From Practicing Vodou (Witchcraft) to Following Jesus! | Shocking Testimony ๐Ÿ˜ณ

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From Practicing Vodou (Witchcraft) to Following Jesus! | Shocking Testimony ๐Ÿ˜ณ

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  1. I saw an ex satanist say when you serve you will never be healthy. Wow.
    He absolutely speaks to that in this testimony!!!

    Iโ€™ve witness demons manifest in church and confront the pastor! But he was not scared! Blood of Jesus!!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  2. Now maybe people will think twice before engaging in St Nicks holy day. The scripture warns about worshipping God the way the pagans worship their gods. Only follow Godโ€™s instructions (Torah) and keep his holy days. The new covenant is about God writing his law on your heart so you will not sin..yes we sin every minute but God is gracious to forgive if we keep our garments free from filth, by washing ourselves in the blood of Jesus Christ. Itโ€™s why he spilled his blood. The time is coming when sin has taken the drop of his blood and no one will find forgiveness. Only those that have backslide will God take back.

  3. When I tell you this is a testimony. Hallelujah. And you answered so many questions regarding the things Iโ€™ve opened myself to that I was confuse about AND what the people around me is involved with . God bless youโค

  4. Dia bertindak di hadapannya dengan segenap kekuatan binatang pertama dan memaksa seluruh bumi dan orang-orang yang tinggal di atasnya untuk menyembah binatang pertama, yang luka parahnya telah disembuhkan; dan mengadakan mukjizat-mukjizat besar, sehingga api turun dari langit ke bumi di hadapan manusia. Dan dengan mukjizat-mukjizat yang diberikan kepadanya untuk dilakukan di hadapan binatang itu, dia menipu orang-orang yang hidup di bumi, dengan menyuruh orang-orang yang tinggal di bumi untuk membuat patung binatang itu, yang terluka oleh pedang dan masih hidup. . Dan diberikan kepadanya untuk memasukkan roh ke dalam patung binatang itu, sehingga patung binatang itu akan berbicara dan bertindak sedemikian rupa sehingga siapa pun yang tidak menyembah patung binatang itu akan dibunuh. Dan Dia akan mewujudkan agar setiap orang, baik kecil maupun besar, kaya atau miskin, merdeka atau budak, akan mendapat tanda pada tangan kanannya atau pada keningnya, dan tidak seorang pun dapat membeli atau menjual kecuali orang yang mempunyainya. tanda ini, atau nama binatang itu, atau bilangan namanya. Inilah kebijaksanaan. Siapa yang berakal, hitunglah bilangan binatang itu, karena itu adalah bilangan manusia; jumlahnya enam ratus enam puluh enam. Dan malaikat ketiga mengikuti mereka, dan berkata dengan suara nyaring: Barangsiapa menyembah binatang itu dan patungnya dan menerima tandanya pada dahi atau tangannya, dia akan minum anggur murka Allah, seluruh anggur yang disediakan di dalam cawan. akan murka-Nya, dan dia akan disiksa dalam api dan belerang di hadapan para malaikat kudus dan di hadapan Anak Domba; dan asap siksaan mereka akan naik selama-lamanya, dan mereka yang menyembah binatang itu dan patungnya dan yang menerima tanda namanya tidak akan mendapat istirahat siang atau malam (Wahyu 13:12-18, 14:9-11 ).

  5. wow I rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus! Eye opening testimony. Please I beg of all, stay away from the things this gentlmen is speaking of. It is very dangerous and real. Christ is the truth and the light. โค

  6. I was engaged to a Puerto Rican man in my 20s whose mother grandmother and him practiced this stuff unbeknownst to me. When we had a child he insisted my baby wear a bracelet with a black hand on it to ward off negative evil eye. My son would be sick as a baby without cause. Also, this guy had taken me to shop at a botanica. Although I was raised Pentecostal, i was so young and dumb as to what this all meant. I would advise any young person to choose wisely who you give yourself and heart to, because they can lead you astray from the things of Jesus. Luckily I knew better than to dabble in witchcraft or any nonsense. But proximity to these people affected me.

  7. When I was into new age I would wear the evil eye bracelet because I was told โ€œit protects youโ€ and the bracelet would break off me every time, it broke constantly that I stopped buying it because I said โ€œI keep waisting moneyโ€ now that Iโ€™m saved I know God has always been there and I am so happy I am saved. Thank you, Jesus!!!! โค

  8. This Ministry is very unprofessional. I went through two interviews and when i was telling my story the interviewer was yawning and playing with his glasses and kept bragging that his testimony was on Delafe.

  9. Santeria will have you doing never ending ritualsโ€ฆwith no true deliverance or protectionโ€ฆ โ€œAt this moment in timeโ€ every church needs a deliverance ministry!

  10. This is how you know the devil's "power" is not real. You have to do SO MUCH to get "it" which really amounts to nothing! Meanwhile at the mere mention of the name of JESUS, miracles happen!!! Whew! Lord we thank You for WHO you are!! All Powerful! Marvelous! Glorious! The ONLY one true living God!
    Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony!

  11. Yes Demons Hate Humans , Humans They Hate !!
    Witchcraft Is Extremely Demonic
    Witchcraft Gives You Sleep Paralysis, Which's A Demon Riding Your Back !! 21 Divisions Is Evil Straight From Satan

  12. Beautiful testimony but PLEASE dont call these things saints. These were no saints. Saints are those who were true witnesses of God and lived in sanctity . They are veneered for their holy life. The word Saints can't be associatef to confusion or chaos.