Israel's army chief confirms ground invasion of Lebanon may be imminent | BBC News

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BBC News

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Israel's army chief confirms ground invasion of Lebanon may be imminent | BBC News

The head of Israel’s army has told troops that extensive air strikes in Lebanon targeting the armed group Hezbollah may pave the way for them to “enter enemy territory”.

The remarks by Lt Gen Halevi are the plainest indication yet from a senior figure that a ground invasion of Lebanon may be imminent.

Lt Gen Halevi said troops would…



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  1. Interesting that there was no talk of ceasefire during the first 10 months of Hezbollah firing over 8500 rockets and missiles! Hypocrites and Jew haters ! They started the war and Israel is going to finish it for now, because that’s what they need to do in order to survive! Like Hamas, they vow to attack whenever possible, and as often as possible , driven by their rabid hatred. This is the essence of jihad, and they are proud of it. Furthermore they are motivated by the ridiculous idea that if they die while implementing jihad, 72 virgins will be waiting for them in the afterlife.

  2. Blame Hassan nasrallah what's happening? yeah this is real or true because palistine and Lebanese civilian mostly children are died or dying because ayatollah khamenei and Hasan nasrallah are jihadist sacrificing their own people dying or died to comit their goals,where is democracy and freedom to the people needed especially to the generation..

  3. I swear this feels like a game of tag your it. We pull out of the middle eastern countries and try to boost and maintain our army then tag Russia your it. Then Israel your it, now Lebanon your it. Its like the war Olympics.

  4. Jews are and were money lenders just when Christ was preaching the Gospel. So the the rich jews lent their treasury to Roman nobility to have Him arrested and Crucified just as America & and Imperialist Europe now and then benefit from jewish financial coffers to enslave mankind, and exploit the riches of his land. I reckon Jesus will save your souls from blame, chastisment because of establishing his persecutors' offsprings to guarantee you salvation. Today's jewish state will be your access to heaven, Just like islamic islamist expect to martyr themselves for pure virgin! Keep the blood letting, you are blamless victims of Greed! Oh! Christ, Hallalua!

  5. Uk government planted Israel by stealth, deceit with support of Arab greedy puppet rulers to exterminate the native Palestinians. The native American Indians similarly suffered the same fate; also the Aboriginals of Australia. Worst still, imperialists enslaved black Africa, and now indoctrinated them to follow Christ. Amazing guys! Brutality, exploitation, and slavery is not actually the virtues of Christ according to the Bible. Yey guys! Christ would never dream of saving you knowing you support the oppressor over the dispossesed. Mind you Christ is a just King! Who else do you return to for Salvation. Sorry. Indeed, Natanyahu guess?

  6. Uk government planted Israel by stealth, deceit with support of Arab greedy puppet rulers to exterminate the native Palestinians. The native American Indians similarly suffered the same fate; also the Aboriginals of Australia. Worst still, imperialists enslaved black Africa, and now indoctrinated them to follow Christ. Amazing guys! Brutality, exploitation, and slavery is not actually the virtues of Christ according to the Bible. Yey guys! Christ would never dream of saving you knowing you support the oppressor over the dispossesed. Mind you Christ is a just King! Who else do you return to for Salvation. Sorry. Indeed, Natanyahu guess?

  7. BBC is very sad and distraught !! Their allies , their bosses and friend and family are getting kicked after one year of firms misiles in to towns and villages where there is no soldiers or weapons. BBC once an antisemte, always and antisemite. But the will learn.

  8. ※神會審判※是因為世人不守戒律!(撒旦會引發世界大戰,讓世人痛苦^)











