5 Things I Would Never Do as a Weight Loss Doctor #5things #shorts

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5 Things I Would Never Do as a Weight Loss Doctor #5things #shorts

Here are the 5 things I would absolutely never do to lose weight!

Christopher McGowan, MD, MSCR

#weightloss #weightlossjourney #obesity #doctor



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  1. Everything he says is true, been there done that, except liposuction 😳 and none of it works..
    He should be telling you the solution..
    I will..😂
    Carnivore..Beef, Butter, Bacon, Eggs, Lamb and Seafood 😊😁
    Dr Ken Berry,Dr Anthony Chaffee..
    YouTube them ..
    Changed my life..
    Lost 25kg,no exercise, no starving to death and sleeping like a lazy teenager 😂😂.. not a baby cause they wake up too much 😅
    I wouldn't have thought 8 months ago I'd be buying a new wardrobe 4 sizes smaller and feeling amazingly healthier than when I was young.
    Imagine being who you're meant to be?
    Health, Happiness and prosperity to you all ❤

  2. I’m a certified Master Mortician with a Ph.D in molecular biology. HERE are 5 things that are proven to land you on my work bench! #1. Alcohol ! Operating a motor vehicle with it ! Running your now liberated mouth with liquid courage running through your veins, giving you bravery, and a feeling of invincibility! 2. Ignoring your health. Merrily going along drive-through to drive-through, consuming anything and everything your heart desires. Your body was not designed to function off of the garbage that you are swallowing on a daily basis. Michael Jackson was 51. His coronary arteries were as clean as a newborn baby. He ate nothing that was fried. He was a complete and total vegetarian / vegan and lived on a strictly meatless diet. “Nothing with eyes “ is the mantra of those people who are able to be robust and healthy even in very senior years!
    Johnny Mathis goes so far as to personality grow everything that he eats in his organic garden at his Hollywood Hills home. When he goes on a concert tour, he is accompanied with his own private chef, who is in possession of everything that Johnny is going to eat. I saw a film clip recently of Johnny approaching 82 doing a concert
    Anabolic steroids for athletes, police officers, bodybuilding monsters, etc. you will definitely pack on Herculean muscles ! One recent unbelievable mega ripped monster (Koufax ) broke ALL records coming in at over 400 pounds! Can you imagine standing on the stage at 400 pounds of solid steel when your bicep is much bigger than the average man’s leg? At autopsy (in his late 30’s) his heart was the size of racehorses! As thick as leather and so inflexible from 2000 gallons of steroid enriched blood going through it every day that instead of being flexible like a jellyfish, it was a mass of hardened bullshit!

    #3. Treble hooks! Opium -based controlled substances are like a chrome Treble Hook! You swallow your Percocet, oxycodone, oxyContin, feel good pill and unless you’re recovering from a gruesome visit to the dentist or some type of surgery that sent you home with one week supply and had you sign a “no refills no renewals, ! NO EXCEPTIONS!” Contract. (that also goes on the state wide record), you discipline your intake to breakthrough levels of your pain! Knowing full well if you run out to early, you are going to suffer unnecessarily because under the law, he can’t give you anymore. So you are now desperate you want to get back in touch with your new friend! 💊 your new friend that made you feel better than you’ve ever felt in your life! Took away all your depression, and made you feel like an 18 year old again! You ask around and you find out who is selling their pain medicine. Maybe it’s their grandmother who gets it in the mail and the grandson intercepts it and then replaces it with vitamin pills. There are many people who receive narcotics on a regular basis and they sell them to the highest bid, for instance, a jar of 20 mg OxyContin that has 120 pills Will bring $1500 cash or whatever you want to charge ! Within a month your savings is gone you have borrowed against your life insurance policy you have started to sell all of your prize possessions in order to keep from the absolutely unbearable and inhumane withdrawals that only addicts understand!

    I call it the “treble hook syndrome” , so easy-going down, almost unnoticed but when you try to get that hook out of your mouth, you find it is at the core of your existence and I have only known of two ways to break that cycle. Number one is suicide always works! Either by intentionally overdosing to get it over with. Or by other means . The other way is spiritual intervention. I hope same absolute miracles happen to those addicted with no way out when they come in contact with a truly gifted unselfish person with a ministry for caring. But of course, that is politically incorrect, so I will just let you run with that. MOST turn to Black tar, Mexican Heroin, Dirt cheap and available more easily than a pizza! It will enable you to hold down a full-time job and yet keep that dragon just far enough away from you, so long as you have another fully loaded outfit within reach.

    Everyone knows how good a real narcotic pill will make you feel. One thing, a person who is addicted and by the way, it only takes six days and you are dealing with that trouble hook! So when someone comes to an unsuspecting person and tells them, they miraculously scored a tsunami of painkillers, What they actually have is a pill made up synthetic fentanyl, horse tranquilizer, and whatever else is under the kitchen sink! Mexican border states are flooding us with BILLIONS of these pills, designed and targeted and of course intended to kill as many Americans as possible and I wish I could turn my iPad over and show you the 16 cardboard boxes in the cooler that are scheduled for the cremation line up starting tomorrow morning. These are all fentanyl deaths in age from 15 to 33. This embalmer has reached a milestone of over 100 confirmed synthetic fentanyl “therapeutic misadventures” (A legal term listed on the certificate of death)

    Also, a couple of things that come to mind are amateur aviators! BASE jumping! Road rage …. The ” Big Three” Undiagnosed and untreated depression! We have so many cases through the year of suicide, and it sends shockwaves through the unsuspecting families who have no idea that their loved one was in so much mental trouble. Don’t even get me started on motorcycles! If you are that stupid, just make sure your insurance is in order, and everything else will be just absolutely fine I promise you! I can make you look like a movie star! I have a six drawer rolling prostheses cabinet. I can take everything in here and build a 💯 Authentic and reasonable facsimile of what you looked like the moment your face hit the pavement! We have a three dimensional printer that we can feed a variety of recent pictures of you and it will print out a mask as a base that our color experts can come in and finish. Draping a very fine silk netting over the casket with a firm “No photography – No videos! do not touch!” and adjusting the “tri-tone” lifelike overhead lights just so…. “You bring the Dough! We’ll start the show.”

    And NOW a word from our sponsors: Lust Jealously Betrayal and Revenge , A professional situation.
    Those four emotions are so explosive 🧨! That even the police have to triple their numbers when responding to the call. I am 75 and I have forgotten thousands upon thousands of murder suicide cases where somebody in a relationship loved a little more than somebody else. Could have been a 20 year marriage or they might have still been in the rawness of a honeymoon! Sex Money Love Trust! Lovely to have! BETRAYAL KILLS! Watch out who falls in love with you! You might be on a complete different frequency, and not even notice! But he might already assume ownership of you, especially if you have had sex with him. And the moment he sees you with someone else , his-her world is now a snow globe of emotions and rage. “ that bitch! She did this just to hurt me! We will see about that ! so now you have two funerals and a trial to attend. Happens so often makes me yawn! I hope a little bit of this will help one soul !

    You have got to be ready for anything at any time just like me. Nothing surprises me. Many things disappoint me, but nothing surprises me anymore. I was a special forces, soldier in Vietnam, and often have flashbacks about my tour but I realize the danger is right here ! 33% of the traffic fatalities are alcohol related when you add in drugs on board the body and medical emergencies suddenly happening, you’re up to over 60% of the average traveling public! Never assume that person is going to stop at the red light or stop sign! Are you going to bet your life on that sucker you have a 60% chance of losing. People always ask how much money do I make I make, about 400,000 a year as half owner and sharing profits. I’ve been working here for 51 years though. What’s the most “Fucked up situation” ? In 2008 we had a funeral for a family of FIVE (could not afford their electric bill. They died from carbon monoxide poisoning because they turned the oven on and all the burners on and slept in the kitchen there by using up all the oxygen.

    At this service (visitation) a gunfight broke out in the parking lot between the ex husband of the woman and her children , and the United States Marshals Service . He was wanted on a federal warrant for fraudulently selling a home that did not belong to him. Earlier in the afternoon, the Marshall’s service wanted permission to be in the building and dressed like janitors and other employees. We had to decline for the safety of everyone involved. And this business you must stay neutral and dedicate all of your energy to supporting the next of kin. Apparently they boxers car in and told him to surrender, and from then on, it was ass over tea kettle!

    If you have lived this long, you’ve already done all the cool stuff you’ve ever wanted to do so why don’t you just start making green smoothies and live off of that ?

  3. The best advice is prevention, don’t let yourself become overweight…if you gain around, calorie restrict and lose the pound. If you need to lose a lot of weight change your expectations. Determine your calorie needs to maintain weight, and eat 500 calories less then you would lose one pound a week. Do your future self a favor and start today.

  4. I did HCG for 30 days. I lost 35 lbs, but the most amazing part was that my inflammation and fatigue plus all the chronic pain I was in disappeared! I hadn’t been up the stairs to the second floor of my house in 3 years. One day, about 3 weeks into the program, I ran- ran up the stairs with no pain, no stiffness and it was like I was 20 years old again!! I was so excited I ran back down and started jumping around in front of my husband yelling‘look at me, OMG ! Look!!’ After the 30 day trial was over, I slowly started getting stiff, painful and full of inflammation again. It took about 9 months to be a mess once more. 😭😭😭. Whatever was in that, my body seriously needed. I haven’t been in good health since. 😢

  5. I'm currently on semiglutide & realized my body NEVER knew how to …. What(?)process insulin or something?! Idk…..
    but I have never felt better, lost about 40lbs in about 3months, my stomach has never been flattter & I can eat a little bit of ANYTHING & I feel awesome!! ….
    Once I wean off I'll be cutting carbs, increasing protein & going low to no sugar so I can keep the weight loss.

  6. Or the main thing people have to do they have to quit eating fast foods they have to quit eating sweets sodas junk food pasta limit how much you eat a pasta go to salads go to barbecues but stop eating sweets chips donuts soda pop but God bless for the people who try🙏♥️

  7. Nutrisystem: I lost 29 lbs over 2 months in 2012 and 12 years later (2024) I've regained 10 of those 29 lbs. It can work, you have to be serious about it, and you will fart.

  8. i have nothimg to reduce from my meals. they are healthy and i dont snack and i eat the amounts i should. nothing more nothing less. so exersize is all iv got to lose weight and you are telling me it wont work? someone please explain 😢

  9. Liposuction is actually the only way for women who have lipedema to lose weight. Their fat is diseased and fibrous/nodular, and does NOT respond to diet or exercise. Approx 11% of women have it, but overall awareness level is low. Google lipedema to learn more.

  10. Ive been eating healthily for years, about 1500 kcal a day. Been sedentary for 1.5 years after an injury. 2 weeks ago I started 30 mins of exercise a day. I am rapidly toning up and my body already looks leaner when I look down and in clothes. You can just see it/ feel it in yourself. Wish I’d not been scared to do it sooner but it’s a journey, am grateful to have started

  11. “Almost guaranteed” I call BS! I was 179Ib in 2018 I water fasted for a week and kept doing it on and off until I hit 140Ib (1 month) then I just fasted for the remainder of my goal (120) I hit my goal at the end of the year. I been in my 120s since.

  12. Correct, most of the time, Exercise won't work, because you're still eating carbs.

    Carbs literally block your ability to burn fat. You have to burn through all the carbs first, to get to your fat stores.

    If your eating CICO, you have to starve your body to get it to pull fat from your fat stores to make up for the lack of calorie intake, but this only works for a little while, because your body will adapt to the lower calorie intake.

    This is called Plateauing, and you stop losing weight. This is were most people get frustrated, give up, and start eating again.

    The problem is, you maintenance level is you diet deficit. So you go back to eating, your like going to be eating 1500+ plus above your maintenance, so every other day, you'll probably gain 1+ pounds. This will continue till your body adapts to all the extra energy your feeding it.

    That's yoyo dieting, and why 95% of people fail.

    If you want to lose fat. Stop eating carbs.

    Eat foods high in protein, and fat.

    Your every movement will burn fat for energy. You'll literally turbo charge your exercise, because from the start, you'll be burning fat, because there would be no carbs getting in the way.

    Also, your health will improve a great deal.