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  1. It is not a must you should enter state house.what about people like mini Kenda coast when Will they enter state house and they just survive stop stop mentality of entering state house kabila you're katika Kenya inaweza ongoza

  2. SAVULA Hon.. Is Right the other Hon Chris is shallow an informed and biased
    They are traitors spoilers betrayers and can’t make it Baba the 5th is sowing higher to victory Raiala is the fifth President wewe Chris Huja komaa Listen to Hon SAVULA sir open your Eyes Be blessed SAVULA

  3. The road being constructed is from Suam, Endebess Kitale. Hyo ya Sikhendu zii. I pitty how development is done in our country. It is a Class B road but lying in dust for decades.

  4. These guests have nothing important to communicate, just 2 people arguing, accusing claims & abusing each other & their party. Running away from answering questions instead of peaceful debate to educate, it just causes division.

  5. This savula guy must be a drunkard.what development agenda do you decide with a president retiring after 5months. The question of begging an individual to dish out development must stop .what is the parliamentary budget committee doing .

  6. Empty Ndebe makes most noise!! You can just tell who’s talking sense Between these two gentlemen. The thing is political brokers feel hurt whenever things doesnt go their way to enable bennefit. Musalia wasnt blind nor mad to make the move he took, period!!!

  7. The Western sugar industry has been under the watch of Mudavadi in government before! He was busy amassing wealth through scandals: Local government cemetery rip-off.

    Remember also in 2002, Mudavadi joined Uhuru as running mate and the two not only lost the presidential contest to Mwai Kibaki, but Musalia lost his Sabatia Parliamentary seat to Moses Akaranga.

  8. Do you own Kakamega to determine who will land there Savula? And you need to know that being a pastor or son of one is not necesarilly good stuff these days cause most(not all) are false prophets.

  9. Savula is fooling Kenyans that the Turbo endebsi road is being constructed.. I had a chance use the same road yesterday all the way from sikhendu and for sure nothing is happening in that road

  10. Savula stop lying to us …….

    Where was president for the last 10years to revive our companies in western

    Why now if not the earthquake

    This people like hoodwinking tye Mulembe nation , when elections are due…….we know better now…..

    Savula you take the cash kama ulipewa kitu, wewe kula pole pole

    You are a leader in western, and we are lacking leadership , so what are you saying….

    Wewe piga kelele hapo kwa TV then come down for Governors seat in Kakamega, we will answer you.

    So did Baba pay Kalonzo and Gideon Moi to attend their NDC……..?

    There was nothing in UDA attending ANCs if ODM can attend wipes. And Kanu……..

    Speaking order ,was the case in NDCs for Wiper, Kanu etc……..

    We shall speak and loudly so, I can not follow Ayub as a leader in Mulembe nation, he can not persuade me or any other right thinking Mulembe citizen , to buy his school of thought……

  11. We had received a promise of an earthquake. How on earth could it be an earthquake if revealed that Ruto was a guest? Why question a guest to ANC function?
    Savula should not have been to this studio with the gentleman Chris Wamalwa.

  12. I pitty my beloved country if such are the leaders who we expect to change the lives of starving families and their livestock.
    Its almost like they live in a different country they know less of what the common MWANANCHI is going through.

  13. Why is SAvula so bitter about what is going on in ANC yet he's left already… isn't he better advised to focus on his mbolea party?… Savula it is true that you are a son of a pastor… but is also true that you are a thief. You make sons of pastors look terrible.


  15. Kenya is lost..the budget should me made by the senate .not the executive, the senate should be the chamber that controls the purse strings of the nation through the finance committee, hii ujinga itakwisha kenya lini.?? The president can't be one to make and assign budgetary functions when he doesn't know anything about FINANCE.. huyo ni mlevi