Black Men Are Dating Outside Their Race Because Black Women Don't Choose Good Men?

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Perry & Keshah Walker

Joined: May 2024
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Black Men Are Dating Outside Their Race Because Black Women Don't Choose Good Men?

Chez Charde Original Video

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  1. I was there, at point blank range, and self-proclaimed skrong, totally independent black women who are never, ever going to need a an of any kind for anything under any circumstances, no matter what eventuality presents itself, definitely did this to and all by themselves!

    The U.S. Government didn't put a gun to anybody's head and force them to become an ultra-subcultural, multi-generational welfare recipient who raised all of their illegitimate street children to make a career out of federal prison!

    In the 1960s ~ 1990s black women were having the time of their ghettofied lives just reveling in the gender separatist hideousness completely against the vehement warnings of all of their elders!

  2. I come from a two parent home but I was raised in a culture where everyone around me had a marriage mindset. As I ventured off the college and made more AA friends it was evident that that bm was really seeking sexual pleasures. I did end of meeting a guys whose parent been together since he was born but to find out they were just living together. I did become a single mother to his child but dating has left me feeling unwanted and less than because of my child.

    I still believe in marriage and sticking with my community but at this point understanding the true motive is hard to unravel. I never dated the bad boy nor was an ever attracted to them. I am more apprehensive to date a good guy because they all have broken me in one way or another. I have left it in God hands honestly.

  3. It’s okay to date outside your race, just be respectful to everyone. However, bm seem to go above and beyond as if they’re getting paid to try to harm innocent bw. That’s why I struggle to feel empathy for their struggle in this society. It’s karma.

  4. The way I see it is that men in general just date whoever they see fit what they like just like how you want steak today and tomorrow a gourmet burger and the next day a pizza. Also I may want to drive a truck one day and later take a ride on my motorcycle. I don’t see why anyone should feel bound to anything or anyone. Whatever floats your boat but hopefully your not making a mockery of yourself and putting people down but just speaking truth on your experience without making a whole negative talk on saying one particular race acts a certain way. But we’re all here for a short period of time and we like to see what the world has to offer so why limit yourself on the people, food, culture, and experiences.

  5. Who " we" pick have nothing to do with anyone else, it's how u feel about your " collective " self…everything for us is based on self hatred/ Mentacide…

  6. Blacks women are putting any non-black men on pedestals ….. & fir that many blk men aren’t going to take them seriously.. even after they bin ran through from other men … there no going to be interested ever again.. even other men of races those this to there women … especially white men

  7. I would love to be with a surgeon or engineer. They seem to like a certain type though with a certain look. A lot of black men i have met in my state have terrible attitudes and are only polite if the like the woman. They do not give off smiles.or friendly vibes. Only when they are attracted then i see the change in bebavior. I am black and black men are the only group of men from teens to 50s that i have encountered that will dis a woman in public for fun or to be mean. From my experiences if i ever had a chance again i would date outside of my race. By the way,i was married to a black man.

  8. Black women are “ hands down “ the most Beautiful women in the entire world 🌎, but when it comes to choosing a good man their judgement of character is Worst Than any other race.

  9. I agree with everything you said here. People are so brainwashed by social media and only want to go after what is promoted through those platforms just like back in the day tv and magazines used to do. The difference is that we didn’t have access to people of different backgrounds before as we do now. I don’t have a problem with interracial dating I have a problem with people who stereotype and intentionally date within or outside of their race because of their own self hate or prejudice because they rather follow than be unique.

  10. Black men are obsessed with black women. EVERY VIDEO ABOUT DATING, MATING OR RELATIONSHIPS, DISCUSSED BY MEN MENTION BLACK WOMEN. We feel like yall are stalking us. JUST DO YOU AND KEEP OUR NAME OUT YOR MOUTHS. It's creepy.

  11. I find it interesting that of all interracial pairings in the US, white man/black woman has the lowest divorce rate. Maybe Black women should consider the possibilities of dating outside their race, rather than commisersting over Black men who won't date them.

  12. Here's God's answer that most of yall not gonna agree with. Ecclesiasticus 26:23

    A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man: but a godly woman is given to him that feareth the Lord. 24A dishonest woman contemneth shame: but an honest woman will reverence her husband. 25A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord. 26A woman that honoureth her husband shall be judged wise of all; but she that dishonoureth him in her pride shall be counted ungodly of all.

  13. Most black american women are very tough. One lady asked me why i don't date black women then turned around and insulted women from my ethnicity lol all of this within a minute. I didn't even get a chance to answer her lol she just wanted a fight, she said her peace and walked away hahahaha

    ps; before this incident i've never even looked at this woman or spoken to her before hahaha pure madness.