Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Emma reports on the Burial of the Sardine tradition in Spain and Helen from Australia highlights her Success with Electoculture. In New Earth News: we are learning how to Navigate Relationships; and much more! In World News: France Flights Canceled; Bangladesh School Heat; and more!…
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Need a "Whiteboard".
Friends from unn whats going on with the heat web here in mexico and around the world??? 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Question: If the K.I.M.S. allows you to record conversations and such, why can’t we find the Chinese guy that was going to manufacture the healing devices for ‘Trump’?
Please do your research on Kim Goguen….
Почему Южный полюс закрыт,никому туда нельзя? Почему в Австралии, есть высокой забор под напряжением, длинной несколько тысяч километров, и туда никого не пускают? Есть версия,что территория где мы живём очень большая, а рядом где-то есть проходы, порталы на другие территории, где живут другие формы жизни, и на Южном полюсе и в Австралии, охраняют именно эти порталы..Американцы не летали ни на какую Луну…Кстати, если смотреть на Луну,очень похоже на карту нашей Земли, и рядом есть ещё какие-то Земли..
God Almighty to You be all glory all power and all honor! Thank You for giving Kimberly Ann Goguen the power to operate everyday! Thank You👑
Thank you, Kimberley
Listen you guys…new ones..ones that have been here all along..u deep staters…god only knows who may show up here…our numbers are growing…i look forward to our collaborations and great adventures..
CARE is a Chinese agency
What does that tell you?
If you don't know nesara GESARA already started then you are Fake you have false information. Talking shit about trump is tasteless and girls giggling about it are disgusting and immature.
REMIX from 2 days ago and reposted.. cheap shot sonny
Blessing to GOD-Source and all of the Universal council and Kim and sunny and all peoples that are in the restoring of the earth.
Well…hm…glad you guys are ever at it Sunny…you know..when i developed my red healing light..i had no idea how well it would work..when i developed my small healing coil that healed me in one minute..i had no idea that it was going to somehow do that..i followed my higher guidance and it took into the unknown…this journey with kim..with you ..reminds me of my other journeys into the unknown…i cannot help but feel for everyone who has joined in with kim..you…and unn…all wondering how this journey into the unknown is going to go…there are no words i can speak that would cover the way i felt that day i wad miraculously healed in one minute…i had to stick with it…even though i had no idea what the outcome would be..i am glad that i did…this adventure into tomorrow with unn feels like that..the outcome will be beyond our imaginings
I love this so much. Glad to hear conversation about doing something. Kim I have a question about the quantum equations T x V/E = M . Instead of E=MC2.
If time is a man made construct then what dose T stand for ???
If a person plans to open a new school system where children can be just children. And learn from their environment and to work together. Will that person be able to get the funds to do said projects?
Blah blah blah it's not the real Trump , you need to show proof of this.
I see the same ol' Trump as always nothing different so its ALL BS unless you show proof !
Where did the money for Lahaina families go? FEMA?
Gezzzzzz, just release the 'ET' tech … more foreplay? : [
Why doesn’t CARE get with Michael Tellinger and his UBUNTU model? A contributionist society. I bet you could mesh ideas and come up with something spectacular!
Kim is how I sound. When someone asks how you are lol, I'm thinking, well, hmmmm..whatever
Sunny, you are so patient being able to sit there with Kim for over an hour in the videos! I've watched thousands of videos, and not many interviewers can do it well . Personally, I couldn't handle it . As I'm not a very public socialble person, lol