Moscow terror attack: moment gunmen opened fire

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Moscow terror attack: moment gunmen opened fire

At least 40 people have been killed at a concert hall near Moscow after an attack by terrorists armed with automatic weapons, Russian media are reporting.


Gunmen could seen shooting at point-blank range at concertgoers at the Crocus…



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  1. Did you notice, first he said its looks like a mall but in other statement he said they have give notice alert to american citizen to avoid large gathering, concert and suddenly continues by mall.
    They know in the first place that this incident happen in a concert but they pretend that they know nothing.
    ISIS created and support by US

  2. Azt gondolom,hogy Ukrajna érdekében állt a támadás! Az Ukrajnai háborút pedig az USA finanszírozza ! Sajnálom de egyetértek Putyinnal …Egy magyar vélemény.

  3. In my mind : ISIS is CIA proxy no surprises they know and ahem suspicious plotting it,the goal is to make destabilization in russia cause by internal problem like terrorism riots etc and i think deep is no point the Islamist Radical Group attacking russia since putin policy seems tolerant to Muslims if you had brain to think this incident is very SuS and suspicious the CIA links like they did it on many places over the world try to overtrown elected gov…

  4. How on earth they can get in the country? From where they got t weapons? Who I can believe for t reason it happen? 4God sake its Russia. Aye… it's always innocent people that paid it for whatever reason they want to create. RIP.

  5. USA and Ukraine jointly did this massacre in Russia and now they said it's done by ISIS. Huh
    It's an old strategy of USA, world know this,
    Actually "everything is fair in love and war"

  6. The collective West like to blame Muslims for their own terrorist attack on Russian theatre we all know that the collective West is covering up for the Ukrainian terrorists leader who carry out the terrorists attack and then blame it on ISIS knowing that ISIS only exist when US and their proxy use need to use it as a cover

  7. Who has not yet understood what the West is and who we are dealing with – their plans are to reduce the world's population to 1 billion . People don 't really think about it . These are real ghouls , for whom the life of the peoples is nothing . I am talking specifically about those who are the ideological inspirers and with whose approval (rather under their direct supervision) World events of this kind are taking place (like others: "twin towers", all sorts of "desert storms" and in a glass, Maidans, pandemics and other misfortunes that they invent to gradually push their absolute power) is the shadowy super elite of the West , a closed club of intermarried influential families , mostly Anglo – Saxon . They are called differently , they pile up in different ways , but they are always the same and their main essence is that they are already Satanists in spirit , demons in human form . You have no idea what they are capable of. If it were not for Russia, they would have long ago begun to exterminate the population of the planet like cattle in a slaughterhouse LITERALLY!
    Did Isis create a terrorist attack?! What kind of idiot is this designed for? Probably on a completely stupefied Western man in the street, to whom day and night the media controlled by the "world government" are hammering all sorts of nonsense and lies like the "green economy" and the "rights" of perverts, along the way, and that the main evil is Russia.

  8. ◽The US sanctioned us
    ◽The US convinced others to buy their oil
    ◽The US carried out an act of terrorism on the Nord stream
    ◽The CIA disguised as Ukraine attack Russian refineries

    If Medvedev was president, there would be no united states, be grateful for Putin's calmness

  9. "Investigation Unveils CIA Recruitment and Training of Terrorists in Poland, Linked to Attacks on Russia"

    The investigation, which delved into the covert activities of intelligence agencies, revealed a disturbing connection between the CIA and the orchestrated attacks on Russian soil. It was uncovered that the CIA had been actively recruiting individuals with extremist ideologies and providing them with intensive training in Poland.

  10. What is the "cause" of the catastrophes caused by weapons and weapons in the human world throughout the ages?

    Tracing the "roots" and eliminating the causes of disasters is the way to long-term peace and stability.

  11. This looks like US sponsored terrorists attack on Russia, or else there's no reason for ISIS to attack Russia.

    If this attack was on Israel then it would be logical, but with Russia it's seems purely sponsored attack by some other country who hates Russia.

    This happened just after Putin wins election with massive numbers.

  12. IF the anyone thinks this was ISIS just because they claimed it and dont see real culprits behind this pulling strings was CIA and MOZARD, Your still Not fully escaped the matrix.

    I know for a fact ISIS will claim Any Attack if they gets paid for doing that.
    There is no even 1 logical conclusion for ISIS to do (this same like Navalny death , appetantly Putin was so dumb to kill someone who was a prisoner under him, who had no attention, kill him near election and get World focus and bad name. Every one knows who gets blame if Navalny dies, Who were afraid people started to like Putin after Tucker Carlson interview., Ukraine carried out many terrorist attacks paying Russians to do sabotage. They tried to assassinate Tucker in Moscow, So turn blame on Putin


  14. It is quite obvious that the organizers of this terrorist attack are the special services of the United States and Britain. This terrorist attack is a response to the Russian presidential election, in which Putin won by 87%. The performers are not important, it can be anyone. When the United States and Britain blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, they also tried to shift responsibility for it to others, pointing to Ukraine.