ምርጥ የአዋዜ አሰራር/How to make Awaze /Ethiopian Food Recipe
ምርጥ የአዋዜ አሰራር/How to make Awaze /Ethiopian Food Recipe
Welcome to EthioTastyFood
EthioTastyFood channel where you can find different types of Ethiopian food and recipes. This channel contains step by step Video guide on how to make delicious Ethiopian dishes, all kinds of eaters can enjoy.
Ethio Tasty Food
ethio tasty food
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እናመሰግናለን በጣም ቆጆ ነዉ
Selam dear ,Be weyn tej fanta men metekem yechalal?
Simple and specific. Thank you for sharing.
ለመጀምርያ ግዝየ ኣይሁ ወይን ጠጅ አና ኣችቶ ሁሉ ግዝየ አዲስ ነገር መማር ጥሩ ነው
የወይን ጠጅ ባረበኛ ምንድነው ንገሩን አዋዜ አምሮኛል
የወይን ጠጅ ምንድነው የመዳም ቅመሞች ባረበኛ ምንድነው ስሙ በአላህ መልሱልኝ ፈልጌው ነው👆👆👆👆👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
ዉይ በእንጀራዉ ሲያስጎመዥ❤
የውይን ጠጂ ማለት ነው ጠጂ ሙስሊም ከኦንስ
But I don't think you are write you never ever put water in aware
Ok may be for pente religion people it may work.instead of that you can call and ask me with my messenger thanks
I think this is your favourite which is good for you
Ijeshe yebarek
ሰናፍጭ ለምን አይገባም
Thank you!
ምድነዉ አጅቱ ግልፅ አርግልኝ ማር
The authentic awaze is not from berbere but different preparation of berbere without the seeds to eliminate the hotness/fire taste. Using regular berbere for awaze / dilih is fake awaze
Hello Sis. Will you please add subtitles in English to expand your audience and subscribers please? I am your African sister across the ocean in the USA that wants to learn recipes from home please!🤩🤩
ፍሪጅ ውስጥ ለምን ያህል ቀን መቀመጥ ይችላል ?
Can you give the recipe is English plz
ምርጧ ስወድሽኮ