US Lawmakers Quietly Act Against South Africa Based On Debunked Russian Arms Claims

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US Lawmakers Quietly Act Against South Africa Based On Debunked Russian Arms Claims

Vicki Dillard reports on US lawmakers acting against South Africa based on debunked claims.



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  1. My sister thank you for all your informative videos I always find them thought provoking and on point. On the developments around Agoa and such my country expected that given our stance on Russia as well as Palestine. To delve more into the policies of my country a video of our dear Tata Mandela will illuminate the fact that when we believe in a cause we are prepared to endure. To clarify in that 1992 video Tata was there to say do not lift sanctions as we are on the verge of achieving our goal and we did!

  2. South Africa is entering a very dark & twisted chapter in terms of geopolitics. There are 4 ways to navigate this predicament:

    1. Lets just allow them to sanction South Africa because we already know that is their desired outcome plus, going back and forth busy mitigating our actions as if we are not sovereign is useless and pathetic.
    2. White South Africans were able to plan and somewhat execute the industrialisation of the nation in the midst of sanctions therefore they should pass over the "recipe" so that black South Africans can add "flavourants" and be one.
    3. IntraAfrica trade should be top priority.
    4. South Africa is probably the only country that has a sophisticated industrial economy in Africa therefore, It should heavily activate its 'military industrial complex'. That includes expanding its naval, air and infantry fleet, not forgetting the 'special weapons programme'

  3. Another stooge being used to do the dirty work of white supremacy. Just as they used the late Gen Colin Powell to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq.

  4. Sharing your sentiment here Vicki. If fact I even commented on the replay effect of things occurring in the world today that mirror the struggles of the Civil Rights era here. Once you know, you know.

  5. It's true that military vehicles from South Africa were captured by Russia in Ukraine. The Army vehicles are on display in Russia. But the Government may not know. I my ooinion, it could be the European communities in charge of military properties making did clandestine business. Lots of things happens at back of our politicians.

  6. There is NO AFRICAN NATION that is a military super power. So why in hell would Russia need weaponry from South Africa. They are using that LIE as a pretext for some other unjust actions against South Africa.

  7. Queen Vicki,
    It's so sad how people will use other people, to do their dirty work. This video is a perfect example of it. You brought it out so beautifully. Keep up the good work.
    Shalom 🌹

  8. And So what!!!! If south Africa was giving weapons to whom ever she chose? Does not 🚫 America gives weapons to whomsoever she chooses? AFRICA should NEVER 🚫 Apologize to no white man.

  9. These people grow so much hubris and forget that they are just ordinary humans like everyone of us, randomly finding themselves in important positions, and tomorrow they are nobodies again.
    Is he in South Africa to police the country, or to look after his citizens and represent his government?

  10. Mother Africa sisters and brothers yall have to clean house. Period. Either yall stand together/ yall will fall. America govt why are yall in Africa. We need our business here to be handled. Please leave this Countries alone. Why so much control, but our borders are open. Man this is crazy.

  11. (82:3) Against thy people they have
    craftily imagined a device, and have
    taken counsel against thy saints.
    4(82:4) They have said, Come, and let us
    utterly destroy them out of the nation;
    and let the name of Israel be
    remembered no more at all.
    5(82:5) For they have taken counse
    together with one consent: they have
    made a confederacy against thee;
    6 (82:6) even the tents of the ldumeans
    and the Ismaelites; Moab, and the
    7 (82:7) Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalec;
    the Philistines also, with them that dwell
    at Tyre.
    8(82:8) Yea, Assur too is come with
    them: they have become a help to the
    children of Lot. Pause.
    9 (82:9) Do thou to them as to Madiam
    and to Sisera; as to Jabin at the brook of
    10 (82:10) They were utterly destroyed at
    A ondar thau hanama oo dina