The Simplest Beef Shorba Recipe. Tunisian style
The Simplest Beef Shorba Recipe. Tunisian style
Beef shorba Ingredients [Bahan-bahan]:
0.5 kg beef [daging sapi]
3-5 tablespoon cooking oil
2 bay leaves [daun salam]
2-3 cloves [cengkeh]
cinnamon [kayu manis]
1 star anise [adas manis]
5 black pepper corn [lada hitam utuh]
1 onion [bawang bombai]
1 can (250 mL) chopped tomatoes [tomat potong dadu]
2 table spoon tomato puree [tomat pasta]
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kalo nanti udh pulang k indo. papanya mas harus masakin ini yah🤣