Brotha Puts A Anti-Black Asian In His Place After Disrespect Towards BIack People

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Brotha Puts A Anti-Black Asian In His Place After Disrespect Towards BIack People

Wongel Zelalem reports on a brotha responding to an asian man speaking on his skin colour.



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  1. They are jealous of the Black race because they know about our Melanated skin & our mitochondria DNA. They know we are original people on the planet period that's all it is. This why every race acts like this toward us

  2. Like my mentor taught me, everyone stand in the Sun and lets see who is chosen after a few hours, aint nuttin in nature YT or yellow, but were the color of nature

  3. Oh he He knows all knows about Black people. But like many non-Blacks, he wants to feel superior and because he has been influenced by Europeans culture and deeply wants to be part of their club, he does what they do. Could his ignorance be vast enough that he doesn't realize that these same Europeans see him as just a yellow Negro with slanted eyes? Chinese are closer to Negroid than the Japanese. That'one of the secret reasons of why Japanese don't like Chinese.

  4. What about if he said “why are your eyes so small or so slanted? That would be very offensive to them. God made us all who we are and it’s all good, red, yellow, black and white…period!

  5. Identifying as Black and/or White are made up constructs to keep us divided as was clearly demonstrated. Being black or white is neither good or bad, it's simply environment. Too bad most of the world don't see it that way because racism and white power structure is pervasive.

  6. I’ve seen Chinese people in awe of my skin color. They were taking pictures of me and I got plenty of stares. I truly believe there is ignorance in a large part of China. Nothing disrespectful was said but they seemed genuinely shocked.