Who Controls Africa? (full documentary)

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Who Controls Africa? (full documentary)

We begin the chapter by one of the great powers in Africa, women. They are the ones who educate children, which remain when they leave, the guardians of the heavy burden of tradition. If they rebelled, Africa would collapse.
But do not forget the chiefs, village chiefs of the tribe, the family… ancestral characters around which the social…



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  1. the topic of who controls Africa is not close to correct visit Kenya where there are 7 women who are governors and the president of the supreme court and her deputy are women. Many members of parliament represent women and we educate every body.

  2. Typical western propaganda, choosing the most remote/poorest village/states to show the world of how primitive/poor we are. Title shouldn't have been stated that way, we have governments in place with proper hierarchy's to run our societies abundant wealth that your bunt out industries need to fuel your(western) economies, about time you talk of your thievery policies creating confusion on our continent to milk as of our resources about time we Africans begin to realize we have it all no need for Dead Aid we hold the cards.

  3. Please lets take note Africa isnt a country. This happens at a specific country so please know how to title it. Thanks for showing us documentaries like that. Africa is a nice place to live in so please so sometimes show the world how good it is.

  4. I was shocked to hear of child cannibalistic sacrifice and human sacrifice in general. Blatant abuse of vulnerable people for selfish betterment. An absolute abuse of power!!! 😑

  5. It's educational documentry but it's not accurate to mention "African " woman or culture because Africa is a Continent there are 54 countries and many cultures and languages so please be specific which country you mentioning in your video.

  6. I would like to thank both Atlantis for making this documentary and all those who viewed it and left their comments. I however, could not help but make the following observations and I think they can make discussions interesting:
    1. That those who think that this is a racist film may be wrong because these are true people of the continent in the 21st Cent. and they are proud and happy to live as they do. They only said they would like to share with the outside world but do not want excessive interference.
    2. Africans have instincts for local devolved systems of administration, where they will surrender community fate to chiefs and traditional leaders (the film calls them sorcerers, but they essentially are wisemen/mysticist/occultists). These leaders in today's world have very limited capabilities given there are national governance structures hence the backwardness.
    3. The systems in Africa do not understand its people at all. The instinctive purpose of many African communities. Today's leader has copied Western or Eastern context without understanding the African context where even Ancestors have a say in the leadership!
    4. Africans must be proud that we have served humanity more. We have been slaves/builders of other civilizations elsewhere: the Western, the Pyramids and even now we building the Middle East with our cheap labor (Dubai, UAE)

  7. Name ONE European where a single African language is spoken. You can't because it doesn't exist. In Africa today you have upwards of 4000 languages but in EACH country and region you will find that a European language is the "national" language. English, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc. Who controls Africa? Today it's Europeans. Tomorrow (or sooner) it will be China.

  8. Ireland suffered the same fate 600 years of slavery under british empire when we see documentaries on ireland half truths are what you get now ireland is a republic since 1923 the today we are under the control of bankers and multinationals. The makers of this documentry should never be allowed to make another

  9. The real people who control Africa aren't mentioned in this video, which reflects their power. If your neighbor does wrong you call him out immediately, yet we're exploited for hundreds of years by people who don't look like or respect us, and we don't say anything about them. If all the people in African agree on a single point, they could all be over ruled by the French, Chinese, Arabs, and other white people. Deal with that, and maybe Africa will start to heal.