🤯 Pregnant WHILE Pregnant & THE BIRTH😭😭😭
Congratulations @RebeccaRobertsSupertwins on your beautiful twins! Go follow this amazing mom of 5 and their journey!
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#twins #twinbirth #superfetation
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Poor guy got nailed for two times child support one whammy
That's so awesome, my mamaw had a set of twin's. I always wanted twin's to name them after the ones she lost
This is absolutely so cool and such a miracle ❤ it just goes to show how amazing and mysterious humans truly are!
Babies ❤❤❤
That happened to my grandma, but the babies were conceived 3 months apart
God is good
People who say there's no God. Who did this??? Bcz no man can .. it's incredibly amazing 🤩
This reminds me of the movie of Twins with one twin larger in size then the other
How did that happen? Can anyone explain to me
Aww I love babies ❤❤❤ my 4 daughter and 3 son's are my life.
Cain and Abel…..
There are only 10 confirmed cases of this in the history of the world, I thought?
This happened to two girls at a school but the thing is they were born like 3 days apart because there mom wanted to give a natural birth and one of them came out but…………. Just read above
They're technically not twins because the embryos didn't come from the same cycle, but that wouldn't stop me from calling them twins 😂
Yall they need to stop being so h0rny
This happened to my sister in law. My niece and nephew are gestationally like a week apart.
Wow! That happened to me! My babies didn't survive because my pregnancy test don't show I'm pregnant until I'm about 5 months and my doctor didn't believe I was pregnant until I miscarried. I was still pregnant with the other one but only 3 to 4 weeks and they were afraid of where it was because they believed the second pregnancy caused my miscarriage so they advised I not carry the second in case it was somewhere out could hurt or kill me. I wanted to wait but I didn't know what to do and eventually took the doctors advice. I hope I made the right decision.
❤ makes sense but very strange
I would be scared to ever have sec again because what in the 😭 oh she’s fertile fertile
Am glad they r both healthy nevertheless 🎉❤
this happened to my mom with us first week me then two weeks later my brother same birthday just 2 mins apart i came first
Congratulations to Your Non-Twins!! 😁🎉🎉🎉🎉🥰🥰🥰
I'm a tad confused how they are twins if they were conceived weeks apart? Absolutely amazing! 💖
I wish I have another one hiding in my belly somewhere 😂 6 months and so far it’s only one fetus detected 😂 why it wasn’t 2
My twins are a few days apart gestationally
How did she already have 2 scans at a couple of weeks pregnant?…. I'm 20 weeks and I've had 1 scan.
My twin sister was conceived 6 weeks after me. I was full term 6lbs, she was premature, and 3 lbs.
One of my very best friends is a “twin” but he is not a gestational twin. He and his brother were born on the same day but his brother was almost two weeks premature and had to undergo lots of surgeries. They are both alive and well today, but it took years for his brother to overcome all of the difficulties of being a premie.
Congratulations 🎉😊❤
Interesting. I really believe this is more common than we've believed thus far. I did overhear a conversation where a bus driver on a city bus told a lady that he was a twin but they were something like 5 months apart. They had to stop the labour and put the mom on bedrest for as long as possible for the second. Guess that complicates the question of whether someone is a twin or not. Were they twins? Is twins sharing a womb or being conceived at the same time? Or on some sort of continuum? Hmm.
Its the other way around for me.. i conceived twins they both have same gestation but i give birth day apart.. the doctor said the other twin should be born 3 days after the other twin went out,but since the heart beat goes down so fast ive undergone cs 1 day after the other twin was born.. i now have two twin girls with different birthdates..😅
Isso aconteceu comigo e com o meu irmão gêmeo, eu sou três dias mais nova de gestação
not true a normal baby gains about 2 LBs in the last month of pregnancy going from 5 LBs 12.8 oz to 7 LBs 8 oz and multiples usually weigh about 20% less than a singleton baby so around 2.72 Kilos or 6 LBs each for twins and decreasing for high order multiples after that. oh and Ultrasound has been used in pregnancy since the mid 1970s so its not a novel technology
So this is what they seen…. My sister formed before me 😡
now this is interesting, which one of them is the eldest? the first out of the womb, or the first one to be concieved?
My niece is having twins they will be a week apart
Actually crazy story i've had this happen with my cows, the first time, the cow neglected the calf the second time around she accepted the calf so we had a bottle calf.
Would they TECHNICALLY be twins tho?
Congratulations to you and your family.
If they were conceived 3 weeks apart, isn't the one baby conceived 3 weeks later considered premature?
Oh my goodness! When I was in elementary school I remember asking an adult if you could get pregnant again after having sex. They said “No” and I never looked into it again. Even telling friends the “joke”, when in actuality it’s true. Wow! I’m 40 BTW. Why do we not know this?
So basically when she had a baby it happend again and sense tehy didn’t grow at the same times there not the same age
Omg!!what a God's creation!!Amazing. Never heard something like this🥰😊