Benin: Monuments from slave trade era restored in Ouidah city

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Al Jazeera English

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Benin: Monuments from slave trade era restored in Ouidah city

As anti-racism protests in the United States and Europe grew, so did demands for the removal of statues linked to slavery.
Protesters toppled and vandalised some, others were removed by city leaders.
But a coastal city in Benin in West Africa is going the other way – restoring monuments from the slave trade era.
It is part of a billion-dollar…



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  1. In the 1870’s, a French public research university called, the University of Montepellier, put out a book(below)on geography.

    The book talks about the Kingdom of Juda, stating,

    “Whydah (Fidah, Hwedah, Ouida, Judah, or Ajuda) is a old city frequented since the 16th century by the Portuguese slavers, who gave it its name. It’s inhabitants were said to be Judaic, “and they were indeed considered as a remnant of scattered tribes of Israel”

  2. In 1876 a French geographer named, Élisée Reclus also , wrote about the Kingdom of Juda in his book called, “The Earth and Its Inhabitants.”

    He wrote: “Known to Europeans by various names of Fida, Heredah, Whydah, Wida. The old writers called it Juda, and it’s inhabitants were said to be Jews.”

    Near the Kingdom of Juda was also the region known as Guinea. During the 1600’s, the English traveler John Ogilby, wrote about the coast of Guinea in Africa.

    He stated: “Many Jews also are scattered over this region; some Natives, boasting themselves of Abraham’s seed, inhabiting both sides of the river Niger”

  3. Al Jazeera is always forgetting the Arab slave trade which lasted for 1400 years where black Africans were being enslaved and only ended because of the West.

    You could buy a black slave in Mecca up until 1962, when the west put a stop to it. If it wasn't for the west Black people would be still being sold in Mecca and all over the Islamic world

  4. The Bible should be banned everywhere since it promotes slavery and even sets down rules.
    Colossians 4:1

    Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. Exodus 21:2

    When you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve six years, and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing.Titus 2:9-10

    Slaves are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.

  5. How can a reputable News Channel like Al Jazeera network make such a mistake, Benin City is an ancient city in Southern Nigeria and it's Capital of Edo state.
    This story is about a town in Benin Republic a small francophone country bordering Western part Nigeria.

  6. The situations are different, the statues being removed are of "famous" or infamous heroes who fought in America's civil war on the side that wanted to keep slavery and to separate the USA into two countries. It's not changing the past, it's being corrected. Slavery will always be remembered in the US as long as we have the descendants who remind us of that great evil and the part it played in the history of our country. What is here is a memorial to all those people whose lives were changed forever, who would never see their homeland again, not a monument to a single slave owner or trader. It's wonderful.