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  1. Immigration is the reason why a lot of blks will stay home or vote Trump 10 million yt Latinos entered the country and they don’t even like us

  2. So sexist racism isn't hardwired into politics and…racist like Roland S. Martin…is it Roland? Blacks like Roland are the most racist problem in America along with the US Government.

  3. Damned if we vote damned if we don't vote… I'm not sure if I want to vote this go round… I knew that my family wouldn't be able to buy land and build a house under trump, but we sure couldn't under Biden… The prices are way too high! Neither party are helping our people….

  4. Black women are not stupid they see the bs going on being told to fight your men, work instead of having a family while having there kids and brothers being gun down by the popo

  5. You would think that a republican president is already in office from all the stuff they have passed from state to state without any blow back from the dems.Thats the difference between the 2 parties is that when the repub's say they are going to do something , they do it. And afterwards shout it to the rooftop's. Where as the dems when they do something, you never hear about it until its election time. They has always had a major problem with their messaging.

  6. The reason we haven't heard any grand proclamations of what the Biden/Harris admn has done in the Black community if because the democrats don't have to pander to us for our votes anymore. Dr. Claude Anderson told us that we were no longer the largest minority voting demographic, and once that happened we would basically be ignored. Think about it, has there been any Town Halls with any of the candidates with someone like Roldan or Al Sharpton moderating like we used to see back in the day? Nope. The reality still hasn't hit Roland yet, and that's we are no longer needed to win elections. If we ever really were. And therein lies the danger to permanently attaching yourself to one political party.

  7. What I'm reading in a lot of these comments is that some of you would be okay having someone who wants to take your voting rights away and wants to be a dictator. Trumps words, not mine!

  8. I agreed with the beige brother with the glasses. Black people stop voting. They are doing NOTHING for our health,wage gap, and housing. Everything they have belonged to our ancestors and now when it’s time to pay us back with money that is rightfully ours they want do it!

  9. Over 22 million white people live below the poverty line and they have had FULL VOTING RIGHTS FOREVER. And they PREDOMINANTLY vote republikkkan. If republikkkans haven't done anything to help their own people who have had FULL VOTING RIGHTS FOREVER-why should I believe that they are going to do anything to help black people?

  10. Somebody please explain to me why I would want to vote for people who wanna destroy healthcare for all of its citizens while at the same time not having a healthcare plan of its own? Why should I wanna vote for people who complain about crime and then wanna pass out guns everywhere? The same people who wanna roll back regulations on environmental projects and pollute the air and black people's water first. The people who claim they are pro-life but pass out guns everywhere, support murderous police and who love wars. The people who wanna keep insulin prices high, make college tuition unaffordable and wanna place limitations and restrictions on voting. The people who wanna tell women what to do with their bodies, wanna limit workers rights and grant government subsidies for big corporations. The party that wants to eliminate social security and medicare. The same people who are more afraid of books than they are of guns. The people who support insurrectionists and who think that the first and second amendments only apply to them. The people who tell you that there were benefits to slavery and wanna eliminate black history courses. The same people who had simultaneous control of the house and the senate and could have passed any legislation they wanted on immigration but instead passed nothing but now constantly complain. The party that denies election results(black people had to accept election results for almost two centuries). The party whose members defy congressional subpoenas and whose family members receive two billion dollars from foreign governments for unexplained reasons. The party that claims that they are fiscally responsible but adds 8.4 trillion dollars to the federal deficit. The party of the supreme court justice who hangs his american flag upside down to show support for domestic terrorism. Or whose supreme court justice has no problem accepting expensive trips and vacations from wealthy donors. The party who says DEI is bad but nepotism and legacy enrollments are totally acceptable. The party who has no diverse thought or representation at the head of it. Somebody please explain to me why I should wanna vote for these devils?

  11. SOME of democrats accomplishments: women's right to vote, social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment benefits, ending child labor, GI Bill, federal home loan program, 8 hour workday, minimum wage, paid overtime, collective bargaining, voting rights act, head start program, civil rights act, financial aid, family and medical leave act, protect workers against pay discrimination (Lily Ledbetter), affordable care act, american rescue plan(pandemic recovery).

  12. Someone please help me understand the democrat party. So you have all these other races that you pass bills for give illegal 1000 debit cards free medical insurance but you need the black vote to win. All we ask for is the same playing field just to compete. I’m tired of hearing voting right. Every black person I’m around have id including me. I work around a lot of brown people and they don’t give a shit about black peoples so I’m tired of the black and brown talk.

  13. What the hell is wrong with my people? Obama did nothing for black people. And were you blind when obama became president? Did you not notice racism skyrocketed when obama got in office? What the hell is wrong with us? All these years we suppose to get better and smarter and it seems like we're getting dumber with every passing year

  14. Who is this woman and the source and funding for this poll??? Who is causing this economic stalmate abd whar demincrats do to break this obstruction by republicans? What policies or programs can Black women or men dissatified with Biden point to Trump or republicans proposals that addresses any of their concerns!!!

  15. Illegal immigration will be the death nail for Biden. Providing housing, healthcare, education, and money, amongst other things, while blacks are getting nothing is an absolute slap in the face.

  16. Roland saying how he has been warning them over the years and they paid him no mind. So my question Roland, why continue to grovel for these mofos?

  17. Im so encouraged to see black men and women waking up. Im telling you that what the Biden amd democrats have done with illegal immigration is an absolute slap in the face to black men and women.

  18. Black women voters will be the deciding factor in this election. Black woman historically are often the last hired and 1st fired. Generational pre and post civil war we oppressed at epidemic proportions only to native american women. As black women were victims of what is now called a hostile work environment and sexual harrasment. The plantation owner routinely victimized black women with threats of violence/ taking our children/ beatings/ death/ breaking up our families if we didn't comply to those demands. Black women are repeatedly silenced and often asked to dim our light. Black women votes counts and our voices need ti be heard.

  19. The Gen X and Gen Z generations was born with their civil rights and doesn’t understand the struggle that it took to get those rights. Those rights are beginning to slowly slip away and if Trump’s elected we’re guaranteed to lose more. Get fired up and ready to go!!!!!🏃🏿🏃🏾‍♀️

  20. A few weeks ago I recall Roland and his panel laughing and downplaying the mainstream polls highlighting shifts within the black voting population. 😂😂

  21. What happened to the vote like a black woman T-shirt go ahead and put that back on buddy, shout out to the beautiful sisters for not being easily persuaded anymore for nothing. Congrats.

  22. Black women are starting to wake up democrats being lying to black ppl for decades. This generation aint as stupid as the ones in the past who fall for the fake promises.

  23. Immigrants are here to replace black votes. This is what yall voted for. Immigrants are brought in to do all the cheap labor blacks and poor whites wont do. In my city immigrants come into stores with debit cards and ebt cards buying up everything. Have you noticed over the years in the stores they gave brought in aisles thats nothing but Spanish? Its all designed.

  24. Roland assumes that Biden is doing a great job, "he just doesn't brag about it enough." Maybe he's not doing that great of a job.