How To Make Millions Selling Drugs Under the CIA

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How To Make Millions Selling Drugs Under the CIA

An exploration into the interconnected stories of CIA trafficking allegations, the real life of Barry Seal, the Iran-Contra affair, and key individuals like Gary Betzner and John Hull, alongside the enigmatic Boys on the Tracks case and the courageous journalism of Gary Webb. This video delves into the evidence and testimonies, aiming to piece…



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  1. I was very sick with COVID while recording this video (I don't know)

    Minor Inaccuracies: Baton Rouge is misspelled at 5:54, The "82nd Airborne Green Berets" was how Barry classified his Military service- this is confusing and doesn't exist as it's labeled. The full investigation into his military service can be found in "Barry & the boys" from pages 113-121. Apologies.

    I spent awhile researching these stories, I hope you find it worth watching. As expected this video has been hit with limited ads so if you want to support the channel you can become a member and get access to some additional perks.

    If you're interested in stories like this I highly recommend checking out both Eyes Wide Open and Carnage on Ice, both of which helped me with research for the stories included in this video.

  2. I swear.. When this government tries to take the moral high ground I just laugh cuz they are responsible for alot of things happening… For the record I don't want to end my life. Those kids saw something they weren't supposed to see so they were killed.. No child deserves what happened to them and the mother passing away without closure is just criminal. I don't trust a word out the governments mouth Cuz when they flap their lips their always lying

  3. The mainstream news is like “Yes the CIA did bad stuff in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s, and 2010’s but they’re not doing that now.” and each day new stuff comes out either proving conspiracy theories true or revealing even more messed up stuff we didn’t even know about in the past.

  4. Its amazing to keep heating hear GeorgecBush's name in discussions about JFK, 911, Iran Contra, Iraq.
    And to think there were 3 Bush family members going back to one who was a ship capain employed by the King, one early Bush member who was the 1st family member to attend Yake where Skull and Bones started as 1st secret society in colleges in the USA.
    One member of Bush family involved in start up of the IRS.
    And of course in learning Bush family is cousins with the Soetoros family from Indonesia, obamas father was a high ranking member of indonesia military. Bush family members besides 2 Georges. Timothy Samuel Prescott.
    Google whether Bush and Obama are related.
    I have my theory.
    DYOR do your own research. Peel onion. A to Z

  5. Just seeing all of this being out in the open and nobody held accountable is insane. How many peoples lives were taken or ruined by their own government and for what? So they could fund more killing for their own selfish purposes. How anyone can still defend the US government is crazy to me.

  6. Understand, within intelligence agencies are elements that belong to a group, a secret society, a ring, etc that is following an agenda/goals apart from the stated goal(s) of the 'mother' intelligence agency and these elements/groups are themselves an outer group being directed by an inner group that consists of elements with an agenda aside from the purported goal of the group, who themselves are being directed by another smaller group/round table group which itself….and on and on…leading back to a group established in the early 1900's who's goal, through a conspiracy, was to establish a world government, the end of nation states, etc the history of the establishment of this conspiracy is documented in "Tragedy & Hope" & "The Anglo-American Establishment" authored by Dr. Carol Quigley.

    A genealogical study into the people that belong to the inside elements within, and often leading, the "mother" organisations will be highly beneficial to those seeking to learn about these parasitical bloodlines that have plagued the societies of every continent except Antarctica.