Lord Rothschild Claims His Family Created Israel

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Lord Rothschild Claims His Family Created Israel

Backroom deals, betrayal, and a war that’s lasted almost a hundred years. This is what happened when the richest family in the world decided to create their own country. In 1917, the Rothschilds, the trillion-dollar family that invented modern-day banking, used their money, power, and influence to strike a secret deal with the British…



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  1. The Ukraine is the original land of the khazarian Jews. It goes back all the way back to the 1500 when there was no hi of the allowance for satanic practises and and kidnapping Russian children for sacrificial reasons the Russians gave the khazarians an ultimatum have different religion to practice they chose Judaism what secretly used it is a cover for their satanic beliefs they never forgiven Russia and have in recent times been slowly being moving military towards the the Russian border using nato as their personal army. Vladimir putin is protecting his people from bitter twisted satanic khazarian nazi jews who reside in Israel

  2. Rothschilds are part of the Kazarian Mafia, not Jewish.
    Theyve been trying to bring down Russia for thousands of years! Zionists are the problem with the war thats going on now.
    Arrogant, spoiled brats!. Research it!

  3. No,…. The Palestinians were the Jewish & The Arabs HATED being called Palestinian. Let’s remember the facts like who owned the Palestinian Post newspaper: The Jews! Who were the musicians The Palestine Symphony Orchestra ? The Jews. They then decided they wanted there God given name through the person named Jacob,. To ISRAEL. Then Yasser Arafat ( An Egyptian saw the opportunity to rewrite history & make out that The Arabs were the owners of the LAND OF ISRAEL,… quoted throughout the book of books!

  4. If this single statement is true (title) than this proves everything. Everything everything. This is what the Bible warned us about. These are the people behind the curtain. And straight from the horses mouth…. What a quote. These people are still in power today, and have been rumored to be behind everything that’s happened and happening. It’s no longer conspiracy folks. It’s been out in the open. We have all noticed the decline in society and the division and hatred and selfishness and ultimately Godlessness. They are literally bringing about the biblical end of days. It will be so bad, that God himself has to come back to stop it. (“In those days, no one could survive if the days were not cut short”)They recreated Israel. After 2000 years, just like the Bible said, it would become a nation again. The shekel is its currency, just as prophesied. The accuracy with which is mind blowing. There’s a lot more behind this as well that people are choosing to ignore. It’s like they’re manifesting the battle of Armageddon intentionally, like they’ve been using the Bible as a play book according to project. They are of Hebrew descent, but are ultimately satanists, openly. All these world leaders practicing ancient pagan rituals… why? Well it looks to me as if what they are doing is working…. Because they are literally running the world.

    Henry Kissinger stated: “The only the standing in the way of The New World Order is a STRONG AMERICA!”

    Ok my brothers and sisters, it’s time to start fighting back, because if we don’t

    Slave Planet Earth is coming….

    A lot sooner than you may think

    The New Testament of the Bible refers to God as “The Alpha and The Omega”

    Ok now track with me everyone

    In Hebrew it would be, “The Alef and The Tav”

    The last three eclipses paths of totality made those two Hebrew characters across the whole face of our nation. I think some one is trying to get our attention. Yashua said “For a wicked and adulterous generation will ask for a sign, but they will be given none except for the sign of Jonah”

    The last of the three eclipses happened under the constellation Cetus, which is … a whale, or very large fish

    Nothing yet???!!!! Keep reading!!!!

    The same eclipse passed over the city of JONAH TEXAS, and through SEVEN CITIES in the US named NINEVEH.

    If your not familiar with the story of Jonah, he was a prophet, God told him to tell the people of the ancient city of Nineveh to repent, but Jonah didn’t want to, because he knew they would repent, (and these people, when conquering other cities and winning wars, would take the kings and or generals of the captured cities, and skin them alive publicly.) so Jonah, in his mind, probably became a little self righteous and resentful. Why save such sick people. So he fled. He headed by boat to the furthest point of the known world away from Nineveh. A violent storm came, the crew cast lots to find out why such a storm was upon them, and they found Jonah sleeping below deck. He told them the storm was his fault because he disobeyed God and told them to cast him into the sea. So they did, and he was swallowed up by a whale or large fish, and survived in it for three days until it vomited him ashore. He then went to Nineveh, told the whole city to repent or they would be punished, and they did repent.

    So let’s look at what this God ordained eclipse has to say specifically to America. “You who were my children have gone astray, and some my Children that remain here are not doing the witnessing that they should, therefore America, repent, and go out together cities and bring people back to God, or in seven years, you will be swallowed up.

    The seven cities of Nineveh are symbolic of years. The Bible uses days to refer to years quite frequently. The 2017 eclipse from Oregon to South Carolina went through seven cities name “Salem” which means peace in Hebrew. Seven years of Salem, seven years of Peace. Yall getting the picture???? What’s happening is not coincidence. We have been warned about it from long ago. The inflation bubble is going to pop. Nation will rise against nation. And if you see nothing else from this, just wait. Because you will see one man rule the whole world out of Israel. One world currency, a system of credit that you earn digitally, so they can control it, via chip through your right hand or your forehead. It’s all coming to a head people. But don’t be afraid. They can’t take your soul if you give it to God. Nothing ANYONE can do, to separate you from the love of the father. Praying for all of you.

  5. Nothing has changed! This is exactly why a man I won't name tried to stop them! They use the same strategies now and profit off war and weapons on both sides. They control the military power America now, the banks, education institutions, media/newspapers, music, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, etc., etc., everything.

  6. The Rothschilds are hardly the founding family of Israel. They are at best the founding family of the Zionist rebellion against the Israel of God. In true Zionist form they have amply violated the terms of the letter from their
    English "sponsors," the terms that they do nothing to oppose the social and religious freedoms of the Palestinians. Zionism is a naked, cynical repudiation of the true Israel of God, an illegal usurpation of the name Israel. I wish you all a long life so that you can stand face to face before the One who is coming on the clouds to rule from the dust of Jerusalem.

  7. It is only ONE TOOL this world uses. Let them sell their poison. Let them go to hell for their crimes. I do not want them to. It would be better to see them turn to GOD, but we know they won't. Human Capensis allows their lizard brain control. I'd rather be Sapien, thank you.

  8. November 2nd, 1917

    Dear Lord Rothschild,

    I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

    "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

    I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

    Yours sincerely,

    Arthur James Balfour

  9. No wonder these people are dying,, .. what a great confesion, as if we didn't know, you faked the whole Israeli 1940s lie to the world, we knew God dosent need to invade to win …

  10. I like to call the zionists a different name. I call them the doomsday cult. Why? Because no matter if they're jewish or Christian, they're trying to bring about the end of days in order to bring their "messiah" to earth. The creation of modern-day Israel is instrumental in that plan. It's a plan that basically requires the end of most people on this planet, hence the doomsday cult.

  11. God created everything on this earth. So if they created Isreal then the people there were planted there and are not the real isrealites. 🤔 ain't blacks the only people that been in 400 years slavery that's why the mistreatment runs deep.

  12. Yeah a psalm 83 crafty plan. Also Rothschild also means red's child aka Edoms child…we're informed out here more then you know or assumed because you write history in published books.

  13. The facts are Rothschild aka Red Shield house of Esau the wild man. Tell your facts already written in the history books and about the birthright that Esau who was red and hairy all over like a hairy garment… The Forest people who mad they sold their birthright. Wild man = Esau/Edom, Neanderthal according to all historical books, Bigfoot according to zoologist, Sasquatch, Yeti who mixed with Cro- magnon man. That's the facts written in books which says Kos the crocodile that's stated also in books that Esau is known to worship…Pan and the Satyrs aka Seir aka Petra of Jordan. Run tell all of those facts from books.