10 UGLY Beard Mistakes “Good Looking” Guys NEVER Make!
10 UGLY Beard Mistakes “Good Looking” Guys NEVER Make!
*The best grooming tool at the best deal* click https://bit.ly/Alpha_V2-ZeroBlade
This Limited TIme Special Alpha m. Offer Includes a FREE Zero Blade ($24.95 value)
The Beardscape is amazing for trimming your beard, fading, shaping, and manscaping.
They sell out quickly, Don’t wait! Click https://bit.ly/Alpha_V2-ZeroBlade
Thank you to Brio…
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The best grooming tool at the best deal click https://bit.ly/Alpha_V2-ZeroBlade
This Limited TIme Special Alpha m. Offer Includes a FREE Zero Blade ($24.95 value)
The Beardscape is amazing for trimming your beard, fading, shaping, and manscaping.
They sell out quickly, Don't wait! Click https://bit.ly/Alpha_V2-ZeroBlade
This is literally just a convoluted commercial. Wtf.
Why do i need a $100 trimmer when I can just chew my moustache to a suitable length?
I agree cheap razors arw wak
Ye o can grow a goaty like a zen master but not a nord god qnd yes im white qnd british 😅
I am very lucky that I have thick facial hair in front. On the sides not so much. So I choose to wear a circle beard style of goatee. Yes, it does entail shaving my cheeks every day, but it's worth it as the circle beard really looks great on me.
Am I the only one who finds Salma Hayek hotter without makeup? Love me a mature woman damn she's hot.
“I wanna make out with a dude with hairs in his mouth”
-A Sexy Señorita
A 2.75 screaming at us on how to be a 10+. Geesh you angry little elf, stfu
I really wanted to watch this video but after one minute into it I can’t take how he’s literally SCREAMING the entire time! Like bro chill 😂
Alpha what?
I have to defend George Lucas here….he already has a double Chin and he cuts his beard that way to give it a countouring on his face to "hide" the doublechin if he would grow hair lower his chin would look even bigger….
Facial hair only succeeds in making you look older.
Stop yelling at me
Fucking coked out Billy Mays over here.
Don"t you get tired of yourself with the shouting?
Beards are too high maintenance, men with weak chins and jawline. Cheers!
This guy is so freaking annoying
Coach Greg Doucette sound alike…
Me before this video:
Me after this video: https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/005/574/takemymoney.jpg
This guy spends most of his time in the shower
One big commercial!
Nope. Im good 🤡
Why are you shouting? Chill out dude
Tip for thicker shinier hair everywhere, consume 15g of natural gelatin everyday, after a few weeks you will notice, even your nails will grow more.
Women Used to take gelatin for their hair and nails, I guess it became forgotten about.
Beard balm…. just use tallow, rendered tallow, no smell, best beard balm/moIsturiser you will ever use, all natural, and does not cause pimples at all.
Excellent my barbers always want to trim the side of the beard and moustache thin and carve under the chin and i always tell them to leave it natural. Natural with minimum interference looks way better
Beards are not the "equivalent" to make-up, that's female talk