25 SHOCKING Facts About Slavery Not Taught In Schools

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25 SHOCKING Facts About Slavery Not Taught In Schools

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  1. That statement is so wrong Africans did not sell Africans Africans sold Israelites God's chosen people which are the real Jews that the Bible speaks of they are still telling lies.😈

  2. The convict leasing system is still in place today. They never changed that law and the prisons are privately owned Mx so that even made it worse and expanded. Thus the highest incarceration rate in the world combined for “other” crimes as the highest %, and POC, blacks.

  3. The Holocaust was documented has the work crimes against a nation of people in history. those Jews were literally being exterminated by the thousands and put into poison chambers and executed by firing squads. And black Americans are making videos about being the true Jews of the Bible. I highly doubt it. It takes a strong nation to have endured genocide of a whole nation while the whole world watched. I see a black American slavery story on every other post which was a civil act dominance, and there were several slave owners I read about who had compassion and remorse for slaves. The Holocaust was zero compassion and total annihilation. I'm curious to why are there so many black Americans slave videos being presented. After all, black Americans weren't the only slaves documented but there's so many videos it will give you the impression that black Americans were the only group too suffer

  4. The African slave trade in the United States simply shows the lack of Christianity in our country. Just like today, Jesus Christ, God, was only important when His word didn’t interfere with their money. Otherwise, Jesus Christ was overlooked and MONEY was the priority.

    They literally used the part of the Bible that they liked and they omitted those parts that God wanted all to know. For the Bible itself states that those who kidnapped and enslaved free men and women should be put to death.

    Exodus 21:16 NASB
    “Now one who kidnaps someone, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall certainly be put to death.

    Exodus 21 is also the same Chapter from which the “forefathers” learned about the standard for indentured servitude as well as the fact that a free man could sell himself into slavery but couldn’t be forced or kidnapped into slavery if he was free.

  5. Im white ,i find it crazy people can do this to other people its just hatred beyond my level of understanding. Its strange how what happened in 1940s germany is taught everywhere but this was never taught at school . I grew up in the care system though and alot of the staff were "Afro -carribean " and i would talk for ages with some of the workers who taught me alot ,i remember being taught about what Leopold did to the Congolese its beyond barbaric

  6. We will never ever forget what they the white people did to us. Baried but we will not forget. Peace will come to my people by The Almighty One. I am black and I am proud till the end!!!!!

  7. I'm so sorry, but this is why Reparations will always be an issue for us with them. They feel that there is no debt owed to what was considered livestock.
    We have to take EVERYTHING from them as they took everything from us.
    They truly feel no obligation to acknowledge our humanity until their eyes are forced open and left with no other choice.

  8. This information needs to be taught in schools. We as Americans need to know our true history so that we do not repeat our mistakes. To learn how to be better people, to govern our country of immigrants equally and with civility.
    Thank you for the education.

  9. This is why indigenous people need to WAKE UP FROM THE SLEEP SPELL NOW!!!! They put the truth right in front of us so we can see and understand the atrocities that our ancestors had to endure(dehumanization) ENOUGH, NOW WE RISE 😊

  10. Blacks were slaves in Egypt too. The commentator try to hide that fact and made it look like whites were slaves in Egypt which is a lie. Judgment is here and those who enslaved the Bantu will be punished.

  11. 🗣️. This is why blk women should be highly respected by blk men. Blk women suffered the most during slavery (with no protection provided by blk men). And, now we have blk men on social media disparaging blk women everyday … Blk men (collectively) are a global embarrassment at this point. … I REPEAT, BLK MEN (collectively) ARE A GLOBAL EMBARRASSMENT. …. And, BTW, I am a married blk man with 2 daughters and 1 son. … Proud, Foundational BLK American (FBA) 💯🇺🇲

  12. If only I could go back in time and be invisibile 🤔. History would be different in many ways. Yet these slaveholders were so called Christians,🙏🏽🤔,evil, demonic and so cruel. Home of the free!!🤔🤔


  14. Even when they baptized Africans with European names, they still enslaved and colonized Christianized Africans. Why? Because their religion is MAN MADE (not from God) but simply a Eurocentric culture.

  15. It's even worse than you think. Humans are not able to produce thoughts, or feel feelings on their own! If you can produce thoughts, decide and feel a feeling on your own, move your body by a decision produced by yourself, then you are an independent being… But you're not. Everything is a lie and an illusion orchestrated by a higher system residing on a higher plane. Everything is designed like this on purpose, by something very evil. Black christian priests figured it out by studying discernment in the new testament bibles, now tell your neighbour!

  16. Racists whites that will come with conservativism and color blindness. Wanna hide this history because they are cowards. And honestly I just hope for the day we as blacks have power to return this trauma to them if we so choose to. That is the only way they'll learn their lesson and be more humble and Want to tone for the wrong doings their kind has done to us during slavery and after slavery.

    But the least Our people are owed is to have their stories told.