Is Gentle Parenting Possible in African Culture?
#gentleparenting #positiveparenting #parentingtips
In this video, I talk about the phenomenon of gentle parenting and whether it’s doable and productive in African culture, namely the Senegalese culture. This is Part 2 of my parenting styles series, where I explore the different parenting styles and its impact on adult children in the…
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tik tokno contact with parentsthe jeune maman podcastteaching kids responsibilitystrict parentingpositive parenting solutionspositive parentingparenting tipsno contactafricans and gentle parentingnarcissitic parentsgentle parenting tik tokgentle parenting africansgentle parentingemotional abuse from parentsemotional abuse
I absolutely appreciate how you tackle difficult conversations in our community. We don’t do it enough, and we tend to be closed minded about these topics. Thank you.