The Chosen Is Hiding Some Things… – John MacArthur

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The Gospel of Christ

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The Chosen Is Hiding Some Things… – John MacArthur

The chosen is hiding some things, John MacArthur.

I was shocked to hear about the chosen tv series, Jonathan Roumie, Dallas Jenkins in a recent controversy. John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, and John Henry provide biblical answer.

Is Jesus the only way? John MacArthur
Voddie Baucham, is Jesus the only way to God?
The truth about…



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  2. I have not seen anything evil except this video
    The moral of the final result
    The reason for this series is how many modern generations return to the Bible and read it with enjoyment
    This generation is smarter than you and me
    And understands well the meaning of the dramatic plot from the truth
    But watching the series made the Bible not a boring book but the opposite … An enjoyable visual image
    God is not weak … This video makes us feel that Satan is strong and we have been deceived
    God is stronger and greater and uses even evil for the benefit of his children as in the verse
    brings out sweetness from the dry one
    The final result is what?
    The return of youth to the Bible
    Provide your guidance and your show speeches to the old generations who have lost touch with other generations and failed to bring them closer to Christ and the Gospel
    Because they did not use their talents that Jesus gave them to connect Jesus to the generations after them

  3. It never ceases to amaze me. Instead doing what the LORD, we all claim to serve, desires, which is UNITE, we side with the accuser of the brethren and accuse. Instead of taking the initiative of a one on one and then two on one and then church correcting according to scripture (Matt. 18:15-20), we PUBLICLY PUT THE BODY ON TRIAL before the world. God told me long ago; “My Son was perfect and they still talked about Him.”
    What should we expect then?

    If they aren’t FOR us…they’re against us.
    My point is, there’s a proper way to Biblically and lovingly correct. I hope the church community starts to side with God in HOW we do this.

  4. The Catholic church was founded by Jesus and the Catholic church Determined the books that got into the bible. It is One, Holy and Apostolic with the fulness of the truth. The only church that traces its routes back to the Apolstes. The church has be existing for 2000years and it has seen all the history of Christendom. You have no idea. The produce met stakeholders like theologians, Catholic bishops, Jewish leaders and phylosophers Just to get the history, teachings and traditions of the show right. If you think you can read the bible and condem everything you see, think again. You problem is Sola scriptura and ignorance is you stregnth.

  5. The word "love" becomes order and command when it is confined within the framework of rules and regulations imposed by social structures and community control. This eventually turns into religion, with fundamentalists and others claiming themselves to be authorities on behalf of someone who broke all such authorities.

    Jesus is not about Christianity, and he is not tied to any rules, regulations, or foundations. He is not limited by race, creed, gender, color, culture, or geography. People need to understand that Christianity is not equal to Jesus; rather, Jesus equals Christianity. Christianity begins with his teachings and is not dependent on rituals, cultural beliefs, or language. It’s about love, the purity of heart, passion, compassion, and generosity towards others. Wherever these qualities exist, Jesus is there; Christianity is there. Jesus is not the property of anyone, but everyone is a property of his love and kindness.

    His character and teachings made it clear thousands of years ago that he was the ultimate rebel and the greatest reformist, representing the highest level of humanity ever seen. Whenever people try to define or judge on his behalf, they are repeating the same mistakes made by the Jewish authorities over a thousand years ago.

    At the core of Jesus is love, compassion, and humanity. Whoever holds these in their heart holds Jesus in their heart. That’s why he chose the poor, the illiterate, and the uncivilized to be his disciples—because his company had no taboos, no restrictions. He came to free us from all kinds of limitations.

    As for creating television series or cinematic movies about him, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. There is a difference between reality and representation, and everyone knows that. Creating cinema about a person who represents the zenith of humanity and love is the need of the hour. In a world full of chaos, crime, hatred, politics, and cruelty, we need a teacher who can show us good values and qualities, and make this planet more beautiful and loving.

    We know that cinema has the power to influence people, so why shouldn’t it be used for goodness and the betterment of society? If someone becomes a better human being through cinema, what’s the harm in that? Watching cinema that rightfully presents Jesus Christ's character and qualities can help people learn, relate, and grow.

    It’s like anyone who has received the seed of life shouldn’t protect or limit it for themselves; they should spread it as much as possible, in every way possible. A personality like Jesus is the seed of life, and his message should be shown in every land and every heart without any hidden agendas or self-interest.

    If someone truly understands Jesus, they won’t need anyone else to assist them in knowing him. Jesus himself will find a way to reach them. He’s not a language or formula to learn, but a feeling to be lived.

  6. This is so utterly stupid, it's breathtaking. I am a born-again former Mormon and my wife and I are finishing Season 4. I've not seen one thing that smacks of Mormonism or even hints at its theology/Christology in The Chosen. I only learned earlier this week that its producers or whatever are LDS. I pray you do not strain at gnats, brothers. The fruits of this series are apparently pretty awesome, praise God!

  7. We should not judge either Dallas or the Show. I agree the Flag shouldn be there, and should be adressed ,but hey- who is perfect among us? We sin all of us. I believe in my heart that God and The Holy Spirit has blessed this Serie, and that it has been a blessing to so many people all around the World. Im a protestant, have studied the Bible quite a lot, and I dont see any problems with the fill- ins of Life , beside the exact Bible text occurring on the screen. It feels natural, and true

  8. The show may add a few back stories and all to the characters' lives, but it sure does NOT preach any false message. The disclaimer clearly states that the purpose of the show is to encourage viewers to read the Bible. And let me tell you something, it did that for me! I had my Bible open right in front of me while watching the show, and whenever there were scenes that seemed familiar to me, I would pause and read the scripture.
    People might say what they want, but this show has been a source to many lost sheep to come back to Jesus. ♡

  9. What on earth has all this got to do with The Chosen? Mormonism is totally wrong. The Chosen is bringing many to Christ. Thats why Satan has, so many criticising it. Im only on series three but providing you read your Scriptures first and foremost I see nothing wrong here.

  10. I am reading some of these comments and I am really saddened. I am a Christian and it really saddens my heart to see all of you are doing their best to destroy the GOOD The Chosen has done to bring people to Jesus. Please do not allow a tiny flag to interfere with what this movie is all about. Jesus is all about LOVE and FORGIVENESS. I firmly believe in my heart that Jesus has a good sense of humour. In fact, I am counting on it. Before any of you start throwing rocks around – please … "Look in the mirror". God bless us all.

  11. have not one understood what God says about adding and or taking away from the word!? i have a deep feeling that this show will cause something so negitive to happen . for now its silent but remember times are closer to coming of christ and i urge you to be very carful and take caution. let this be food for thought.

  12. After season 1 when kovid had things locked down and there wasn't a place or the money to film season 2 Dallas stood out in a field in the rain pleading with viewers to pray and ask God for a miracle because he saw no way for "The Chosen" to continue. I sincerely prayed for weeks and about the time it looked like it was the end of 'The Chosen' Dallas come on with another video reporting miraculous new information that God had answered our prayers! With total delight on his face he said God had answered the prayers and that the Mormon church offered their state of the art production set in Utah as a place to shoot future seasons of the Chosen. The set was better than anything Hollywood had. Dalls coukd not have been more delighted and when he said "the Mormon church has graciously answered our prayers" I about threw up!! Talk about a punch in the gut! I remember very loudly saying in response as if Dallas could hear me "Christians DO NOT look to Joseph Smith and his misguided lost followers for answers to prayer!!". Maybe the mormons answered your prayers Dallas but they sure didn't answer mine!! I would rather see The Chosen be shut down indefinitely, or forever if need be, until the God of the Bible said otherwise.

    I expressed my shock and concerns to The Chosen and the response I recieved back was not Christ-like it was rude sarcastic – "If you don't like it.. too bad .. take a hike.. the Chosen is not for you".

    This is a true story.

    I stopped watching The Chosen. My wifes family on her dads side has a long history in Mormonism and its a hot topic in our lives.

    The mormon jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Bible. Moses didn't turn to Pharoah for answers to prayer. Joshua didn't turn to the leaders inside Jericho for answers to prayers. Noah didn't turn to the wicked people who only thought of evil all of the time for tips and help on how to build a boat. King David didn't turn to the Philistines for answers on how to slay Goliath. The list goes on and on and on.

    When the God of the Bible shuts a door we don't find a way around that door.. which is exactly what The Chosen does.

  13. Plus I don’t remember this kind of conversation going on during the Prince of Egypt. There were things clearly added to that adaptation by way of artistic license. And was that movie condemned for it?

  14. I don’t believe it is an accurate statement to say that they fully support lgbtq just because there was one small flag in their set. That was on one little camera and nowhere else. That was the decision in the person who handled and or owned the camera. Not the whole company itself. That would be like saying a restaurant supports lgbtq if just one employee has a rainbow pin in their shirt, yet it shows up nowhere else. That is a stretch to make a point. The only thing you can conclusively say is that the one person who owned the flag and displayed it supports lgbtq. As a born again Christian I have to stand up for what is fair. And this statement is neither a strong or a factual one.

  15. But if we are an angel come down from heaven and preach a different gospel than the one we preached to you? Let them be accursed!
    Galatians 1:8

    Do not watch the chosen it is a different gospel than the Bible

  16. The simple fact John McArthur doesn’t approve of the Chosen TV series is evidence of his own disconnect with the true Church of Jesus Christ. McArthur's teaching initially sounds great, but in reality is sort of like the ingredients of d-Con rat poison, which is 99.995% really good stuff the rats love to gobble up. It has to be full of good stuff because rats are not stupid and if it wasn’t desirable and taste good the rats would NOT want to eat it. Meanwhile, the other unseen or ignored .005% is deadly and no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

  17. The actor of Jesus is just an actor, it's not like he knew that they even had that pride flag, we can't be the judges here, what if they are just trying to give better understanding? Why do we always judge? Is judgement not for God? And the chosen doesn't make you feel "separated" from God, a roman man in the bible was saved by Christ, please stop judging people, in the end, God is the judge

  18. I am very devastated over learning that a major mission agency has now decided to use The Chosen as an outreach tool in bringing people to Christ. I have since stopped my contribution to this agency. God wants purity and apparently this agency is either blind or has no regard for God’s standard. Please do your research on the agencies you support in all areas, even secular.
    For example: the Epoch Times is backed by an apostate religion. It’s anti-Christ. Its reporting is outstanding but the $ goes to a false religion. God doesn’t compromise and it’s a lot of self denial He is asking us as believers, to pursue. Purity is an old but pillar of our outward dealings with the world, as polluted as it is. It is another character of our Lord we exhibit to point them to Christ. Do not be deceived. Do your research and prove your love you have for Christ by your obedience. Be blessed! ❤️

  19. I started watching the chosen when i first was converted and for what i remember it was fine, the director does seem to not have an understanding on LDS teachings and thus falls into weird rants online but i don't think if he given the time to study and understand them he would not have said what he said, still, the show is fine, but i would encourage as with any piece of media, just because it's Christian doesn't mean is Christ-like, use discernment and if the spirit feels uncomfortable watching it then stop, i wouldn't make a hard set rule about it. God bless!

  20. Bringing in legalistic preachers especially mcarthur is a non starter. This show belongs to the Lord and I truly believe He is setting it exactly to the tone He wants!
    Ok.. a mild flogging to the contractor!.. keep up the Great work you kids!! 💜💜💜

  21. I don't care about these preachers
    … Jesus himself said not to put faith in any teachers or prophets. Those preachers are never happy, you never do enough according to them. Preachers hated on The Passion of the Christ as well. These people sometimes take Bible literally, word for word and metaphorically when it doesn't benefit them. That's why I don't have any problem with The Chosen… those preachers will come with their own explanations of scriptures as well, when it doesn't make sense literally. I don't agree with the pride flag but that's it.