Madiha: Living the American Dream after leaving sexist Pakistan

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Yasmine Mohammed

Joined: May 2024
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Madiha: Living the American Dream after leaving sexist Pakistan

Madiha grew up in Pakistan before moving to the US. She will join us to share what life is like for girls and women in Pakistan and to tell us about her personal experiences and journey out of Islam and into becoming a free woman, a physician, a wife, a mother and the host of a YouTube page that explores the intersection of faith and modernity…



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  1. Many ex-jws have lost ALL their family, ALL their friends, their job(JW boss), and thousands have not alived themselves. I know of 8 jws and ex-jws who have done that, and 3 who drank themselves to death directly because of the excommunication punishment (DF) for leaving and jw beliefs.

    I lost my whole family and all my friends; I am starting over in my 50s. The cult won't let you have friends outside it, unless it is secret and you know you are risking your life if Armageddon comes.

    It is not as easy as you said. I love your exposure of Islam, but JWs are nasty. I wish my parents were half as nice as Madiha's. They never even tried to bond with me, and they grew up in that shite. They were hateful faithful JWs.

  2. I just did some digging Yasmine Mohammed is NOT your real name your using this name to trick people into thinking you were a Muslim once. I just found out that you use this name, to trick everyone. Shame on you.

  3. Allah revealed this to me:

    Islam is the fastest "Imploding" religion in the world, as more and more Muslims are realising that Mohammad fabricated the Quran to pursue his own personal agendas.
    Breakdown of Quranic inputs are given below. Islam is nothing but 7th century Arabic Tribalism that seeks the destruction of all Non-Islamic Civilizations. I love Muslims as people, but dislike this Supremacist Quranic ideology.

    1000% support to all Ex-Muslims…from 7 billion of us (many Muslims included).

    Breakdown of Quranic Inputs:
    10% Mohammad.
    30% plagiarised from Christian, Jewish and Pagan texts.
    58% added on after Mohammad.
    1% by Satan (as revealed by Mohammad himself)
    1% eaten by a goat (as reaveled by Ayaisha, Mohammads wife. He married her when she was 6 and he was 51 years old).
    0% Allah.

  4. Shes pretty ignorant about hinduism….nobel proze winners quote yhe upanishads, same with Schopenhauer….typical ex Muslim or so yhe say but have deep affinity for their home nation…dharmic religion has no comparison to Islamic ideology which is totalitarian

  5. Well one problem with Pakistan is that the government blocks so many videos from YT & other sites Im sure. And nowdays I wanna say they'll just block entire channels, wanna say Harris' channel is one of those.

  6. I am a psychic, and expert healer, and do communicate with souls in the afterlife. These spiritual gifts have helped me a lot in knowing some of the secrets in the afterlife. There are some secrets I am not permitted to tell in order not to meddle with everyone's gift of free will. In the last days of, nuclear era, an Armageddon war will occur. It's a fight between the forces of evil and the forces of good. The religion created by the Lord Jesus will have a conflict with the religion of a man named Muhammad. Muhammad is not a prophet. Allah is not the name of God. A God has no beginning or end has no name. God's name depends on time. Muslims who have experienced death have proven to themselves that the Lord Jesus is a true man and a true God. However to say that the name of God is only Jesus is also not right. The teaching in Islam that Muslim women have no right to choose their future husbands and the vocation they want in life is not right. The teaching that a nine-year-old girl can already be sold by his father to a man for marriage is also not right. The teaching that a jihadist will have a gift of 72 virgins in heaven is very very wrong. There is no sex in the afterlife. Also, God is not that stupid to serve as a PIMP to these insane Muslims. Common sense will tell you whose religion is on the evil side. Please use it for the sake of world peace and to prevent the prophesied nuclear war. There will be an alignment of forces in the last few days. China, Russia, North Korea, and most Islamic countries are now making an alignment nowadays with their forces. Do you think they are the evil forces?

  7. I admire both of you ladies immensely. I find it so frustrating that 'feminists' in the western world are more concerned with being politically correct, than the lives and safety of women in these patriarchal countries.

  8. Dr Madiha and Yasmine Mohammed are true feminists. It's been frustrating and depressing how so many in the West have been so comfortable ignoring the plight of the women and LGBT+ folks who happen to be born into Muslim families. Thank you for giving a voice to the voiceless.

  9. The hijab issue in Karnataka was those girls wanted to wear the hijab in school and colleges which is inviolation of the school or college dress code. The GOI did not take any position. It was the State Government objected as the hijab was violating the dress code.

  10. Very inspirational talk! Congrats on achieving the American dream. 🙂 Madiha is the type of brave, honest, and hardworking person that makes our country stronger/ better.

  11. Good for her! I wish her all the best. I would like to see muslims wake up and be honest, dare to say: The source of the problem is ISLAM! The more muslims deny it the longer this problem will continue on.

  12. Love this as we need more voices… i think times have changed and you only see alpha male in village areas vs main stream. Plus this happens in Europe as well with male dominance so lets not isolate Pakistan only and balance with positive things as well and not just negative topics. One more thing please say Pakistan the right way 😇. Good to hear different perspective and pakistani voices.

  13. The problem with Pakistani society are these old ladies likes of whom are twisting and playing negative role in their sons or daughters family… In this case however she is feeding her negativity into the youth population… Stay away from these individuals

  14. Miracle🤣 Big(Gang) Bang proved 👌👍 submit or 🙏 (36)Piece Full, Wife Beating Full, Kufr/Shirk Vajibul Qatl Ta Qayamat 😭👍Maza(fun) Hub👍 multiple Wives(age no bar) Halala 👌 Mutah/Missyar👌🤣, Laundiyan, Hooriyan Free🤣 Free🤣 Free 🤣

  15. I wonder why would anyone want to leave purely Islamic country of Pakistan which is formed by Allah and choose to live in the land of Kaafir. Such person will never go to heaven

  16. Madiha mocks her Pakistani Muslim medical doctors @45:55 for being irrational and brainwashed, without realising that she herself may be brainwashed by western anti-Hindu propagandists like Audrey Truschke who peddle this baseless idea of Rama as a misogynist.

    The point at issue is the discussion @50:50 about Agni Pariksha in Ramayana.
    Madiha fails to even think, why :

    A powerless prince Rama,

    stripped of his throne,

    forcibly living in a forest, in exile,

    finds his wife abducted to Sri Lanka by Ravan

    But, overcomes immense obstacles to organise an army,

    and build a bridge across the sea to Sri Lanka,

    wages a war, wins it and brings back his wife, Sita

    (if he ever doubted the purity of his wife)?

    Go and figure out or study Ramayana (not through a Mulla)!

    I thought some Pakistanis who leave Islam are intelligent! Her ancestors who were Hindus until they were converted to Islam by force would have known from non-dualism (Advaita) arises dualism (Dvaita) the expression of which is the Ardhanareeswara form (Half-male, half-female symbolism of Shiva and Parvati) establishing equality of opposites. Mediha was forced to look towards the desert 5 times a day, and the desert sand seems to have penetrated and settled in her core.

    She talks about science and religion @25:00. The Hindu philosophy (of her ancient ancestors, that asserts consciousness as the only reality) is leading and guiding the struggling scientific thinking today.

  17. I think Pakistani women have a hard time leaving Islam because they face such severe mistreatment as children. Every child who grows to ask questions had someone who loved them, cherished them and who marveled in their abilities. In Pakistan, a little boy is much more likely to get this than a girl.

  18. First of all I want to congratulate Madiha for achieving her American dream. It’s not any easy task specially if you are from a different part of the world. Culture shock is worse because most people do not want to loose their identity. I believe this is a must see video for young generation of Pakistan, specially young females who are facing the difficulties Madiha has faced. Some Muslim men are so radicalized that even they live in West but want nothing to do with assimilation of Western culture. I appreciate the host and all the guests for their views. Keep it up. I am subscribing to your podcast right now.

  19. A mother reminds the daughter that she had been living in Allah’s hell with her husband is incredible. Growing up in Pakistan, she stays imprisoned. She wants to go out and play and she can’t. She can’t because she is in a Muslim world. “Wife-beating” is divinely sanctioned. While living in America, of all the books to read, she was reading Quran. To figure out how to hold the center. It didn’t take that long because the reader is blessed with a critical eye. The good news is that she was not alone in Allah’s Animal Farm. In a book Beyond Belief, written by V.S. Naipaul, a woman rebels in a strict Muslim household. What is amazing about Islam is that its cruelties remain invisible to the believers. It’s the writer Naipaul who said that Islam is the only religion without a conscience.

  20. The ancient world was full of femnism and matriarchy. The matriarchy was attacked and weakened with the Roman Catholic Church and other modern ideologies.

  21. Growing up in America, I just wanted to fit in with white people. Today, there are still many aspects of Pakistani culture that annoy me, such as the sexism. At the same time, I now realize that white Americans have their own limitations. They made Donald Trump president. How smart was that? It is important to remember that fundamentalist Muslims did not overturn Roe v. Wade; it was fundamentalist Christians who did.