Hainault Stabbings: Terrifying Footage Shows Man Wielding SWORD in Residential Area

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Hainault Stabbings: Terrifying Footage Shows Man Wielding SWORD in Residential Area

This is the terrifying moment a man was seen wielding a sword in a residential area after an alleged stabbing incident in east London.

Police confirmed that a 14-year-old boy has died.

Emergency services said at least five people were treated and taken to hospital.

Police were called shortly before 7am to reports of a vehicle being driven…



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  1. Why did they portray him as a man of colour in their sketch drawing of him in court when the terrorist , and probably a psychopathic racist, murderer is clearly a wyt European ?

  2. Spanish/ Brazilian born here of course with human rights fits in well, could be the makings of the next gladiator movie, what an when is this country of corruption going to wake up, they would sooner call Tommy Robinson an lock him up for what, telling the truth, one day it’s going to be too late, no one strong enough, to stop this, what this country is going through, boats coming over No passports, imagine trying to get into another country from here without a passport port, you get to an hotel an it’s tourist tax before you start doing anything, just carry on we are 🤷‍♂️what we are. Carry a flag of our country that’s illegal an here’s me thinking it’s a sick bird.

  3. woefully, poorly prepared for such a dangerous situation. when you called for help the public want police who are properly armed and ready to deal with such a dangerous situation. The met police unarmed days sadly are coming to an END

  4. Today I just found out that this is my science teachers son unfortunately she's taking a very long break because of the incident don't think she will be teaching us for a while this video shocks me because she's a really nice lady and friendly teacher and she doesn't deserve to go through this pain and hear break

  5. Just shows what a complete shambles the police are , shoving an un-armed officer into the murderer whilst waving a “stick” looks completely out of control , and now a “suspect” in hospital and cant talk ? Bollocks

  6. UK terrorism act 2000 section, defines terrorism as a use of threat or action which involves a serious violence against a person/ persons. Involves serious damage to the property.
    This scumbag was terrorizing people & unfortunately killed a 14 year old school going boy & injured several police officers. Surprisingly isn’t a terrorist & this isn’t terror related. #DoubleStandards

  7. Hainault is a very diverse area with a huge population of Indian Sikhs and Hindus. What if this 14 year old victim is of Indian desent? The media might want to keep that quiet for now in order not to cause tension. My feeling is the suspect if over 16 should always be naned regardless of sensitivities. I feel we are treated like kids, like we cant be trusted with the truth. They always shout about mental heath quickly to put a spanner in the works, well soneone having mental health comes after long assesment and diagnosis, someone from the Sun or the BBC cant just say it in the first instance. It all seems shady. Perhaps this is the rise of a new breed of Christianists and this is our first one. Im speculating, but what else can i do when they keep us from.the facts.

  8. Even when the guy is white ppl still try and turn it around to immigration lol. When will you get it. Some ppl are good. Some ppl are bad. Borh good and bad come in all shades. Thankfully 99% of all ppl seem to be decent good people. Im sure most of the ppl making negative comments treat all ppl kindly on an individual basis. You should try and look past the stereotypes other ppl paint. All people are our neighbours. Imho.

  9. What a horrific incident , and what a racist statement from the institutions and the authorities, that there is not any evidence of terrorism.. rubbish, in their point of view the terrorism is only when a Muslim person is involved. This is more than terrorism. The whole area is terrified, and this is the translation of terrorism. Always the media and the institutions are so racist

  10. If muslim then he would be a terrorist.If non-muslim then mental health patient.

    Conclusion: A muslim cannot have mental health problems, and a non-muslim can never be terrorist.//

  11. You can tell he's Whyte…. They showed his face , race and even released his name before the body was cold .
    Makes a change from Islam being the driving factor .

  12. Ignorant bloggers. Don't redicule the police! The evil Conservative government are responsible for the job loss of hundreds of thousands of police officers across the United Kingdom and police station sell offs. Most police are directed around parliament and No 10 and 11 protecting prime minister and MPs not Joe Bloggs from down the street. Now Evil Conservative are now proposing to stop doctors giving sick notes to their patients, therefore can't have a day off from work due to sickness and absence from work. It will lead to increased mental illness and to extreme psychosis like the man wielding the sword

  13. Evil Conservative government are consistently attacking and undermining mental health by threatening and removing benefits.The latest news by minister Mel Stride believes that people like the sword wielding attacker should have talking therapies or respite instead of financial help or even vouchers to live on or have it taken away if they don't engage.14 years of Conservative attack on the most vulnerable, will lead to increased incidents like this, unfortunately.

  14. White terrorist will be decribed in the media as a victim 😂.

    I see no mention of look what our countries become.
    No cheeky diversity comments,
    No anti Muslims comments,
    No we dont need to guess which race it is

    I think this is a learning moment for all white racist; there are crazy people in all races.

    white people please explain?