Do “Pick Me” Black Women Get Married | Single Black and Dating

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Do “Pick Me” Black Women Get Married | Single Black and Dating

Are Black Women destined to be alone? Do “Pick Me” Black Women get married? Is it wrong to be loving and kind? Do we have a society that encourages Black women to be mean? Maybe a little “pick me” energy is good.

Jay 2 Connect
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  1. Hey Jay I’m new to your channel and I find it interesting. With all due respect I wouldn’t advise dating more than one person even if there’s no HUGS! Especially if you’re looking for a spouse, I mean yes it could be helpful but I wouldn’t want to date a woman who’s seeing another man and myself. Much success to your channel my brother in Christ 👍🏿.

  2. 🙋🏽‍♀️ The term is idiotic. I have been called one after I started dating for marriage 7 mos after a divorce. I got married 11 mos later and life is good. I made it a part time job to find my man, a solid man and yes I dated multiple people while 100% celibate. Same heffas that had so much to say and labeled me as ‘pickme’ are still single and wish they weren’t.…I cook daily, clean, Im a complete housewife, he lifts no fingers and I pay zero bills. Its simply not a lot of BW who see this lifestyle as positive but they think being tricked out at LV is free…

  3. 1- It's refreshing to find another person using the term "prostitute" 🤣 … I've been the only one to hear it described as such. 2- RE: Simone Biles– 45 mins isn't a long drive BUT I didn't know she drove to see him for their first date, especially if i inboxed first. Nahhh, the dude is supposed to take the lead on that. 3- And yep, definitely Pick Mes get picked. I went to a top school that is internationally known. My BFF married one of our classmates and she is miserable but stays even now that the kids are in HS cuz she is plain ole LAZY…. So yeah, she'll put up with the abuse, disrespect, and neglect, cuz he pays the bills. I could never. I give too much to stay and not receive reciprocity. Those types of females contribute to the larger issues going on in the Community to this day.

  4. 🔥 👎🏽 💥 It’s disturbing to me how BW and crazy enough certain BM got a problem with how a brother sees himself when it’s positive. We have all these little bad X’s running around and yual choose to have a problem with this brother. This is the exact reason I don’t fool with my own people like that. They be the first ones to paint a target on my back. # SYSBM #passport bro for life! 🔥 💯

  5. What successful man would take a woman seriously who’s dating multiple men? Successful men understand they are rare enough to demand her full attention or she will be friend zoned.

  6. Tomorrow my fiancee and I will be making picadillo empanadas from scratch, then watch a movie I chose(he let me choose). I made brownies to take too. With my fiancee feels really easy. We are a good team, work together well ;). When you find the right person it will feel so easy 😉 When he met me he told me he had found his match and he'd not see anyone else. This motivated me too to stop seeing others. I was looking for a good person.

  7. This is much needed balance for the current social media relationship conversation. All the more, it's being approached with civility as opposed to hostility. This is what the body of believers should be doing.

  8. That's why the red pill exists, most dudes are in relationships with women who don't like them. They just are getting older and running out of options so they have to get a dude they don't really like hence I'm not cooking, cleaning, etc