shikamaru instantly became furious shouting "so what should I do?!"
    And then his father just said: "First, let it all out".
    Shikamaru went with powerful, long cry and I think it's so beatiful that Father understood how his son feels and behave. First he drew his emotions, made him angry, and then told him to cry, when he stopped blocking them.

  19. FYI the root cause is gendered societal expectation, patriarchy and toxic masculinity. But glad you here do not preach to the choir and reach out to those demographics that needs it

  20. The term “NEET” has always bothered me. I know it is meant to be descriptive and not pejorative, but used as a label, it really reinforces the idea that people’s worth is defined by their economic productivity. I first heard the term used in Japan in the 90’s to refer to the young graduates who entered a completely stagnant economy and were unable to get jobs. They referred to themselves as NEETs and many felt ashamed of their situation, though some embraced it and it became something of a counterculture. (At least from what I heard and read at the time.) The “lying flat” trend in China more recently reminded me of that.
    The gist is that labels like NEET, though useful for statistics, can be harmful when applied to individuals. People (especially men) internalize the label and it feels like a character flaw and personal failing, rather than a just a description of present circumstance.
    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 😋