INSANELY RACIST Alabama Town HASN'T HELD ELECTIONS FOR 60 YEARS to Keep Black Folks From Office!!!
INSANELY RACIST Alabama Town HASN'T HELD ELECTIONS FOR 60 YEARS to Keep Black Folks From Office!!!
Jesse talks about an insane story out of Newbern, Alabama, where the town hasn’t held an election for roughly 60 years. Instead, the White leaders have handed down power from one White Mayor to the next. When one resident finally went through official channels to run for Mayor in an election. After the new Mayor won, the all-White unelected…
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Racist white leftist narrator who defends and blindly support Apartheid Joe Biden having the nerve to call others "racist". Pot calling the kettle Black.
If you pay state taxes, you have the right to elect your town officials.
I hate my state
Are we sure other towns aren't pulling this chicanery? Without this one journalist, we might not even have heard about this town.
Bring in the national guard.
Not a mayor, a dictator.
Yeah another Beta B I tch c u c k. This clown thinks mine and everybody else’s money is OWED to black descendants of slaves. YOU ABSOLUTE CLOWN SCU M BAG,
My ancestors didn't own slaves! Mine came to this country and got spat and shit on. They were practically slaves. My grandmother was a Fisher. Her family made all of the frames for GM and Ford. She was disowned by her family for marrying a Scottish immigrant. My fukn grandfather!! Where are his reparations?? They forced him to stay on the docks and slave. Black people are LUCKY to be here!! Call it paying what's owed. Their ancestors paid their dues just like mine did. No reparations required!!
So ridiculous that they live like that.
This deserves a movie
Reparations? I think you are wrong there. Why should all non black or non white people pay blacks for something we did not bargain for or receive any benefit of. Are you in the know that a lot of hispanics in the Ameican southwest all the way from Brownsville. TEXAS to the Oregon border were robbed of a schittload of land? Are we going to receive reparations too? Because if we are the 800,000 acre ranch of the King Ranch in Texas will go back to its rightful owners! If you want reparations lets do it right and pay back the money and properties stolen through hook and crook!
Alabama 😂😂😂😂
Well this thing they call the world wide web is finally catching up to its purpose!!
Why, in a place like Newbern, Alabama, does one white family keep the town basically all to themselves? Hank Williams Jr sings about such BS. It's a so-called "Family Tradition."
Conservatives are just evil. Period. No matter where you live in the world.
Who pays them, they same people that's not allowed to vote? 😢
Why is America still so stuck on causing so much suffering to black people? Then they tell BP to just get over it !??? 4he feds gladly collect their taxes annually though
Pump the sewage into "woodie's" mobile home, see how much he likes it.
What happenes when the Ku Klux Klan take over a town (or a state, or a country)? Pure Trump America.
So the "land of the free" allows this kind of bullshit? I'm unsurprised. "Land of Hypocrites" is more accurate really.
Why has the FBI not arrested the people disobeying the elections??? ALL OF THEM???
FBI seems to be approving the KKK mindset.
It’s too bad there isn’t a racism award, because boy, this town would win it, I mean that level of dedication to racism in the modern age is nothing short of inspiring, inspiringly terrible but I digress.