City of Joy l Official Trailer l Netflix
City of Joy l Official Trailer l Netflix
“There is a life after all we survived.”
In 2011, City of Joy opened its doors in Eastern Congo with the goal of building a peaceful and transformational community for women survivors of violence.
Watch City of Joy – only on Netflix September 7.
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Importsnte es que todos sepamos que nuestro consumo productos como computadoras, celulares, televisores, etc, contienen coltán material por el cual están siendo ahora desplazados con tanta violencia, nosotros somos los llamados a hacer algo, nosotros al comprar pagamos esas milicias.
Thomas Mapfumo
Important film, it is our duty to listen to this womens voices and take action accordingly. We must open our eyes and hearts and learn from them <3 and share the stories <3