A Super Quick History of Eritrea

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Mr History

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A Super Quick History of Eritrea

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Sailko: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kohaito,_grotta_di_adi_alauti_con_pitture_rupestri_databili_al_2500_ac_ca._38_bovini.JPG ; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kohaito,_grotta_di_adi_alauti_con_pitture_rupestri_databili_al_2500_ac_ca._47_dromedario.JPG ;…



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  1. Can you tell us 1 king of Medri Bahri or a war that Medri Bahri won decisively between 12th and 19th Century? Do you know that Tigrinyas in Medri Bahir (Today Eritrean) descendent of Gonder and Wolo (Amhara Region in Ethiopia)? In addition, if the Ottomans occupied the coastline and 75 percent of the land (all the low lands) from 1557 to 1882, shouldn't Medri Bahri cease to exist? Lastly, tell us how Medri Bahri ( the king, leaders and fighters) prevent Ottomans that occupied half of Europe and 1/4 of the known world from occupying the highlands of Medri Bahir if it were not under the kingdom of Abyssinia? Ethiopia had a lot of kings. They fought against each other. They could have said the same thing about one of Ethiopia's states: Gonder or Gojjam or Wollo or Tigray or Shewa. Yet when an outsider tried to Invade their land, they put their differences aside, united and fought together. As a matter of fact, Medri Bahri was the weakest of them of all. They didn't have one true king but a Traitor. He sided with Ottomans and got killed. You should do more research before you post a video like that. It sounds like Eritreans' propaganda. You didn't even mentioned the kings of Medri Bahri (Bahr Negus) were assigned by the king of Abyssinia. Italians created Italian Eritrea in 1890 from lands that they took from Ethiopia, King Yohannes IV and Ras Alula who routed the Khedivate of Egypt (autonomous tributary state of the Ottoman Empire) at The Battle of Gundet in 1875 and The Battle of Gura in 1876 in North Abyssinia (Modern day Eritrea). Medri Bahri was a state in Ethiopia like California is a state in The United States. They are the same people. They have the same culture. They have the same faith. They have same DNA. If Italians hadn't set foot on East Africa, Medri Bahri would have been part of Ethiopia.

  2. Nobody have the exact statistics of the religions order.

    But as known, Islam is the first religion
    Then Christian.
    Stop making assumptions and deliver it as a fact.

  3. U lil weirdo students of my country wear different uniforms like cmon each school has their own uniform and we r happy for everything we have rather than destroying the reputation of people's country do something good atleast for once

  4. The UN didnt give Eritrea to Ethiopia but the Ethiopian captains of military divisions held a meeting with Eritrean captains of military divisons to talk about if Eritrea and Ethiopia should unite and the captains of the Eritrean divisions refused that nonsense and so the 20year old war started ,am a subscriber of the channel but idk if you say the truth in all of your vidoes so next time be accurate and btw to gimve you my nationality ,am eritrean and whatyou said in the viode is complete nonsense

  5. What about the BRUTAL CONCENTRATION CAMPS??? where people who have tried to flee Eritrea or escape forced conscription into military service?? Men, women and children are beaten on their backs, heads, bottoms of their feet and hung upside down. Thanks to President Isaias Afwerki. Since 1991, Eritrea has no functioning constitution, NO ELECTIONS, no legislature and no published budget, ISAIAS IS THE SOLE POWER in the country, controlling its judiciary and military. He has been cited for human rights violations upon his own people, by the United Nations and Amnesty International.

  6. The poor human rights record and low development index, That you said is fabricated by the enemy of Eritrea .
    In Eritrea at least the basic human rights are guaranty.
    – Education is free for all at all levels .
    – Medication is free for all with no payment .
    – No death legality at all
    then you can ask your self ither the above mentioned rights. In the countries who are saying them selves shampion of democracy .

    And Eritrea is working hard for the better future of the peoples.

  7. Eritrea has Never been Religiously divided neither have bad blood with anyone…the truth is the British doesn't want to give us our freedom like many African nations. Instead they looted our resources and sold Eritrea out…till this day They trying to destroy Eritreans but it's impossible as we are the Adulisian who lived 1000s of years before the white folks even existed…stop twisting history….

  8. It's a good roughly and clear summarization, probs for that. Just an important correction: the rise of Aksum was not driven by the migration from Yemen, like it was was widely believed in the last century. The semitic migration occured already around 1000 BC and originated in the Levantine, by second grade descendants of mixed semitic people and the "sea people". This migration, which was rather responsible for the rise of the kingdom of Dmaat, introduced the so called "south arabian" script in Eritrea, which at the same time evolved in Eritrea into the Ge'ez script and was used in South Arabia. Beside the fact of a cultural exchange with Yemen the theory of a migration from Yemen is already dismissed and it is not really clear, what the reason for the rise of Aksum was.

  9. The Sabeabs did not create or bring Semitic languages to the Horn of Africa. Instead the state you mentioned, D’mt, it’s to beloved to have continued under a new name Axum. it’s now thought that “Semitic” and “Hamitic” languages are part of the language family called Afro-Asiatic.

  10. What about the Turk occupation, you should edit the video. That was the only part you missed. I thought you would miss other events. Over all not bad. Keep it up.

  11. A few things mate the ruling class of axum were habesha which means its likely that the axumites sailed and invaded Yemen not the other way around and secondly the Muslim didn't go to Eritrea as stated in the Qur'an clearly states that they went to abyssinia which Is what is today ethiopia