Sista Warns The 4B Movement Will Finish Off The Black Community

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Sista Warns The 4B Movement Will Finish Off The Black Community

The 4B Movement is really silly because it’s not going to stop men from being in relationships with women or having children. Sure a woman can participate in this movement. It’s not going to stop the world from going around.



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  1. Men are getting the bridge together because of job discrimination against women. Women can be educated to do that job as well.

    It's funny how men don't allow women to do certain things then take credit as though only men can do those jobs.

    Men are using machinery to build …women can learn to use the same machinery.

  2. It's BM treatment of BW that is pushing the 4B. We can't have strong communities with half the of the black community being oppressed. BM have abandoned there families… but no one is saying BM are ruining the black community.

  3. Black community as of now is glorifying toxicity and I want no parts of it! I don’t judge others for what they do but it’s funny how easily ppl judge me for being a more modest person. I will remain single and celibate until I feel I’ve met someone with a similar mindset. I’m content with the 4b movement. My friends and I agree that the world is too dark to even reproduce.

  4. you men said that you wanted women to choose better, so now they are doing it. what planet does this sister live on???? Maam, nobody kicked the black man out of the home- he left the home on his own.

  5. The 4B movement did not work in Korea and it certainly won't work in the USA. Assuming a large population of black American females decided to engage in so-called 4B behaviors (LOL), the result will be an increased number of black men with their lives in order will seek black and non-black wives and mothers for their children inside and outside of the USA.

  6. The community is already destroyed. I will not be a part of any movement that tries to convince good black men to fix what Pookie, Ray Ray, Nug Nug, and Lil Pancho Mad Maxed to oblivion. Loyalty is earned. The community spat on the loyalty of good black men and literally destroyed the lives of those men who tried fix and repair what they had no part in destroying.

    Build a new community with like-minded people. Create better with those that love you and not those who just tolerate you for their own survival.

  7. From the beginning it was said "it was not good for man to be alone", and again it was said "he called them both Adam". Women are not designed to be alone either and all it will do is invite a lot of foolish behavior.

  8. It's not going to finish off the black community, just the black woman's bloodline. Black men can have black children with any woman on planet Earth. I say let them do whatever they're going to do, BM are going to be good anywhere.

  9. The point is to stop us from multiplying and growing in numbers. Whites and Asians are cut from the same cloth and are children of Satan.The questions we need to ask is there any of them that will rebel against their father Satan.