The Migration of Indo-European Languages

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The Migration of Indo-European Languages

In this episode the History of the World Podcast leads us through a heavily complex and complicated subject involving the Indo-European origin of many of the languages that we have today and the migrations that occurred early in our human history as humans and their evolving languages spread out across the globe, in many ways connected and in…



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  1. What a staggeringly awful thing to watch. The amount of things dropped in here for political reasons is stunning. Almost everything you said about English was full of pro-romance propaganda. Your forefathers roll in their graves.

  2. At 30:00, there were no Dorian invasions – there are no proof whatsoever that such invasions ever took place. You're a bit in lack of an update in terms of History. And those guys that are suppose to be roman soldiers are skinny as fu** – they are clearly no soldiers…

  3. Africans are black negros
    Asians are Chines
    Europe's are White or English
    And some Native Americans
    But who the people of iran pakistan afganistan Iraq and india? Means race or they are browns😅

  4. I want to say that ukrainian and belarussian are closer to polish than to russian. i don't say that russian is not slavic, but from my perspective ulkrainian belarussian with ruthenian should get their own group.

  5. Proto-Celtic did not spread in a whole form to the each. It was a product of several cultures among the Atlantic coast and spread eastward as a new form of IE with the trade in tin, copper, gold, iron.

  6. Absolute Most similarity with Sanskrit is in Serbo Croatian. Identical words . So the question is how is it possible. So this theory is impossible. It's a theory nothing more. Another example is the Latin word for month, which is Mese or Mesa. Even today used in Italy and Spain. But it should be Luna because this ist the name for Moon. Monday in Latin is Lunes. So why than Mese for Month? It doesn't mean anything in Latin. Because it comes from Slavic , Mesec which means Moon. How is it possible that in Latin are used Slavic words? To much wrong in this theory

  7. I enjoy this video and have watched a couple of times, but I need help with a question on the discus discussion. These are loan words and cognates. How does the discussion clarify the loan words v evolution question? I thought the point was not to be misled by loan words when we are looking for common roots for languages?

    For example, septem and hepta, or chien and Hund have common PIE roots. Disque and Tisch and desco seem to be loan words + phonological evolution . What am I missing ?

  8. NOAH
    Aryan Branch of Speech: Indo-European (14 families)
    GOMER Cimmerians, N of Black Sea
    ASHKENAZ SE of Black Sea
    RIPHATH Paphlagonians
    TOGARMAH Armenians
    MADAI Medes, S of Caspian Sea
    JAVAN Ionians, Greeks of SE Europe
    ELISHAH Near Greece
    TARSHISH Pre-Spanish in SW Europe
    KITTIM Cyprus
    DODANIM (RODANIM) Island of Rhodes and other Aegean Islands
    TUBAL Tibareni, in Asia Minor
    MESHECH Phrygians of Asia Minor
    TIRAS Tyrrhenians, of the Aegean Islands and Coastlands
    Hamitic Branch of Speech: Afro-Asiatic (30 families)
    CUSH Ethiopians in E Africa and Arabia
    SEBA In E Africa
    HAVILAH In SW Arabia
    SABTAH In S Arabia
    RAAMAH In SW Arabia
    SHEBA In SW Arabia
    DEDAN In Arabia
    SABTECA In S Arabia or Ethiopia
    MIZRAIM Egyptians
    LUDIM In N Africa
    ANAMIM In Egypt
    LEHABIM Libyans
    NAPHTUHIM In N Egypt
    PATHRUSIM In Upper Egypt
    PHILISTINES Coastal Plain of Palestine
    CAPHTORIM Cretans
    PUT In N Africa
    CANAAN W of Jordan River
    SIDON Sidonians (Phoenicians)
    HETH Hittites
    JEBUSITE Around early Jerusalem
    AMORITE In Palestine
    GIRGASHITE W of Jordan River
    HIVITE Central Palestine
    ARKITE W of the Lebanon Mountains
    ARVADITE Island off Syrian Coast
    ZEMARITE N Phoenician Coast
    HAMATHITE N of Palestine
    Semitic Branch of Speech: Asiatic (26 families)
    ELAM SE of Mesopotamia
    ASSHUR Assyrians
    EBER In Arabia and Mesopotamia
    JOKTAN Arabians

  9. If we combine Renfrew and Gimbutas, thus – Anatolian and Kurgan HYPOTHESES, and look at the Black Sea deluge, Danube civilization, the susequent Trako-Illirian culture and so on, we see that the combined Balkan-Black See origin is the most probable.

  10. One thing I dont understand in the video is the animation part of the language migrations and the helleno-armenin theory. Say if this language group existed (which it most likely did) and spread southward from ukraine/russia to the south caucasus, how did hellenic get to greece? It sounds more logical to assume the language migrated southwest to the balkans and from there through anatolia to the caucasus which is how armenian and greek would have split

  11. Well, let's wait for more genetic and linguistic evidence which may challenge this well-established understanding of Indo-Europeans as steppe masters.
    The problem is that no one understands the livelihood of humans in and around the Zagros mountains ( very possible birth place of indo-European languages)
    One needs to have a deep understanding of geography, diversity, and socio-political history of peoples in and around these mountains.
    And, of course, no one cares; the steppe theory is there – why not cling to it as long as possible?
    The steppe masters narrative has its own merits – white masters, the natural brutality of masters – well, it can give a resemblance of meaning to European (Africa or America colonization).
    I argue it is way more complex than what we think. Several languages and several cultures, completely distinct from each other, can coexist for as long as thousands of years just beside another language-culture and create one political entity – without compromising its integrity and without changing the others' integrity – without even one line of written script left from most of them.
    Why did they need scripts? Whenever a script was needed, they could have used their neighbors' scripts.

  12. It is nice video but I'm Sorry to disapoit you, you and everyone been fed with lies all the time and made everything greek, latly a study made in America shows Albanian language 6000++ years old and linea B it is in Albanian language, plus Swiss archaeologs find living area in Albania dated 6000 to 8000 bc, you mantion word father if you check the word in most language have one link which show the real origin

    And (At) it is fathe in albania language

  13. Sanskrit the origin of proto Into European languages? There is a lot of speculation and theories. The further back you go in history the less the certainty.