7 MINUTES AGO: Cece Winans SLAMS T.D Jakes For His Creepy Gay Parties With Diddy At Church

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7 MINUTES AGO: Cece Winans SLAMS T.D Jakes For His Creepy Gay Parties With Diddy At Church

7 MINUTES AGO: Cece Winans SLAMS T.D Jakes For His Creepy Gay Parties With Diddy At Church

The black church community has not been immune to scandals that have rocked its foundation. Christian leaders who were formerly regarded as moral compasses have become embroiled in controversies that contradict the teachings they espoused.




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  1. The Lord will drive out His people from these broken places under these broken leaders. In this season , There will be a MAJOR distinction between HOLY and PROFANE, what is PURE or what is DEFILED. His new church will be grown organically from the ground up.

  2. OK, so 1st off, black churches aren't the only churches that NEED changes and correction to take place. Don't forget Catholic churches which are predominantly white churches have been known for far worst! There are more petrifies, rapist, money laundering and many more corruption and hidden agendas in those churches and have been for centuries. They've just bee hidden and protected as long as they have because many of those churches are riddled with the $$ of the high powered members to prevent being exposed as often.

  3. Leave leave Cecee alone if you’re attacking her then maybe you need to check your own walk with the Lord because let me tell you something you can feel the Holy Ghost all over that woman! I went to one of her concerts and was right up front and let me tell you something that’s a godly woman a God-fearing woman❤❤❤❤

  4. The thing is really the Bible tells us. God‘s word tells us trust no man no human man on earth only your father in heaven for everything and anything that means whatever comes out of a pastors mouth don’t take his word for it. You go to the word of God to see that it matches up, and if you have a pastor that says, don’t take my word for it go to the Lord and prayer. Ask Jesus ask the Lord then you have a God-fearing man.

  5. Don’t anyone out there say one word against Cecee wines that is a godly woman her walk she doesn’t just talk the talk and let me tell you something. It’s not just TD Jakes. There’s a lot of white men out there. I’m not gonna call any names but if you know the Lord, and if you know his voice and he has given you, wisdom and discernment, you already know who they are, but with what Cecee said people we got quit playing in Church quit putting a crown on a human. These people that are out here that are shepherd. They have a higher authority that they’re going to come under and you better know that you know that you know I can give you a whole list of pastors that are on TV, that are not preaching the word and just like Cecee said God never changes Jesus Yeshua so all you out there that are saying well I go to Joel Osteen’s church or I go to Kenneth Copeland’s church so what so what you better know the voice of Jesus you better spend your time in your prayer closet Pray praying we just worship in Jesus just worship him. Don’t ask him for nothing just worship him and he will be so present with you. What do you think you’re gonna be doing when you get in heaven worshiping the Lord there are so many people out there that it’s about look at me look what I have you better be more concerned about where you’re going to spend eternityand thank you, Cecee. Thank you Cecee for speaking up and just speaking the truth.

  6. You need to stop playing with GOD concerning his people!!! You're alleging that these people of GOD are doing things and it's all alleging. You need to worry about the prices you will pay for putting his people out there without sound proof. Touch not Mt anointed do my prophet no harm or worse things shall happen to thee. Social media is a playground for the enemy. Now imagine YOU being in the public eye and you were the one being attacked!!!! It would look alot different to YOU then…. wouldn't it. Don't believe everything you hear just because someone posted an agenda and then the birds start jumping in on it with no prove. This world 🌎 is really sad. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore. What if it was you? Think about it family

  7. CLEARLY YOUR HEADING FOR THIS VIDEO IS INCORRECT. STOP LYING ON CECE WINANS!!! TD Jake's name did not come out of her mouth. You are a liar and deceiver.
    People on this post,
    Beware of "Wolves in Sheeps Clothing" Do not follow just anyone or anything. The title of this post is meant to cause discord and confusion. It is a Lie! Do your homework and look up what Cece said. In order to not be deceived, stop blindly following people (false prophets) and people on social media casting doubt about God. People that talk about God and twist the scripture to their benefit are very cunning and evil. They seem so sincere and know the right things to say to pull you in to their world of their evil plans. The book of Revelations speaks of this mess and tells us what to do. If you don't understand the King James Bible, the NIV Bible is a great bible to use as a study bible. Read and study the bible before it's too late. Try opening your bible and reading a verse every day. Ask God for understanding and keep reading. He will start revealing things to you in dreams or in the middle if yhe night. It can be any time if the day… just have an ear and a mind to hear it. Call these people out on their mess. The only way to do this is to know for yourself (Read it for yourself) God did not give us a spirit of fear so speak up and call this mess out! That's what Cece did without calling names. This mess is in many churches. Know God's Word!!!! Do not be deceived. Read the King James Bible or NIV Bible daily. Fast and pray for discernment. Pray daily and ask the Lord every day for guidance. When you pray, have faith that God will answer your prayers. Stop being impatient when you pray and ask God for things and He doesn't answer your requests. God may close some doors that are not meant for you; that doesn't mean He doesn't hear you, it means he has a better door for you to walk through. He is protecting you. Listen to the Holy Spirit when it drops things in your spirit and when your mind keeps telling you that something isn't right. Listen to that voice and get as far away from whatever doesn't feel or sound right. Please get in the Word of God and stay in it. Stop following everything that promises wealth and that begs for 100s of dollars all of the time. We are living in perilous, evil times. The devil is desperately roaming around seeking whom he can destroy. If you can't find a church, stay home, fast and pray, play your gospel music and glorify God wherever you are. Have church at home and ask God to show you your church. If you walk in a church and it feels like the hair stands up on the back of your neck, turn around immediately and walk out the way you came in. I don't care who invites you or who you are with, get out of there! I've been there, I know what I'm talking about. God id not a liar, God does not lead anyone down the wrong path. He gave all of us free will, it's up to us to use that freewill properly because some choices will lead you into trouble… We pick and choose what we want.What will you choose, good or evil, love or hatred, Gid or man? Let's make sure that we study God's word and govern ourselves according to His Word. I choose God. ❤🙏🏼

  8. Had to be deaf & blind not to know he and many others are false preachers , wolves in sheep’s clothing. All about how wealthy they can get.

  9. Years ago the Spirit told me that TD Jakes was not right with God and I stopped listening to him. Today I'm so thankful that I heard His voice. The mega church prosperity teaching appeals to people who are lusting after prosperity of money and things versus prosperity of the spirit. I was very desperate and at that time his messages were appealing to me. I have always prayed that God would keep me from being deceived. My heart wants nothing in this world. Only God

  10. But she not holy YET!!!! She needs to
    Fully REPENT and follow the commandments and since she said HE NEVER CHANGES! Think on that!!!!! She needs to stop with the whole CHRISTIANDOM LIES……and embrace the truth about who ISRAEL really is and why…see Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9 …..and teach the fullness of Matthew 5:17-21 and this scripture says it all because MessiYah clearly said those who teach the laws are done away WILL be least in the kingdom! Wake up!

  11. White supremacy is always seeking a way to defame one of the largest entities of the black community. THE CHURCH!! Leaders since the time of MOSES regardless of race

  12. The further away we get from God, the closer we get to Satan . It's happening more and more and more . Not just in frequency but in severity. We are in an age of deception .

  13. Ephesians 5:11..people who are saying your judging T D Jakes by exposing him, do not know their Bible. God tells us have nothing to do with his kind of evil doings..God hates the shedding of innocent blood.

  14. CeCe Winans stands for holiness, yet she has NEVER “slammed” anyone her in her life. Stop using her name just to get up your views. It’s misleading and deceptive.

  15. I came to this post because I did not believe CeCe slammed anyone. At no time did she call TD Jakes name. So please don't accuse the people of God of saying things they did not say.

  16. IF SHE IS GOING AGAINST SCRIPTURE SHE HERSELF Is On the DOCKET Of YAH 33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

    As in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. 35 If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church. 1 Corinthians 14:33-38