30 Businesses You can start with 500 Cedis | Business ideas in Ghana
We list down 30 businesses you can start with 500 cedis In Ghana. To read more about business in Ghana, Visit https://afiaghana.com/businesses-you-can-start-with-500-cedis/
Business Ideas In Ghana
Starting a business in Ghana
Profitable business in Ghana
Entreprenuership in Ghana
Ghana business news
Small Businesses in Ghana
Businesses you…
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You guys realize we live in a digital world right
We live in a capitalist society and you need to be smart about opening a business. If you're not smart , don't open a business
Open a drugstore or pharmacy store
Open a Cake-making business
Open a Restaurant
Open a Stationery store
Start a Tailoring business
Start an ice cream business
Start a Furniture-Making business
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