6 Curiosities About Erich von Manstein that you DIDN'T Know | Beyond the Battlefield
6 Curiosities About Erich von Manstein that you DIDN'T Know | Beyond the Battlefield
Was Manstein adopted? Did you know about the attack that was going to be carried out against Hitler? What was his salary as a quarterback? How was the investigation carried out by the SS to determine whether or not he was Jewish? Why did they want to send Manstein to lead the Afrika Korps? Next in this program, we are going to see all these…
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Had Manstein had jewish ancestry, there would have been no problem. There were tens of thousands of soldiers in the Wehrmacht (including high ranking officers) with jewish ancestors, even mother OR father. This is described in the book Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, by Bryan Mark Rigg .
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These were vicious and ambitious times, it would be extremely interesting to see a video on which great Russian and German Generals might have faired better in combat had they not been killed by their highly vicious contemporaries whom feared their military and potentially political prowess.
Marshal Zhukov for example, has long been said to have only been alive to repel the Nazis because he just happened to have been stationed to a Russian backwater post far away from the intrigues of Moscow, where other highly capable generals and politicians were being senselessly murdered in Stalinist purges.
He had polish ancestry from Polish Noble family Lewinski
He used to pack, chopped liver on leaven bread, n his haversack, plus matza ball soup in his thermos, and abstained from pork.He also was the only German Officer that preferred to drink Mogan David wine. He most always carried his Talmud in his briefcase also.
It was determined that he was Jewish, when he refused to mobilize his troops on, Passover, Yom Kippur, or Hanukah.
Halter got his name, because of strong rumors that he wore colorful halter tops under his uniform!
A.K.A , "Erich Von Nosestein."
Perhaps the greatest curiosity of all is that Manstein had a son in Mexico City, whom I personally knew. He was the administrative chief of the country's best private high school.
Whit all due respect greetings a million thanks for your great work sincerely Jose Silva from San Diego CA USA thanks .
Afrika "Korpse" AI needs to figure that one out. LOL How was I even randomly fed this YouTube video? Awful. Stop the AI narration.
Are there any other surviving descendants? If so, they could do a DNA test.
a corpse is a dead body a korps pronounced "core" is a group or formation
Populated with "Did you know that…" Statements. Little bits of secret knowledge, remember – fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Fasisten sweine
Hitler lost the war all by himself by poking the RUSSIAN BEAR (biting off more than he could chew)…before securing his rear (Britain and USA)….Only a complete fool would do such a thing..STALIN WAS SHOCKED AT SUCH A STUPID MOVE…Hitler was a fool and an imbecile destroying Germany for ever and forever…..lol thy are still under occupation ……lol….
These computer-generated voices are irritating as phuck
Interesting! Thankyou
Prussian field marshals do not mutiny
-Erich Von Manstein (1887-1973)
Maintain was of polish ancestry.
Good video, but it's Africa Corps NOT Africa Corpse.
How can a nation have liberty with thousands of people enslaved ???😅😅😅😅😅
I enjoyed it. Thanks!
Ignorant to say cor"p"s.
There's a SEVENTH thing I didn't know about him: that he had ever existed…
The seventh curiosity is Manstein's dachshund, Knirps, who was trained to raise its paw in salute when ordered to "Heil Hitler!"😂
A simple Russian general Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin proved to Manstein all his worthlessness
It's pronounced "Core" not Corpse..
We are going through the same situation now in America.
Just an aside. All the Wehrmacht Generals knew what was going to happen on the Eastern Front when Hitler Invaded. It was a war never seen on the face of the Earth. It was a Racist war of Extermination, Subjugation and Removal. And to a man they played their part in this ensuring that tens of millions of innocent people died and they kept this up till the end. So keep this in mind when you read about them.
The synthesized narration is literally unlistenable. I could get about halfway through it. I’ll get the rest from Wikipedia.
Not a Marshal never revolts, but a Prussian Marshal never revolts.
Hitler's Marshal's also received huge grants of land and estates.
Your bot always mixes up it's he's and her's.
This cheap AI voice kills the whole video
Why the robot voice and not your own?
Brutal artificial crap.
Manstein believed that Bolshevism and Jews were inextricably linked, that there was a global conspiracy led by the Jews, and that in order to stop the spread of communism it was necessary to remove the Jews from European society. His order of 20 November 1941, based on the Severity Order of Reichenau, reads in part:
Jewish Bolshevik system must be wiped out once and for all and should never again be allowed to invade our European living space … It is the same Jewish class of beings who have done so much damage to our own Fatherland by virtue of their activities against the nation and civilisation, and who promote anti-German tendencies throughout the world, and who will be the harbingers of revenge. Their extermination is a dictate of our own survival. A war criminal.
Najzdolniejsi generałowie tej wojny posiadali Polskie pochodzenie.
Erich von Mainstain przyszedł na świat jako dziesiąte dziecko gen. Edwarda von Lewinskiego pochodzącego z polsko-kaszubskiego rodu szlacheckiego Royk-Lewińskich herbu Lew (pierwotną siedzibą rodu było Lewino) i piąte dziecko drugiej jego żony, Heleny von Sperling. Po chrzcie przebywał w domu ówczesnego mjr. Georga von Mansteina, który nie miał dzieci z siostrą jego matki. W wieku 14 lat został zaadoptowany przez to małżeństwo. W wyniku uchwały Rady Ministrów II Rzeszy Niemieckiej otrzymał nowy herb i z biegiem lat używał nazwiska "von Lewinski, zwany von Manstein", coraz częściej w skróconej formie "von Manstein".
Na skutek pogłosek o żydowskim pochodzeniu, rozsiewanych przez przeciwników Ericha von Mansteina w armii, SS na rozkaz Himmlera przebadało genealogię marszałka. Udało się ustalić polskie korzenie von Mansteina"
Konstanty Rokossowski był synem polskiego kolejarza Ksawerego Wojciecha Rokossowskiego wyznania rzymskokatolickiego i nauczycielki z Pińska, Antoniny Owsiannikowej z drobnej szlachty rosyjskiej wyznania prawosławnego.
Ojciec wywodził się ze szlacheckiej rodziny Rokossowskich herbu Glaubicz z Wielkopolski, która przyjęła nazwisko od miejscowości Rokosowo koło Gostynia.
So stop "defend this horrific criminal against humanity.
And" just becouse he was of "jewish origin" "!!
Best military???
Are you sick in this program?
Levinskij neez'!
He was and are jewish!!
He led the substantial part of the east front.
Throughing in ordinary persons in to the "capturing the sovjet".
Whit enourmus losses in death and mutilation of german civilists, driven to death in the attempt for the finance and industry owners to steal the ryssian wealth and resourses. And in this he was highest in chief of the horrible german Sonder Abteilungens, systematicaly killing etnic minorities and "unwished"!!
What was the basis for trhe 18 year sentence. ?
To be honest, I always enjoy how you former so-called “Allies” still try to tell the story in your desired way, even after almost 80 years of history in German history. It's unbelievable what you tell the world about the history of the war. And all of this smacks of Allied propaganda… By the way, how many people took the trouble to listen to the other side, that of the Germans??? A rogue who thinks evil of it! Mfg Magnus
Isn’t that the cast of Dad’s Army in the vehicle at the beginning of the video?