The KETO / LOW-CARB Diet for DIABETES: Is it a CRUTCH or a CURE?

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The KETO / LOW-CARB Diet for DIABETES: Is it a CRUTCH or a CURE?

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In this video Dennis Pollock shares the two most common ideas about using the keto or low-carb diet as a treatment for diabetes. Is is a crutch or a cure. If you get this right, you will beat diabetes!

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  1. I agree with you Dennis 💯👍! Keto is not a diet! It,s healthy eating and I will continue to use Keto! Works for me wonderfully ☺ My numbers have been beautiful. If it wasn't for you and Benedicta, s video, I wouldn't be getting a hip replacement on October 5th! I,m ecstatic! God bless both of you. So glad I found these video,s when I did.

  2. My brothers and sisters, We all should stop believing that there is no cure for the diabetes disease. I just got cured of this disease with the help of Dr. IGUDIA on YouTube and all the doctors In my hospital were surprised when my test result came out negative

  3. Vegans say their diet cures diabetes as well, but if they go off their vegan diet and eat neat along with a lot of carbs, basically going back to old eating habits, their diabetes will come back, when you are a diabetic, your diet has to change and you can never go back to old eating

  4. Hi Dennis, I am 65, my blood sugar number are like yours after meals, not exact but close, I have been weight training for the last 5 months, and I am seeing some muscle gains, and guess what? my blood sugar after a low carb/no carb meal has been going down about 10 points, I am going to continue to weight train, I think it might be a powerful tool for controlling diabetes… thank you for a great video…

  5. I agree with everything here but I know people in their seventies who ate garbage all their life and have no problems of any kind. That's what I call healthy. I know. It's frustrating.

  6. The problem with keto and low carbs is their tastes suck. Take 100 people off the street give them a choice Pizza, hamburger ,fries , and a malt or a salads broccoli avocado. I bet 99 out of 100 choose Pizza and hamburger fries and a malt. Vegetables don't taste good. This is a fact. Going keto is not victory over diabetes it is surrendering because you have no choice. I get it that being diabetic you can't enjoy sweets and junk food because it may kill you. At the same time it sucks not eating what everyone else is eating.

  7. Its a lot of self control. To. Boil water.thry should bury the pooh istead.should burn or compost the sewage. Im eating way more carbs than i did before i used to exercise tonscsprinting thats difference, neuroleptics cause problems ptoo and diabetes.

  8. After having my first child at age 29, I fell into postpartum depression. From that point onward, i suffered from chronic depression.

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. And started taking medication. But after about a decade of trying different medications and doses, I decided to stop my meds altogether because of the unpleasant side effects.

    Thing started changing when a friend of mine had just added me to a newly created keto Facebook group.

    After hitting an all-time high on the scale and suffering some additional health issues, I finally decided to give keto a try.Right away, i noticed some benefits of eating keto that actually suited my lifestyle quite well.

    Since living low carb, my thyroid values have also improved — so much so that even my doctor is now fine with me not taking medication.

  9. The best reason I can come up with to answer no, it is not a crutch is that improvements in insulin sensitivity, reductions in visceral fat levels, excess weight and overall health makers are real improvements. In a worst case scenario you may argue Keto/LC is a better treatment than pills.

  10. Excellent. I have learnt alot from this channel and also from a new channel "Diabetes Hope Channel" God bless you all for helping us newly diagnosed patients find hope even in the midst of such a diagnosis.

  11. Thank you Dennis! I am guilty of doing well for a few months then will try to eat a small meal like I used to eat. Of course you are correct in your teachings in this video. My BS will jup into 250+ range and t takes days to get it back to 100! Shame on me for knowing better and dong it anyway. Thank you Dennis for what I just called a very stern lecture by a loving parent!

  12. Question for anyone : I'm 1 month in with a low carb diet and have done away with all sweets and use a meter to check foods and have been doing much better. I had a coffee from the local donut shop Black with Cream and a flavor sugar free flavor shot….my BS went from 97 before to a peak of 112 30 minutes after and then down to 103 within 1 hour…Is this to high of a spike for having a large ice coffee?

  13. If people felt the harm they're doing to their bodies, they wouldn't do as much, but because they only feel the pleasure of eating (taste and satiety) they tend to violate the sin of gluttony (maybe greed) and overindulge in that pleasure… eventually it catches up to them… just a matter of time.

  14. Dennis: What have you found your fasting insulin level to be? I recently had mine tested and it was 2.1. Although my A1c has come down to 5.8, my daily fasting glucose readings are often in the 125 to 165 level. It seems to me that this must mean that I am not that insulin resistant, but my beta cell insulin production must be very low and not really sufficient. I have been on the low carb Keto diet for the past 3 years and try to keep the carb count at 20 to 50 or so on most days (except for some cheat days). Over the last few years, since I was taken off Glipizide and put onto Metformin, my weight has dropped from 215 lbs to 155 lbs. I am 70 years old. 155 was my weight at 17 years of age. I heard that you have to get the small amount (0.5 gram) of fat out of your pancreas in order to restore beta cell function. Would intermittent fasting help at this point? I don't really need to lose any more weight (although a loss of another 5 lbs would not be fatal). Any ideas?

  15. Dennis thanks for responding to me about the blunting of the blood sugar with fats, I found your sweet potato and fat video later. BUT, have you seen the new videos that are cropping up, saying that doctors have discovered that YOUR DIET has nothing to do with your diabetes. How can they get away with this kind of hype, when any sane person that that has diabetes knows that this is a blatant lie. Can you imagine the people out there that listens to this. I guess my take is that big PHARMA would be behind this kind of outright lies, because people like us are proving that your diet has everything to do with your diabetes. Thank you for what you are doing, if people will only listen and practice this.

  16. Hey Dennis
    Love your channel and its a relief of hope. I have a question that's bugging me and stressing me. I know you have mentioned this in other videos.
    The longer am fasting the sugar glucose levels are still very high. Example at night 5.9 then in the morning and 24 hours later with no eating jts actually high at say 6.5 . Its driving me mad and am also vegan and doing as low carb as possible. Just don't know what to do. Just time? Or something am missing .

  17. Sir i need your opinion….can we eat vegetables which are cooked together with potato ? If i remove the potato and eat just the vegetables will the blood sugar spike.?

  18. Dennis,

    No doubt the low carb diet worked for me. To the extent that it bought down my HBA1C to 5.3 from previous high levels. However being an indian, my body being accustomed to carbs, it started becoming weak, fatigued, developing headaches and feeling dizzy. After getting back to normal diet, I started feeling better. Now I am just thinking how I should continue the low carb diet without these side effects. I hope I find a solution which will solve this 🙏

  19. There is no money to be made in curing diabetes 2.Both kinds of diabetics benefit from eating the proper human diet.
    My precious son religiously followed the doctor’s orders had rice & potatoes Every day and he’s dead way too young. And he suffered.