UN Chief WARNS Israel on Any Attack of Rafah Shocking the West at the Arab League Summit!

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UN Chief WARNS Israel on Any Attack of Rafah Shocking the West at the Arab League Summit!

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  1. The actual truth is that Israel from its creation was a Nazi country in every meaningful sense of the comparison. Of course, Israelis are jews and not necessarily of german descent, they are mostly european, russian and american. The israeli claim to being "Semite" is flimsy at best, meanwhile, Palestinians are the textbook definition of Semite. The truth is that Palestinians are the descendants of Jews and Romans who converted to Christianity when Rome did and then converted to Islam during the time of the Ottomans. The Israeli narrative is directly threatened by the existence of Palestinians.

    So to be clear, modern-day Israel is an ethnosupremacist apartheid state founded on the ethnic cleansing of Semites in their own land. Israel has run the largest antisemitic concentration camp the world has ever seen in the form of Gaza, which is run by a far-right extremist nationalistic government that has been wholly aggressive toward all of its neighbors for its entire existence. Culturally they have justified this infinite aggression by simultaneously maintaining a victim mentality that it is "attacked from all sides by terrorists" just as the Nazis claimed when they blamed the burning of their Reichstag and staged an attack on a radio station and then blamed on polish jewish and communist terrorists. Also similar to the Nazis, Israelis are Europeans claiming to be Semites, as the Nazis were Europeans claiming to be Aryan. Netanyahu is all but a dictator unable to be removed from power just as Hitler was who has shaped the culture of the entire nation into their own twisted image. Also like the Nazis, Israeli propaganda has taken the hypocritical stance of blaming the victims of the crimes that Israel itself is guilty of, which is Nazi propaganda 101.

    Israel is the most antisemitic nation in existence today. They are not Jews, because to be Jewish they would need to honor the laws of Moses which forbid them from coveting thy neighbor's land, killing them and stealing it. Furthermore, the Jewish people were exiled from Israel as a punishment from God according to their own religion and are not to return until the return of the messiah which clearly hasn't happened….. Even if the israelis were to claim that Jesus was indeed the messiah and had returned 2000 years ago…. then by that logic they would need to cease being Jewish and convert to Christianity. All of These Jewish laws must be broken for Israel to even begin to exist. Zionists reject the Torah and its laws because they explicitly forbid the state of israel as it exists today. Modern-day Israelis love the Talmud, which is basically a Jewish supremacist text. Israel is not a nation of Jewish Semites, rather it is a nation of Zionist Nazis. Just as the Nazis thought of themselves Christians, these #ZioNazis think of themselves Jewish.

  2. He is backing hamas, the sec.Gen.who never condemned hamas atrack. It was your collabo hamas who has done all this mess in gaza and now you are complaining. Irael is not an occupiers, the biboe is very clear, the land belongs to Israel.

  3. More words. That's all it is. It doesn't mean anything at all. He's still babbling about how important a ceasefire is. How many times have they told Israel to stop now? I've lost count. Israel is carrying on with it's assault on Rafah, and all he and the rest of them can do is talk. Totally fucking useless! They're not going to do anything at all to stop Israel.

  4. What’s crazy is those children will live on and some not all will have hatred so intense that they will infiltrate Israel and then Israel will wonder why they have bombings and killings in Israel. Come back and see this comment in 10-15 years

  5. YOU NEED TO TAKE UP THE COURTS TIME WITH THE ITEMS BILL OF THE ISRAEL MASS MURDER , NAMES OF LOST LIFES , NHS & WHO TO BE CALLED FORTH FOR ITEMS BILL In order to secure a conviction for mass murder the prosecution must prove certain elements beyond a reasonable doubt. These elements include the actus reus, which is the physical act or omission that constitutes the crimes.Unlawful killing can be committed by an act or an omission. Therefore the case law relating to omissions found here will also be relevant to the law of murder. All unlawful killings are result crimes and thus causation must also be established.Some killings may be classed as lawful. For example, killing in self-defence. Also when the death penalty was implemented, such state ordered executions would be classed as lawful. Soldiers and police may kill in the course of their duties but will be liable for murder if they go beyond their duty or use excessive force.In the summing up the coroner should direct the jury clearly as to what needs to be proved, ie all the ingredients of the criminal offence. Since a conclusion of unlawful killing involves a decision that a criminal offence has caused death, a jury must know clearly from the summing up what they have to find as facts in order to justify the conclusion !ISRAEL WILL BE FACEING MASS MURDER CASES ALONG WITH ATEMPED MURDER CASE SUCH AS THE INJURED.THE UN NEEDS TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITIATION TO PREVENT MORE MASS MURDERS OR ATEMPTED MURDERS I.E. IN GAZE

  6. O Antonio you are just another WEF tool very well paid politician i dont believe a word you day as politicians all of them lie to us on a daily basis

  7. Bibi fully understands the corrupt UN he was warned in the 80 s upon his first appointment to UN by a snr rabi who told him ,Bibi you are entering a nest of vipers tell them to bog off pull Israel out of UN trump will back you when he gets back

  8. Forced displacement, exercise of domination and subjugation, dispossession and immiseration, ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination, blatant aggression, apartheid and torture, and ultimately, extermination and genocide perpetrated against Palestinians are acts against humanity!.

    As we move forward to higher consciousness, the unlighted forces opposite to the planetary Ascension, and their minions of tyranny and death, encroach upon humanity -to no avail.

    So yes, it is a spiritual battle. We decide how it will end. We choose.

    We choose us, in compassion, love and kindness. Not annihilation!.

  9. Hahahahaha… israel already is bombardind Rafa since the last 10 days, while the USA and the UN are "begging" not to attack Rafah. . Who do they think they are fooling?
    ONU/ICJ>> both are a circus to distract the world while israel is fulfilling its ambitions of extermination and expansionism.