Starting a garden from seed vs starts RESULTS live!

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Starting a garden from seed vs starts RESULTS live!



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    Proverbs 31:9
    “Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.”

    John 7:24
    “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”

    1 Corinthians 6:2
    “Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?”

  2. #replay. It was a powerful and important message today. I pray that it resonates with those who most need to hear it. When you were speaking of AI in the body; it made me think of the series "Revolution." If you haven't seen it, you might find it interesting to watch. Blessings to you and yours. ✌🏾🫶🏾🙏🏾

  3. Hornworms! I have seen several videos that state companion planting basil with tomatoes or peppers discourages the hornworm moths from laying, due to the smell. I will be doing this, this year to test it out, since basil is inexpensive and will come back on it's own.

  4. I can grow year round in Florida 10a. I always have a crop of tomatoes in the ground. I start new varieties I want to try from seed but I almost never have to start something I'm already growing. Before the end of the tomato I pull either suckers or just the top if I want it to stop height. I keep in water in the window just because I don't need 100 cups outside. I always have something propagating . If I can I do… I prefer air layering over cuttings on woody plants, save seed, cuttings in water or soil and bending my berry stems down and tack it under the soil until it roots then cut and transplant. Anything I can do to make less work or take up space.

    I don't buy fertilizer anymore. I have chickens so i always have a compost pile going. I put random weeds and plant matter in a bucket of water covered and let it sit until i need it and also have worms in a bucket system. I can collect up to 10 gallons of worm castings every 4 or so months. I am cheep! If i can do something for free that's exactly what im going to do even if its an effort. Im completely organic and rarely have issues. If things are healthy and you have a balance of good bugs i find I don't have many issues.

  5. I saw your live about planting the suckers.. made total sense! I got peppers too from my local start seller.. i asked him can i do the same with peppers, he said no! But I can’t trust it, is he lying?