As China’s Economy Falters, Almost 50% of Chinese Women Choose to Be Single, ‘Leftover’ Women Rise

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China Observer

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As China’s Economy Falters, Almost 50% of Chinese Women Choose to Be Single, ‘Leftover’ Women Rise

Moreover, an increasing number of educated Chinese women are expressing a lack of desire to start families. In 2021, a survey of 2,900 urban unmarried youths revealed that about 44 percent of women had no intention of getting married. Furthermore, from 2000 to 2020, the peak childbearing age for Chinese women has shifted from 24 to 27 years…



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  1. 5:00 – She is absolutely delusional. Why does she think it was the guys dream to go to work each day, being berated at work, never seeing their children and then coming home to an ungrateful wife? They need to stop offering young people superficial chump change and offer young people houses and apartments if they start a family.

  2. China looks to war and needs ppl to throw into the war machine. USA the same, as they import young men. The elites will be shocked that their prize of citizenship is declined and taken it by political force instead.

  3. Seems like Feminism has tickled China too. Being born and raised in America, as a Man, I, am not surprised at all. Feminism teaches Women to focus on College in their child bearing years. Once they have high paying degrees, they still don't focus on marriage or child rearing because now they develop Businesses. By the time they have successful businesses and capitol, they then scour the dating market to hurry up and find a Man. But any man won't do. No!, they look for Men that are at or above their salary, status and lifestyle. This mentality immediately disqualifies the average Man. Also here in America, American women who are not college grads have the same desires within the dating pool than their more educated and wealthier Sisterhood does. So yes, below average, average and above average American women DEMAND HIGH VALUE MEN. This mind set keeps American women single. No matter how successful or dregs they are, they refuse to even attempt to look at average Men.
    China doesn't like the West but imitates it very well. A little too well.

  4. These are the three main issues with society currently. IMO.

    1. Cost of Living and Income Increase: As income levels rise, so does the cost of living. Both men and women now aspire to own homes, cars, and other material possessions. This increased demand for products leads to higher prices. Essentially, the more people earn, the more they want to acquire, which in turn drives up costs.

    2. Labor Pool Expansion: With more women joining the workforce, the labor pool has expanded. This surplus of available workers allows businesses to pay less per person. As a result, wages may not increase proportionally with the overall economic growth.

    3. Self-Value and Dating Market: Women often place significant value on their partner’s income. However, when women earn their own income, they may mistakenly perceive an inflated sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, this can lead to challenges in the dating market, as their perceived value may exceed what potential partners are willing to pay.

    As a basic listing as I can provide. There is much more to it than this but this is the simplest listing.

  5. The woman turning 30 and making only $350 USD per month would require the man that wants to marry her a house, car, her parents moving in, etc… Wedding would have to be over $25000 easy. Have a friend that was engaged to a woman from Cambodia that was 30 years old and a virgin. Province girl, religious and still lived with her mother and her father passed. She also had a special needs brother and that kept a lot of suitors away. Anyone marrying her knew that would be taking on the mother and the brother.

    She only made $250 to 350 USD a month. She was happy that my friend proposed and then her mother and family got involved. He wanted something simple under $5k in Cambodia. They came back with a wedding budget of $15 to 20K. She let her mother torpedo maybe the last chance to get married.

  6. I'm a Swiss dude and I dont want to get married or having kids cause the chance of getting divorced and falling into poverty, specially when children are involved, is pretty high. Therefore I would prefer a women that focus on her career as one that wants to have kids and be a stay home mom. I would never criticize someone that choses this way, I just not something for me.

  7. CHINESE WOMEN, ALL WOMEN, MUST UNDERSTAND THE MANIA, THE LIE, THE PAST 70 YEARS OF WOMEN WORKING OUTSIDE THE HOME WITH NO MARRIAGE OR A HALF-MARRIAGE IS A BIG MISTAKE! Women must understand this! The "Women Liberation Movement" has been, starting 70 years ago, a new, revolutionary movement. Revolutions have hidden, unintended consequences. IF POSSIBLE, MOST WOMEN NEED TO MARRY! RETURN TO TRADITION! JUMP INTO A MARRIAGE! DO NOT BE SO CHOSEY ABOUT THE HUSBAND. A MAN MARRIES YOU, HE LOVES YOU. APPRECIATE THAT AND BE A GOOD WIFE. 💥 I say this – A lot of American men would marry "left-over" Chinese women. Chinese women, find a way to communicate with American men! If he has the money to bring you to the United States, he has enough responsibility to afford to take care of you! First must be contacts, communication!

  8. best comment by far was said: if marriage is so great, why the need to incentivize it…yup, marriage is the single most financially, emotionally and physically destructive thing to ever befall man…

  9. Go back to agrarian society. Many people in other counties are happy to start a farm or a co op Farm with no marriage. I see no creativity, women coming together and supporting each other. China grew too fast and needs to go back to growing food. Women make great farm workers. They are smart

  10. The whining women never talk about the bride price women demand men to pay.
    Either they have demanded too high prices or no man wants to pay money for the old women in poverty.

  11. Yep, many chinese women are losers. But honestly 2500 RMB a month? Where? How? Send these people to me, I pay way better in Jiangsu. Can't find employees for 8000 RMB.

  12. All I Hear Is Me Me Me Me Me Me Me . Every Single Young Chinese Person is or was spoiled . Marriage isnt about your happiness. Its about sacrificing for the greater good . Think about it . Chinese parents back in the day were worse off and still decided to have you . They forgoed trips and fancy dinners and nice clothes just so they could see you grow up and hoped that you would make the sacrifice they did. Only to see your stubbornness and refusing to grow up . Oh well. Id like to see your country in a hundred years when youre replaced by AI Robots 🤖

  13. Aren't there more men than women in China because of the previous 1 child rule and preference for boy children over girls? As a result, aren't there more unmarried men than women? These women don't WANT to be married. So who is really "left over"?

  14. What on earth makes these women think they would be in any better a financial position if they had a husband? Are all men in china rich, responsible and in charge of their finances- I ask sarcastically 😊

  15. All these women will grow old without a husband, children and grandchildren. That moment will be eyesopening for them. Mark my words ppl, nobody will take anything to their grave….

  16. If men want to complain about it, clearly that means they'll do things to make themselves better selections, right? It's not like they'll return to blaming women for society's ills again, right?


  17. china observer is a paid cia operation, anyone can just BS online, it is so obviously fake that can only fool the brainless. to really know the truth, go to china to see it, in fact, once you ask any local woman, you will find that the woman in china nowadays are the most privileged with a lot of freedom and choice. they really get to choose from a lot of choices. even foreign woman are coming to china to look for husbands.

  18. Im almost 27. I couldn't imagine being forced to marry someone and being shamed if I dont. My parents want me to focus on my career and build a future for myself. I own my own place, pay my own bills and am happy.