BEST OF Celebrity Family Feud! 1 Hour Of Steve Harvey!
BEST OF Celebrity Family Feud! 1 Hour Of Steve Harvey!
BEST OF Celebrity Family Feud! 1 Hour Of Steve Harvey!
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#punchline #familyfeud #steveharvey Check Out Some More Hilarious…
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Steve Harvey probably the only man to get away with holding and squeezing Shaqs behind hahaha
1:32 “Big Daddy Swag” I’m finna call my dad that😂😂😂 and Shaq is Taller than me, I’m only 6ft
Shaq is cool and smart…..and sure is tall….. 😍😍😍😍😍
They don't show the last answer I wonder why
"First grade report" was the most Asian thing I heard from an Asian 😂😅
Random question: How does an blue bird looks.
Answer: Red
The team kn the background: Good answer. 🫠🫠🫠
Just when you think Steve Harvey is a big dude, Shaq stands next to him, yikes!
Wow most of these celebrities are super stuck up. Nauseating
Pants fortune cookiè 4:38
A “cantaloupe”….. 🫠🫠🫠
Terry from the AGT
"its hard to practice for ignorance" 😂😂😂
Keke thinks she is it up there moving arms and dancing around giving her answers nerve wracking to watch
when i see stevey in his shows he looks big, but when he's next to shaq now he looks like a little boy😂😂😂
I love how Steve casually says their answer under his breath when he knows it's not up there. @28:12– "a toothbrush?"… LOL
timestamp 13:05 "tight dress" HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH "being sexy/fun"
Im my country tea is only served hot😂
Kim K's questions were SOOO intentional🤦♀️
Psalm 81, 91 46.
God bless 🙏
Pray for our children, pray against premature deaths in our children pray for their healing and deliverance, pray for souls to be saved, for God to raise mighty men and women of valour.
God bless 🙏
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.
God bless 🙏
I would like to encourage someone to a relationship with Jesus Christ
Jesus loves you
Today is the day of repentance and salvation.
John 3 16
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Romans 10 9
That if thou shalt confess, with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
God bless 🙏
Steve Harrington is just grinning
I worked for the Vancouver Public Library..VPL lol
Why do they give them more than the regular people
7 days a week for me 😂
A banana 😂😂
Shac is three times bigger than Steve😳😳
Steve is high but Shaq is more high and big!
30: Ayo Rey in the show?? I need to watch the whole thing.
52:48 why his natural expression is so disgusted or mad? It looks like he has to fake a smile just to not to be rude lmao
1:02:33 her face of disappointment lol, so relatable (I mean failing like Steph did).
Every great man and TV SHOW❤❤🎉🎉❤❤🎉
Why are there very easy fast money questions when there are celebrities on family feud.?
What’s with not revealing the final answers on the board!
6:08 Shaq said PADS not pants
Steves outfits are ridiculous in color and high water
Why don't you show the left unnone answers
Shaq definitely said "pads" and not pants 😂😂
Mantha becky gina sofia sarah lesca kevin kehoe giesca glesca miesca mlesca riesca rlesca elsca elysca eylsca tori caylesa carly mandy sierra karlie keylsca welysca qelysca peyslca phlyesca aysha aishca naralie naralyesca flesca arianesca brianna branda paula ashley besty nica britney biyesca clyesa clesya slyeca ayesha michelle hallen megan charlotte niesca nlesca niyesca nylesca aihesca raeclnsa liza faenlsca zelda brian ben cindy camila ally emma rebecca ylesca yesca jesca eysca iyesca nyesca lyesca elysca alyesca kalyesca zlyesca zlkyesca zlesca ziesca zoe zoey teslnca yesca tyeslnca hannah lucy zelysca raesca kaesca jessie ella kalyesca ztylesca tlkyesca gklyesca alkyesca alhyesca lkyesca kyesca jlkyesca leah relysca sophia rlyesca hlesca alesca blesca jessica alexa lisa ryesca dylesca tlyesca khiesca keshia kahyesca slyeca flyesca khlesca hlesca elsca ehsca cassie cassia meaica naeycsa nesca nessa naesca martha brittany monica maschya piaesca chayesa haesca gaescha baescha uaescha uiesca iasceha gaesca nayesca yaescha mecnsa ueshlca neshyla nana nora hanna aescia johesca keasca laescna laesycna beascya jecna kurchelle justin christina lola lyrica nyiesca jayesca chesa kayla maisy jesse jasmine jade jane kaehlsca nyesca kylesca kesyca mlyesca aylesca jlkyesca melysca hiyesca hlyesca ahlyesca glyesca vlesca viesca chloe emily maya hiesca hlesca diesca shlyeca flyesca khlyesca miyesca kesiyca abby chelsea caterina nicole erica cahlesa ulesca iyesca myesca kelsca sienna hiyesca hlyesca ahlyesca glyesca vlesca viesca ashleca shlyeca tlyesca khiesca khlyesca kyesca jlyesca iyeancsa waenlsca jaelsca jason james celsa gaesca nayesca yaescha mecnsa ueshlca neshyla sikeca slkeca slkyeca tlkyesca blkyesca sleckya vlkesca chlesa clesa oylesca olkyesca gklyesca alkyesca alhyesca lkyesca kyesca jlkyesca melissa maelysca amanda laesca nina naeshlca uiesca iancesha paesca gescna haesca kayla maisy jesca eysca iyesca nyesca lyesca beysca jasnchla saehylca nick Sasha flyesca khlyesca mlyesca alyesca kalyesca zlyesca zlyesca cheylsa brianca brianne briana mariah lesayca laura daeslnca brisa joe barry jacob zachaey Lily jess kate pesca pescana 48:28