The Spirit Realm: Angels, Lucifer's Secret Identity, and Return of The Nephilim | DEREK GILBERT

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End Times Productions

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The Spirit Realm: Angels, Lucifer's Secret Identity, and Return of The Nephilim | DEREK GILBERT

The Spirit Realm is real and Ancient History is not as it seems. Supernatural beings, mythical creatures, and legendary god/human hybrids. Where do these stories originate and what do they mean for us in modern times?

In this video, I sit down with Derek Gilbert and ask him to explain these things to us in an easy-to-understand way.




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  1. Demons are the spirits of the Nephilim who were hybrid mortals. Since God did not create them, nor did he authorize there existence a part of these Angel's punishment was to witness their destruction and God slaying them. Since they are an abomination, there is no place for them and they seek a body they can invade and take over to destroy. When Yeshua tells us in Matthew 24 that it will be AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH… that should cause us to stop and revisit that chapter in Genesis. People do not allow room for just what was happening there and how that world was TOTALLY DESTROYED. The earth that Noah stepped out of the ark onto was COMPLETELY different from the world he and his family were living in 2 short years earlier.

    If you listen to Geologists who examine the earth and the Geology from a biblical foundation can give you just how frightening and devastating the flood actually was. The world before the foundations of the deep broke was a pangeia-like continent. The foundations when broken allowed the outer crust to Very rapidly move to there their current locations. Such rapid continental movement would have created MILES HIGH tsunamis. If you are familiar with tsunamis they cover whatever land they reach with deposits of soil and organic matter. There is CONCLUSIVE geological evidence of the sedimentary deposits all over the continents. We know that the mini-grand canyon was formed in a matter of days by the effects of the Mt St Helens eruption. This would have been thousands of times in order of magnitude. The Grand Canyon was formed in a matter of days by ENORMOUS runoff of massive amounts of water carving out the Grand Canyon.

    God tells us that the earth was so full of violence by these Nephilim and the wickedness of man that in order to keep HIS promises to Adam and Eve that he would not leave them without hope, he had to destroy everything and hit the reset. You see the plan of Satan was to corrupt ALL mankind by corrupting our DNA. How do you think the Nephilim make a second appearance? You are left with a second incursion or DNA. The description of Noah of being Righteous in his generation is likely NOT speaking about his SPIRITUAL condition. Hebrew commentary shows a clear view, long before DNA was discovered, the rabbinical commentary was that this was speaking about Noah physically. In order for Messiah to come to redeem us he had to be 100% God spiritually(his spirit) and 100% man physically. IF he was not PURE GENETICALLY as human then he can not redeem mankind. Satan was trying to prevent the redemption of mankind.

    Recall what God said to Eve. THERE WILL BE EMNITY ( deep-seated dislike or ill will. Enmity (which derives from an Anglo-French word meaning "enemy") suggests true hatred, either overt or concealed.) Let's address something right now and get it into the light and accept the truth. These beings Fallen Angels and their offspring HATE humans. They have 1 singular goal. TO DESTROY US all. So be warned if you get serious with God you are GOING TO BY DEFAULT be a part of this war. Be NOT deceived authority is going to be given to them and they will start to directly attack Christians and THEY WILL DEFEAT US. I know you may be shocked by that but that is what SCRIPTURE TELLS US. Revelation 13:7 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.

    God is not an atm machine, or Santa clause who is like our sugar daddy giving us whatever we want, you know, serving us whenever we want. The call is to PICK UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW CHRIST

  2. Isn't it interesting that the ancient ritual of the heir being the one to pour out the water makes one think of the instructions Jesus gave on where/when to look for his return, in the sign/age of Aquarius – The Water Bearer….am I reaching here or does this make sense?

  3. This is all good and well much of it makes sense about demons and spirits – but until you quote from the bible then I think most will disagree. The bible is well known by the scholars that it is very unreliable. And today – we can see many many school boy errors and contradictions in it.

  4. Anyone whos traveling and has a large left eye will be inhabited with fallen angel spirits. Secret societies. Imo ive experienced their wrath and they are absolutely have no soul or conviction. Reprobates!

  5. All I can say is experiencing my life I was t raised in religion to much growing up but when I became a adult I learned a lot about God Jesus and The Holy Ghost it’s hard not to learn about it through life so I have a hard time believing that any adult doesn’t know Jesus I just think some people don’t want to learn about him and that is called a choice

  6. what you say about Cronus is false. his name means : To rule, command; To cut. Cronus is a boy's name of Greek origin, meaning “to rule” and “command” or “to cut.” Cronus was the youngest of the Greek Titans, the son of Gaia, Mother Earth, and Uranus, Father Sky.

  7. From stevenclark's post…Christianity today is from Paul not Christ…EXACTLY TRUE…for as the Gospel of Christ, John 3:16 says…we are Not Saved by Grace thru Faith…we are Saved by GOD thru JESUS!

  8. I believe all the lambs and animals in the bible are people as jesus is also a lamb and who accused of sacrificing people i don't believe in sacrificing people unless they sacrifice people there's no love in it i believe christ was more of like a trophy a message to God like when a enemy takes theres enemy head and put in on a stake like a conquered king thats what i believe the crown of thorns to represent and thats its a celebration of his murder mocking God i believe he died because he corrected people and exposed of their sins and he was doing great things and the people in power was like hold on how dare you correct us God says he doesnt like the way we do things and you're king now screw that your a dead king heres your crown thorns along with a brutal beating and horrifying death then we are gong to celebrate it then we are gonna established our laws in romans and make tons of money do you people really think the son of god walked into a church and he seen himself up their dead on the cross do you think he'd be happy about that i wouldn't

  9. Legion w/ Dennis Quaid blowing up the diner – demon possessed people… storyline not biblically accurate, but the scenes of demons taking over bodies for the rebellion – visually that is what I see Derek Gilbert stated at the end.

  10. you said that Apollo is the gate keeper of the underworld. don't you find it odd that the medical field swear the allegiance to him. so unleashing these things and people under the influence of pharma is a gate for these entities?

  11. Lucifers secret identity is YHWH. he chose Yahweh as his god name when he became ruler of the world. He changed his mind a couple times, one of the choices was Hayah , but he settled for Yahweh

  12. Want to have your mind blown? Look up Neville Johnson.

    Anyhow, I am looking for others who are waiting on God. I am getting some good results. And I would love to talk to others who have broken through to the Kingdom.

  13. The 72 hour jail hold is very prevalent in today's jailing system. I guarantee those fuc**started the prison system and implemented that to say see what I'll do to your children Lord!!

  14. You know what's eeery!? I've noticed these Nephs walking around and I've been thinking they are breeding again. This has been for a couple years now. I've met 2 fallen angels, or Nephs before. I'm not sure, but it makes sense that there are the 100% fallen still left.

  15. Hay guys. Can you explain this please: Luke chapter 2 details the angels coming to the shepherds who are out in the fields taking care of their flocks and tell of the birth of "the Saviour born in Bethlehem." This would be in the spring as there is no way they would be out in the fields in the mid-winter, it being too cold and spring time is when the lambs are born; as every kid in a play in school knows they were lambing… SO! WHY is the birth of Jesus-Yeshua celebrated at mid-winter? And Easter is celebrating the crucifixion that is the death and ressurrection of the Sun/Son; Obviosly this is mid-winter as every other faith would say… The Sun hits its parogy and stands still for three days before returning,. Its this false timing that has stopped me being a practicing church goer. Can you explain these anomelies? Everything has been reversed. How would you feel were your family to celebrate your birthday three months before your actual birthday?
    How do you think Jesus feels when every christian or church goer believes these false teachings? Please in all faithfullness explain this. And suggest how we can return the church(s) to actually teaching and celebrating the truth… Let the truth set us free..
    All have sinned and this false celebrations are very sinfull.. Thankyou from sw uk..

  16. satan hates humanity, because humanity is God's favorite. he is seething with envy. thats visible with how satanic elites speak of humans with contempt, calling us "useless eaters", "parasites on the planet", and the like. thats projection, humanity is tasked to be the protector and gardener of the world. satan hates us because we have the opportunity of redemption, and he does not

  17. It was alwayz funny too me that,everyone speaks about angels,demons,god like knowing them so so well,like lived with them,knowing what they do,what they thinks,what's they agenda!? Always asks those people "And who told you all that?Them??You all are full of sh*t…