Haiti Gang Leader Confess How Many Kenya Police He Has Killed/Sends Strong Message To President Ruto

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Haiti Gang Leader Confess How Many Kenya Police He Has Killed/Sends Strong Message To President Ruto

Haiti Gang Leader Says How Many Kenya Police He Has Killed & Sends Strong Message To President Ruto#28trending .#citizentvlive #bbc #cnn #breakingnewslatestnews #lynnngugi #ktnnews #ntv #tv47newsnow #spicefm #babuowino #obinnatv ‪@kenyacitizentv‬ ‪@BBCNews‬ ‪@CNN‬ ‪@KenyaDigitalNews‬ ‪@Kiss100Kenya‬ ‪@MutembeiTV‬…



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  1. Mimi ni mtanzania nimeishi sana nchi za nje nimefatilia sana siasa ya haiti ni nchi ya vita ya ndani kwa ndani kwa muda mrefu sana hio nchi ni hatari sana kenya mmetafuta somali nyengine au kuliko acheni maramoja bora muache murudi kenya

  2. Where is the western? They begged and paid Ruto to organize the killing of his police force… that's the reason of inviting him to NATO and he was stupidly happy 😢 True African puppet ……I pity the poor police officers…

  3. He doesn't know Haitian history. They the first Black Republic slaves that got the French out. They also took over the Dominican Republic later. Papa Doc and Baby Doc not the only leader to us police, military and criminals. Two countries are on one island French on one side Spanish on the other. France, USA and Dominican Republic are all part of the problems in Haiti. Narco trafficking and guns is another. You having problems in Kenya I saw people on the streets and buildings on fire.

  4. Continental Africans leadership, sadly on a whole, are renowned for their treacherous tendency in selling out their people as well as the Afrikan landmass and after 500 years little have changed since and whereas in 2024, African leaderships have not failed to disappoint the Afrikan nation as they remain as is in their very own protractive Judas Oscariot mindsets of yester years and this is a matter where the facts speaks for its self. Our continental leaderships today, admittedly, virtually all are compremised it must be said explicitly and that they are a curse upon the Afrikan nation on a whole as they are not in their fiduciary privileged position for the goodness of practising serving their sovereign people and Afrika as a whole. For 30 pieces of silver or less, most of our African continental leaders without a shadow of doubt will sell out their people/land and others in faraway places looking like themselves. The Kenyan situation under the Western puppet devil, Ruto, is just one of the active cases at hand. This act of treachery and wickedness that was so abound 500 years ago is still freshly of and with the current generation of today and this travesty needs to end. As one of the victims of the Afikan/European Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and who was carried off to the island of Jamaica and after over 400 years and without reparation from either side, i am here at home and have noted that the same mentality 500 years ago, is still very much existing today and even worst still, where our continental African leadership have deliberatly erected barriers against our rightfully return home and treating us as forigners and are intentionally ignoring the fact that their evil ancestors were responsible for our forceful genocide and not just the white devils alone from Europe who needs to account for the horrible sins of their evil forefather via correcting the injustices of the past, but they too must make a valiant efforts to do so that is morally right and whereas in todays time, these leaders as we know of them are mainly thieves, liars, partisan decievers and ignoramus in position of power and where unfortunately they are the very ones of the time that are having the moral and sacred responsibility to correct the injustices and the past and to ensured as our leaders that those of us who choses to return home must not be barred under no circumstances nor treated less than nor above the any as it relates contrastingly to any locals be it in or by their ridiculous man made laws or not, they must recognised us as equal members of the Afrikan family and as equal custodian of the Afrikan landmass, therefore we cannot and should never ever be barred. A most serious crime against humanity was committed against us, which is unresolved, and this deliberately has been maintained to this day by these Judas Oscariot African leaders and we demand reparation and immediate restitutions. We are our ancestors, and our ancestors are us, and we today, today are here today ready to take back what is ours collectively and to be with of that single body of Afrikans. We were captives and have been carrying all of the pains and scars throughout the many years from home within our DNA over time bearinĝ what happened to us outside of the family in Afrika. Having fought against the institution of slavery and destroyed it within the Carribean and the Americas, though those liars and decievers claimed that they gave us our freedom, we turned to free our Motherland, Afrika (in established the Afrikan Congresses) from the devils of Europe who came to cemented themselves as a common group at the 1884 Berlin Conferece that splited and truncated the landmass of Afrika into their tribal domain, thus leading to mass slaughtering, the ongoing suffering, rape, inequality, plundering, genocide, theft, decith, enslavement and aparthied practiced upon our family left behind and whereas these invaders were and remain our enemies, they were the actual trading partners of the chiefs, Kings and other raggabonds within theTrans Atlantic Slave Trade and how ironic it has been. What man sow, he shall surely reap, the universe is power and it is alive and well and it never forgets to repay. The caption above is clearly highlighting the unjust plan of the evil doers who are trying to justify and exanoerate themselves from the crimes they are about to commit upon our Afrikan Descendants families on Haiti às well as how Ruto under the aspices of our enemies, the European devils and being lead here principally by the European Americans to send his armed notourious Kenyan police to Haiti who are known to have no respect for humanblives whatsoever as seen and known how they are treating their Kenyan people and where they have been many cases of kidnapping and murdering of unarmed protestors; this is an outright act of war against not just the Haitian people, but against all of the Afrikan descendants that were forcible carried off to the Carribean and the Americas and whom by themselves freed themselves from the captivity of white Europeans enslavement and have been setting themselves enrouted to sovereign liberation, but here again the African leadership like it was 500 years ago which sold us to the devils is here in 2024 fighting against us on the side of our enemies to obstruct and to prevent the sovereignty of our free people to ruled themselves peacefully and without the interference of our erstwhile enemies, the white devils from Europe who are responsible for the current state of crisis that exist in Haiti, a state where the battle for liberation was fought and won by us alone against France, the British, American Europeans, Spanish, Portuguese, Germans and Dutch of which no African Kingdom nor political African state came to aided during our battle to free Haiti, so how dare these pices of shit to leave the Motherland in 2024 to wage war against our people for the benefit of our enemies and in return for 30 pices of silver. The call to arms were made during the eve of the Haitian Revolution and today it is being called and we must respond as we did then as an attack upon anyone of us is an attack upon all of us Afrikan Descendants. The Kenyan Government we know as of fact, have the Al-Shabad and the young worthy freedom fighters for justice on their landmass to contend with, therefore we do not want nor need the services of these trecherous continental slave sellers in the Carribean to war with us. Note; we have not forgotten nor forgiven that we were sold to the devils by our own continental family, rather any interaction in this circumstances they should be offering us reparation, repatriation and restitution and if this is not the case, then they must leave immediately. We do NOT wish to war with any of our continental family and in particularly as things stands, with our Kenyan family and that their presence on Haiti with guns on the sacred soil of Haiti where the blood of our ancestral worriors watered that place and others part of the Carribean and the Americas is hostile and serves as a declaration of war against the entire Afrikan Descendants family and we the Descendants must respond to this threat and demand that those devils from Kenya leave immediately back to Afrika. They must get out now. At this stage we need to respectfully ask all our Kenyans family to leavè the Carribean and and Americas until we resolve our matter ourselves and to respect our sovereign right on a place where our people have settled as a result of the African/European Trans Atlantic Slave that we over the years have been treating as our home; we are now pouring Liberations to summon our ancestors, fighters and worriors spirit of Boukman Duty, Tussaint Le'Overture, Dessaliney and those that fought in the many battles against us to join us. We rembered how the French and their evil Europeans members wanted to return us into slavery and to gain access to the land resources and for this, we are being called arms against our enemies; this is the land that we are currently having that can for now call our home, therefore the fight of the Haitian people is equally our fight matters if we are birthed in Jamaica, Europe, the Americas or other parts of the Carribbean we are having the same commonality and for the immediate removal of the Kenyan troops.

  5. Understand, the west and EU have had a grudge against Haiti because basically ended slavery by defeating the French. But they use mercenary and black country to fight for them….

  6. This people men smh who are they ,why they’re lying who killed Kenyans,well we don’t need them down there anyway,so u need to shut ur mouth because u don’t even know what u talking about , talking about barbecue kidnap while ppl ,how many of us they kidnap u need to mind ur business,maybe you should come in Haiti to talk like this ,u don’t know shit about our country you can’t even control your country ,you think we need Kenya , y’all came to Haiti because of the money , that’s y plus I don’t even see what this Kenyan doing doing there they not doing shit , take them back with tou sir you don’t know what you talking about 😮😮😮 🤔

  7. The americans careless about Haiti can wagner group help and sit with Barbecue and iron out the chaos, if Russia 🇷🇺 should step in then what?if america 🇺🇸 always talk about western hemisphere it only show that they are corrupt the french and americans mess up in Haiti 🇭🇹, i think Haitians would trust the Russians more

  8. You don't know the truth about the history of what really happened to Haiti, or you are not saying it. Judging by your account it seems like Haitians make guns and started the far end of their guns and drugs trades all by themselves.
    It's almost like French, Israel, and the US are the most innocent in it…or that these governments were really being chosen by the Haitians. There are the very rich French mafia in Haiti that are behind all of this. Why you think the gangs are so well armed? What? They make guns down there?
    All that happens is the destabilization of Haiti by European powers so that they will rule from behind patsy leaders and steal Haiti's Iridium and cobalt. Many people don't even know the incredible amount of Iridium in Haiti. It's hard to believe that any country on Earth holds more wealth.

  9. So, what are those rich white people…and 'French people' doing in Haiti? And how come they have so much money to pay ransom and they can't pay back Haiti the countless billions they owe?

  10. ☦️❣️❣️❣️Fix Your Mind

    Today’s Scripture

    ‎“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV)


    What you think about the most determines the quality and direction of your life. Naturally, people who think positive, uplifting thoughts have happier, healthier, longer lives. They are less stressed, more vibrant and enjoy better sleep. That’s why the Scripture encourages us to think on good things—things that are true, noble and lovely. Some translations say to “fix your mind” on them. When you fix your mind on noble things, you close the door to the negative voices and open your heart to allow God to work in your life.

    Choose today to fix your mind on good things. Do whatever you need to in order to keep those good thoughts before you. Write them on note cards and put them in a place where you can see them. Confess God’s promises over your life and declare His blessing on a daily basis. As you fix your mind on the goodness of God, you will be filled with His peace and victory, and see every dream and desire in your heart come to pass.

    A Prayer for Today

    ‎“Father, Today I choose to fix my mind on noble things. I choose thoughts of peace and victory. Fill my heart with Your goodness that I may glorify You in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
    ‎Good morning and do have a sensational Sunday and may God bless you more abundantly!

  11. Why is Kenyan Police killing their own peaceful people? Is it the reason they were choosen to go to Haiti? Now their hidden murderous secret culture is exposed to the world to see. Thanks for the courage and bravery of the Kenyan people who as been suffering for decades with this secret Police culture. Which have been allowed by their leaders who called themselves Christians. No one gets away with evil, God will judge.

  12. Who is he to talk about Haiti? Which rock was he hiding under in the DRC?. His he from Haiti? As he ever lived in Haiti? The hate for the Haitian people is all over is face. Did you check is credentials/back ground first?. Is this the self proclaimed sniper?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. You guys have engaged in a fairly good discussion about Haiti and the instability. However, the major question I have is, who will benefit most from the American brokered stability Ruto is trying to help to bring to Haiti? Will it be the impoverished and hopeless people of Haiti, or will it be the rich and powerful in the country? The people of Haiti were poor and without hope of a better future before the instability, during the instability and that will not change after the instability is quelled. My point is that unless the issue of the poor, marginalized and hopeless in Haiti is dealt with, it is a waste of time. There will be more upheavals, possibly even more violent, in the near future in Haiti.

  14. My name is Trevor Thomas from Jamaica and i will NEVER SUPPORT ANY OUTSIDE FORCES IN HAITI, BIG UP ALL FREEDOM FIGHTER WORLDWIDE,,,,JIMMY CASTRO IS BARBEQUES new name,,,,,,i never cheer for thee great Satan or the slave masters, Remember Gaddafi and Saddam,

  15. A lot of misinformations. You simply did a copy and paste of Western Propaganda medias. The problems in Haiti come from France, Canada and the USA. If you come to Haiti you will be surprised to realise that most of the people are against foreign police or army intervention