Must See: Black Chinese Man Says this about Black People and instantly REGRETS IT

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Must See: Black Chinese Man Says this about Black People and instantly REGRETS IT

Must See: Black Chinese Man Says this about Black People and instantly REGRETS IT

✨ 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗔𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗙𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗝𝗲𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗿𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗛𝗲𝗿, 𝗜 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼…



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  1. There are no black people in the world who haven’t been adversely affected by the white cancer. All our struggles must be acknowledged. We need to be much more supportive of one another.

  2. If you see how the British treat and make hateful comments Megan Markel ( Black American) shows that Britain has deeply rooted racism. The race riots are just openly pervasive expressions of what has been systemic for years.

  3. Thank you sistah!!! I couldn't believe the comments from black Americans! 🤯🤯 For some reason they think Black British descendants didnt suffer slavery because it wasnt in Britan. They think we dont have it as bad as them🤯🤯🤯 like the sistah said. We all know of Americans history. I taught myself. I was so proud of them. From the sheroes,heros, Inventors, rebellions, freedom fights etc. Then come to realise that they look down on us! I couldn't believe it! My heart broken because i truly believe that we were all considered the same. After wll that is all that " those people"see😡💪🏾🤯 Black Americans havnt educated themselves on other black people histories. Its obvious. Well said my beautiful UK sistah!! Well said! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾

  4. He's not lying and what he said is the Damm truth you as black people will not expect. Everywhere we go it's even our people who are talking about you who lived in any European country or land that they stolen, Africa says grotesque shit about there own people .Talking about rather you have culture or no tradition. This is what those in say concerning their own people. Yet they are experiencing the worst atrocities in their own continent. We are over here and going through the business. But what about you? He said no lie concerning us .

  5. Black Americans
    Black West Indian
    Black Latino
    Black indigenous
    Black Asian
    Black Indians, Black Brits
    Black people around the globe.
    Black- is just a word for a descendant of Africa. Why are all these victims of sex trafficking, rape, mutilation,
    Theft and torture…
    Angry……At each other? This is the real problem.
    Doesn’t matter who benefits from the resources stolen….
    They were stolen.

  6. Sadly, I've had this issue with AA's . Their level of ignorance is unbelievable and i put this down to their education system. I wish they'd just acknowledge it.They really do think that america is the world and there isn't a world beyond that country. Many don't even know where the Catibbean is or that we've had a similar history.

  7. I’m glad someone is calling out black Americans. They think they are better and above other indigenous people. I have seen so many videos of them talking ish about us and many comments. It’s pathetic

  8. There is a lot of ignorance on both sides. Recently, in the United States an African Nurse Practitioner referred to Black Americans as nothing but slaves, However, the bottom line is we are not each others enemies. Black people globally are disrespected. Who benefits from our lack of unity?

  9. I want everyone to go watch The confessions of an economic hitman I think it'll explain it all
    All black people are still under slavery and we really never got "Independence" and that a fact

  10. Ever since the Chinese attacked and assaulted our Kind in China during the Early first Months of the, "Plandemic", it caused even my docile and extremely passive people to react and respond in unity, ever since then I began to fall in love with Our People over their on the continent, and the continent itself, being African has never been so meaningful to me my whole life, loving the skin that I am in totally and embracing my kind globally !!!!!

  11. Ndagire when you get a chance please email me I have something important to tell you
    Send me your email and I will contact you. I will have to ask you to prove to me it’s you before I tell you.

    Be safe and you are doing a great job! I love this channel.

  12. first of all, I’m a black American and at this time I would like to apologize for the stupidity of some of us, black Americans, who say something stupid like that to other blacks all over the world.

    It’s only obvious that young man is far from any education at all when it comes to people of color he’s not even smart enough to know that the people over in great Britain anywhere all over the world. He has no idea that you guys are us the same people , and if that young clown, who looks like he’s part Chinese if he read his Bible, he would know, but he doesn’t read his Bible. I can tell by the video I watched of him..

    This young man has no right trying to call shot and wonder why you guys don’t stay where you claim that you like he’s not even smart enough to realize that America is not our home great Britain and all these other countries they’re not the homes that are our people the Bible says that None of these are our land of rest.

    We are gods children, and we were scattered to all four corners of the Earth traveling on slave ships
    Deuteronomy 28:64,68 .

    God said that we would go into Egypt ( meaning BONDAGE AGAIN)!

    Because we disobeyed him as his children . Every single black that are of the Israelite nation. (Not all blacks are Israelites) are under the same curse of Deuteronomy chapter 28.

    Read Deuteronomy chapter 28 : 1-68 and you will see that every black all over the world this is happening to you, including racism. We are all being mistreated, no matter where we live.

    So that young black man that said what he said to all of you, I am sorry, but all black Americans are not that smart. You see most of us black Americans would be educated if we would pick up a book and read it. But a white man knows here in America. The best way to keep a black man or woman dumped down is.,….. to put it in a book…….. because black Americans too lazy to read it!…….

    And that young man, that young American man just proved my point ! And he better watch what he saying because from the looks of him, he might be a black American, but he looks like he might be a mower bite. The Bible calls it a mite meaning part Chinese and his father and his father father is Chinese according to chapter 1 versus 18 that would make him Chinese not black. And if he’s not black on his father side, meaning if he’s Chinese a Moabite, he’s not one of us and he needs to shut the hell up.!

    Chinese, which the Bible calls mite cannot enter God’s kingdom !
    Deuteronomy 23:3

    So you guys should not get yourselves worked up over something and outside or says because this is all they have right here until Armageddon and then after Armageddon, they have to serve us in slavery Isaiah 14:2-11

    And all of these other nations know this that is why they’re spilling our blood in the street. They’re trying to stop us from being their slave Masters because we will remember what they did to us.

    Wake up Black people ! Black Jesus Chris will be returning in the middle of WORLD WAR 3 also known as ARMEGEDDON AND WILL START THE KILLING OF 200 million people ……. WHO DID US WRONG BY ENSLAVING AND OPPRESSING US ALL OVER THE WORLD!

    So Christ will summons 4 Angels to kill 200 Million people to begin the Battle.

    If this black Chinese man DOES NOT STOP PUTTING HIS OWN PEOPLE DOWN (if he is one of us) then God will punish him for siding with the outside races of people against Gods children and Will be ordered by Christ to suffer the outside race of peoples judgement being handed down by God as well. We are forbidden to even marry these other races of people!
    Malachi 2:11 & 12

    So don’t let that dummy upset you. He is unlearned.

    But we all black peoples that do belong to our God we need to go back to The Most Highs Gods Law. We all serve our God as Israelites world wide Google ISRAELITE UNITED IN CHRIST AND WATCH THEIR VIDEOS ON YOU TUBE . Those men wheat the colors of PURPLE AND GOLD! God sent them to teach us the Bible’s Truths!

    Revelations 21:21

    Kisses 💋

  13. Enough of the crabs in a barrel mentality, we should be working together instead of the division. No more negativity and dissent. I love my people but hate the hatred. Out of many one people we have one love!!!!

  14. Don’t stress Sis he’s an idiot!!! This isn’t even how a few African Americans views on the rest of the diaspora. He don’t know his history and just trying to get likes. How dare he!!!! He can stay in America with his Whyte Besties!! He’s just keeping up the division that the colonizers have started and they are eating popcorn in their seats with this one.. SMDH …Love for all of my African Brothers and Sisters worldwide !!!