Kenyan Lady's Powerful message to all Africans

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Kenyan Lady's Powerful message to all Africans

Kenyan Lady’s Powerful message to all Africans

This segment emanated from a live stream about “mr macaroni”, a Nigerian comedian who along side 39 other harmless protesters got unlawfully arrested. During the live stream, this Kenyan Lady delivered a powerful message aimed at all Africans.

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  1. I’m in the States, she mirrors my exact thoughts. The issue of Critical Thinking starts with the culture and in the homes.

    *Children can’t question parents or elders
    * Wives can’t question husbands
    *Workers can’t question/correct their supervisors or boss
    *You can’t question preachers, priests, traditional practices, and the list goes on.

    You’re not suppose to question just obey, even though things are not working and the negative effects are all around you.

    That’s why it’s easy for us to be taken over in our own countries.

  2. This lady is very articulate and is right on a whole lot of issues. I agree 💯 with her take on african leadership and their lack of national consciousness.

    Unfortunately, she's quite misguided and ignorant, as many young Africans are about the Bible, Christianity and history. Her argument is widespread amongst young 'intelligent' Africans as a negative reaction to a false religion which was pushed by the colonialists, not the true Gospel, and I can't blame her.

    First of all, the enlightenment started in the 18th to 19th centuries, the slave trade started in the 16th century, so obviously it wasnt necessarily about more souls for christianity. Actually, Christian reformers gave birth to the enlightenment. Science didn't disprove the Bible, it mostly disproved the dogma being taught by the Roman Catholic Church-State systems (advocating purgatory, penance etc.) which was meant to deceive and control the masses. The Bible says in Isaiah 56 that the earth is round. Lol. Obviously the Judeo Christian worldview as seen in the Bible also suffered a huge blow as many discovered that the church ( the deceptive religious institution) had abused its trust. Hence the New god called Science…which is kinda becoming madness right now in the west…at least Africans are not appealing to marry dogs and walk on the streets naked as some in so called developed nations are…

    Though it is true that the Kingdoms of Europe (Portugal, France, Spain & Britain), came to Africa with a nefarious agenda, to enslave a continent, they ignorantly believed a perverted gospel and a demonic white-supremacist ideology (which said God didn't make all men equal but made some races superior)…which gave them the 'right' to beguile and enslave millions of Africans in order to establish their dominion. it wasn't about a white mans God at all, instead it was a demonic suppression and deception and it took a very long time for that Christianity to take root in Africa. Even till now many in Africa and the West dont know the true Gospel….

    Anyone with a little intelligence and an open mind will arrive at the conclusion that Jesus was a dark skinned Jewish man from the middle east after reading the bible and studying a few history books. As for the fact that he rose from the dead, though many arguments exist in history for this, you will need a personal encounter…

    Enough with the propaganda. By the way, you have no idea how depressed and religious Chinese, Japanese and Indians are. They serve over 6 million gods in India, including rats. You can be killed for killing a rat in India. She shouldn't have mentioned India…lol.

    It is Africa's time, and we can expect that God has a plan f0r this continent. We are his secret weapon. The despised continent. And we can expect the greatest leaders to arise from this continent. Many will be Christian, not religious…as it was in the first 3-5 centuries AD before Islam and europe hijacked the narrative.

  3. No one is at the top of their game. I think you may be unaware about the real battle on earth. And yes , it is true what you said about Africa and its leaders, but the root cause is deeper than what you think or even know. There's no place on earth that doesn't have challenges. Look at the western society who we say have '' made it''. Look at the delusion in the society now. Do you think money and prosperity solves all problems ? Think again, and see the evidence as depicted by western countries.This doesn't mean money is not important, far from it. It's very important to any societies total progress. Africa needs to solve the problems from the root up, which is spiritual before it is physical. Yes mistakes have been made. Yes false gospels have been preached , but that does not deny the truth that the true God of Christianity- Jesus Christ is the only solution for all societies. Build without him and get all the money you want and it'll all end sometime. The cosmic battle over earth is not about money, it's about souls of men. Money does play a major part in that battle but the battle is deeper. On another note – , Jesus Christ isn't even a white man. He is from Jewish descent. No place on earth is safe as you think it. (Some people think they live in safety, but you don't , it's only an illusion of safety). The only safe place is in Jesus Christ and where He wants you to be. Some who read this message may only understand this in 5 years, but that's fine.. For those who doubt, I throw a challenge to you to seek Him and ask for Him to reveal Himself to you and see what happens. Let Him take you on the real journey of life. About power, Africa will have to become stronger through a change of mindset from the grassroots to the leadership. We have all the resources and yet we kowtow to the western and eastern powers. I agree with you that power is taken. And we need leaders (across board ) with a sense of dignity and pro-african mindsets and views that will cause Africans to believe in themselves.

  4. This woman is speaking facts that what i was thinking if you are not ready to fight and die for change then nothing will happen,praying fpr hope doesn’t take you any where

  5. If i may add, on the subject of religion, the white man's god is not the God of the bible, let's not get it twisted, the only god that they recognize is the prince of this world, the won they call Lucifer, even that is a misleading name for their god, because he is not the bringer of light but the prince of darkness.

  6. Just one correction about the citizenship in the U.S., even if you were born there, they can deport your ass to your parent's country if you commit crimes.

  7. SPOT ON! We love the elusive comfort more than reality! Once you think outside the box you become an enemy or antchrist! There's nothing wrong with Christianity, but it has been used wrongly to achieve the West agenda! Why is Israel a small desert country so advanced in everything, yet it lives with everlasting hostile neighbors? Yet Christianity originated from there! Israel has Never colonized any African countries, its been too busy fighting for its existence! The African plight has nothing to do with religion, it has everything to do with perception and values!


  9. One of the first things that caught my attention when I went to Africa was the Religious Brainwashing of the African Christians. I SAID to myself "This is the 1960s all over again."

  10. I have played this video three times and shared it .This is a masterclass i would listen to this sister for hours without twitching my toes." People would rather be miserable than comfortable" that's a reality with my Zimbabwean people.