Louisiana Passes New Law Stating 18+ Can Carry That 'Thang' Without A Permit Or Training

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Louisiana Passes New Law Stating 18+ Can Carry That 'Thang' Without A Permit Or Training

Demetra Kaye reports on the state of Louisiana passing a new law stating that 18+ can carry that ‘thang’ without a permit or without any training.
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  1. Crime is out of control and unfortunately the criminals already out here thinking they are Billy the Kid in the wild West. This law only evens the odds for the law abiding citizens. My advice is if you are concerned about your safety and your family's safety you better stay ready and treat everyone regardless of occupation as a threat until proven otherwise

  2. 1) Thumbs up to the idea of getting training. You'd be surprised how many lives that saves. 2) the people out there shooting it up and acting a fool, are usually the ones that have a firearm illegally.

  3. so…arm the same people that realize they are in the position they are struggling in by way of social engineering? and waking up to who did this to them and the people they love?
    interesting. colonizers arming the indians.

  4. Man most of you people sound crazy the vast majority of black people are law abiding citizens and giving them the ability to own a weapon isn’t going to all of a sudden make these people turn into murderous criminals one thing you people need to remember is the police isn’t coming until after you’ve been shot or murdered

  5. While I love your content; I wholeheartedly disagree with obtaining permits. To have a permit allows for immediate location of those who possess firearms which eliminates the need to do research on who to neutralize. Keep it a mystery! Some call this criminal thinking but remember; those who made the laws not only legalized slavery but they committed every crime in the books before telling people not to commit crime.

  6. Is it illegals or regular citizens? If this is for illegals, it's to cause trouble. It's not like crime isn't already high enough in LA🙄. These people in leadership are ridiculous! I'm wondering why we're still paying these people's salaries when it's clear what they're trying to do.

  7. If you can go serve in the military ⚔ at 18 and use everything they have to offer, it only makes sense for an 18 year old in general to be able to have a gun..

    We are in the South Mam, we handle guns round here young. Ever heard of hunting?

    Also with only a Million Sworn Police Officers, you cannot count on anyone to protect you but you. 🫡

  8. So yall dont support 18 year olds having a weapon but it ok for a 18 year old in the military firing whole damn missiles , rockets and tanks. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ make any of that fuckery make sense

  9. I am born and raised in Baton Louisiana. I am also a legal gun owner and governor Jeff Landry passed this bill to increase the crime. He ran on being tough on crime and during his campaign he was using misinformation and faulty numbers to represent the crime here and those numbers were wrong. Now he has passed a bill to simply increase the violence in our state. There is an investigation going on right now with the Baton Rouge Police department for abducting black people and taking them to a warehouse hidden in the woods and there is video showing cops torturing them. Even with this going on he is trying to increase the police force because he says the city isn't safe but I want to know who the city isn't safe for because it's definitely not the black residents.

  10. Smh. Y'all seriously need to stop fear mongering. I'm a New Orleans native, and have lived in Texas for 12 years, and currently living in GA. Criminals don't care about laws and they don't have anything stopping them from carrying. This law is designed to help give LAW ABIDING citizens an equal playing field. The responsibility is yours to learn how to properly use a firearm, train, and also learn the laws around self defense. Black people arm yourselves and train. That's why we're at a disadvantage, we don't properly educate ourselves. I've carried in Texas and Louisiana for years without a permit, and never had a problem. I didn't it in GA as well, before I got my CCW. Don't be out here moving stupidly to make yourself an easy target (no pun intended) for criminals and/or law enforcement. Train, and keep up laws surrounding self defense. Don't listen to the police, your people who've been in the military or who've been owning guns for years. Take a class from U.S. Law Sheild, USCCA and/or the like. They have people who know the current laws and usually actual attorneys as part of the training class. Don't be afraid, be prepared. 👌🏾✌🏽

  11. OHH no say it isn't so. It's be messed up cuz. Gangstas be cappin up dat hood. It be hot soon. Lot of dat balloons be let go dog. MAKE AMERICA TRUMPLESS AGAIN FRANKLIN 🤘🃏🇺🇸🎸

  12. Im sick of ppl reporting on this already we been carrying permit or not convicted felon and all, that aint gon change wth you think all these killing around the u.s is by law abiding citizens tf we doing man find some real news to report ppl sitting up here acting shocked 😱 omg ppl walking around with no gun permits umm excuse the hell out of me what was any different before this, as i said whoever feel like they need to carry thats what they going to do 🤷 not waiting for no law to tell me if i can protect myself or not

  13. Louisiana is property ridden and high crime mostly ppl of colour…jobs are few and in between…why not give them fire-arms at military age (18) ..when your game plan is to annihilate other ppl of colour.

  14. Constitutional carry makes it easier for people 18+ who are NOT criminals to carry weapons on them. Criminals are going to do what criminals do regardless of the law. Lets make it easier for the good guys to be armed so they can defend themselves. People should get trained if they intend to carry in public. Permits can be pricey depending on where you are. Most of the crime in LA. is probably in certain parts of NO. and Baton Rogue. We here in Mississippi have had constitutional carry for quite sometime and Vermont, a blue state with a low crime rate also has it so you can't say guns are the problem. Hey what do think about the federal judge in IL. who ruled that the law that prevents an illegal alien from possessing a fireman is unconstitutional? If an illegal alien can carry a gun, don't you think an American citizen should also be able to as well?

  15. You are right, what you are saying!!
    I used to work for a help desk for prisons and jails.
    Right now, at this time, they’re building new prisons !!
    Who do you think they’re gonna put in these new Prisons???

  16. As a Louisiana resident I see nothing wrong with a law abiding 18yo having a gun. The criminal 18yo has a gun so why can’t the 18yo law abiding citizen do the same. Oh Louisiana will soon be a constitutional carry state so there will def be no need to get the permit.

  17. Y'all are reading too much into this. This is for them folks to have power tools to use against us. Several states have gone to permit less carry. Both FL and GA have it as well.